Chapter 3. Disqualified

Elsie's POV

As I stood on the field, the sound of joyous cheers and chants from the audience surrounded me. My chest burned as I tried to steady my breathing, my heart pounded in my chest so hard it echoed in my ears. It had been announced that Elsie Luttrell had come Fifth place in the Warrior Selection! Was this a dream? Had I fallen asleep in the woods and my subconscious was playing all of this in my mind? It was definitely real!

Gracie would be so proud of me. I played with the pendant piece around my neck as I thought about her smiling face.

My heart raced as the adrenaline pumped through me, my excitement couldn't be contained as a broad smile shaped my lips. I had worked so hard to get here, put everything I had into getting into the final ten, and I achieved it!

Leaving my Pack and abandoning Rory for this was already worth it. I wish I could see the look on Rory's face when he realised that I was a Summer Pack warrior. All those years he spent manipulating me, but now I knew my strength lay within myself. I didn't need him.

Now for the really exciting part, the interviews. I tried to gather my thoughts and make sure I had some interesting answers to whatever questions they had prepared for me. I waited where I was told, expecting the interviewers to show up any moment.

And they did, a lump formed in my throat as I recognised one of them instantly. 

Theo Warren. 

No, this couldn't be, this isn't happening. As he walked toward me, I recognised his messy dark hair, steel blue eyes, and his jawline was stubbled with a short beard. There was no denying Theo was completely handsome. I tried to remember the last time he met me, would it have been long enough for him to forget what I looked like? With the amount of people Theo had encountered since then, it would be fair to assume I was wiped from his memory.

By his side were two other men, identical twins to be exact. They both appeared similar to Theo in looks, except both of their hair were longer in style. Kai's was tie back into a ponytail, while Oris' was left to flow down freely.

"This is Kai and Oris," Theo introduced them as they approached me "My brothers, we'll all be interviewing you today,"

"Oh," I responded, my cheeks flushing with redness. Mainly because of the fear of Theo recognising me, but also due to the way Kai looked at me. His eyes set on my breasts, making it absolutely obvious where his mind went. I felt the immediate discomfort at this moment, but had to endure anything thrown my way in order to complete this process.

Please don't recognise me. I spoke inside my head, just please. I need this, it's so important.

Making eye contact with Theo, I watched his expression change. A frown formed on his brow and I knew instantly he recognised me. Shit, what would I do? How did he remember me? Perhaps it was my hair colour, I knew I should have dyed it, or worn a hat.

"No this isn't happening," Theo grunted "This one is disqualified, and I will not accept her into the Summer Pack," his steel eyes set firmly on me "I suggest you leave right away, you're not welcome here,"

"But..." I stopped, trying to think of a reason to change Theo's mind "The rules said you accept anyone from any Pack, and that's me included! I'm a rogue wolf, I don't belong anywhere,"

"No! You're lying," Theo snapped, lunging toward me "I'm not allowing the lover of Rory Roth to have any association with my Pack, he's a scumbag! Just enough to hatch a plan such as this, have you joined the Summer Pack so you can act as a spy for the Autumn Pack?" Theo stepped back as he studied me "I know how Rory's mind works, and I'm not letting him get away with it,"

"Well, that's a real shame," Kai spoke as he made a clicking sound with his mouth "I was really looking forward to getting to know you Red" a smirk appeared on his lips "Hows about you and I have a bit of fun before you get kicked out? Spend the night with me?" Kai winked at me and I felt my stomach turn "I've heard a lot about you, and there must be something special if Rory keeps you around,"

What was I now? Just a piece of meat for men's pleasure? Since when was I having to settle with being treated like this by the male species?

 I had to remain calm and contain my anger. I needed Theo to realise that I wasn't a spy, in fact, the opposite. I was a traitor to Rory now.

"You have to understand," I said to Theo, grabbing his shoulder he turned to face me again "I left Rory. I'm no longer part of the Autumn Pack," I paused to choose my words "He wants me to bear his children, and I don't want any part of that," I felt myself become angry, I wanted this so badly that I tried to contain my emotion.

"Just tell them, Elsie," Ashe spoke in my mind "Let them know what a horrible ass Rory is,"

"No," I responded to my wolf "I can't let them know why we're really here, not yet anyway,"

"Oh come on, what have you got to lose?" Ashe asked.

"Everything!" the tone of my inner voice rose with my anger "Ashe, we need these men to trust us before we go revealing too much,"

Ashe sighed "Very well, you know best I guess," she disappeared from my mind.

I noticed the other twin, Oris, had seemed to have his interest piqued as he caught my last words. He studied my face with an inquisitive look in his eye.

"That is most interesting my dear," Oris spoke softly, he stepped forward but Theo waded in and shoved Oris backwards, away from me.

"We're wasting too much time on this Spy," he grunted, his eyes burned with rage "You need to get out of here, I don't want to see your face around here ever again,"

"Theo, please," I couldn't control my tears, they began to well in my eyes "This means everything to me, please give me a chance!"

"Go back to Rory, and let him see how pathetic you are," Theo spoke coldly "You are removed from the Warrior Selection."

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