Chapter 2

Ralton pack

This is Alpha Blake’s pack. The second strongest pack on the list of elite packs kept by the wolf council.

Lavana was introduced to the pack as the trophy and punching bag. No one was to show mercy to her.

From then on, anyone who felt like beating her up would come to her.

At first, she tried to resist but now, she has given up. Resisting means more beatings which will take a longer time to heal.

As an Omega who hadn’t shifted yet, her healing was the slowest!


After the Gamma’s son was satisfied with beating her, he left and she collapsed to the floor in pain and exhaustion.

She had no more tears to shed. Her whole body trembled.

She struggled to crawl to the corner of the super tiny room she was given to stay in from the day she was taken to this damn pack.

It had no windows or a door to protect her from mosquitoes and other creeping animals.

She used a cloth thrown away by one of the Omegas as a curtain and that was all.

She opened a nylon bag and took out some dried herbs that helped her to heal a little faster. She found these 4 years ago and started to dry them so that she can chew on them every day. It was very bitter but effective.


3 days later, it was the day the Alpha’s son would turn 16 and also the day he would first shift into a werewolf and train himself further for the position of an Alpha, which would become his in two years’ time.

The Alpha threw a party which would last till 2 am the next day.

The Alpha’s sole son named Chase would show his wolf to them after being assisted by the Beta. This was the tradition.

The party started at 8 pm and everyone was invited. Except for a certain somebody!

She was thankful no one was in the mood to beat her up today. Maybe Mother Luck decided to shine on her for a time. But she could expect more beatings tomorrow.

For now, she was thankful. Today was even her period! She didn’t have the luxury of getting disposable pads every time. She often settles for some rags thrown in the trash.

She’d wash and use them. It was better than nothing. Although many had seen her leak out sometimes because she couldn’t change out of her rags in time as she was busy receiving hits. She had to bear the mockery, especially from the boys in the pack.

She lay on the cold floor in her tiny room and closed her eyes.

She clutched her belly and a tear escaped her eyelids.

“Father... Mother... Austin... Why? Why did that have to happen? Why is life so unfair? Why am I even struggling to live? I’m the same age as the Alpha only he’s months older. Today, he’s shifting with people to celebrate the emergence of his wolf. But look at me... I can’t even feel my wolf say less of experience my first shift. I am a slave to the Omegas in this damn pack. I have no future. Even if I die, will I even have a tomb? Revenge? That’s far off from me. I can’t even hold a bucket properly, I have almost no access to food so I eat herbs that aren’t poisonous. Everyone’s out there enjoying themselves; having a good time, but here I am... even rats don’t wanna come close to me. I should have died back then so we’d be reunited early. Why... why do I keep struggling to see the next day?” she muttered to herself as tears fell in torrents.

She’s so hungry right now and can’t even rest coz of the pain she’s eating. She was banned from even leaving the room till tomorrow.

Would she even survive till then?

While she was lost in thoughts, a soothing voice was heard.

“Calm down, hun! We were asleep before. Now we are here. When we find our mate, we can leave this pack. The Alpha has no rule over the mate bond.”

“Who are you? And where are you?” she asked in a hoarse voice.

“We are you. Give us two more years and we shall come out.” the voice said and faded.

“Please tell me. I want to know!” Lavana begged but got no reply.

She then sighed.

“What was that voice in my head? It is so calming. My pains have reduced too. I think I can survive till tomorrow now.” she thought.

She wiped off her tears and managed to sit up.

“Could that voice be my wolf? She wants me to give her two years then I can shift. Will I be able to hold on till then? What am I saying? I’ve eaten all these for over a decade; what is two mere years? I can’t wait to see her arrival. She said our mate would free us from this bondage... Is he an Alpha or... Oh, I am so excited.” a smile appeared on her parched lips.

Her dim eyes sparkled. Yes, she wasn’t entirely hopeless. She had a mate, a powerful one who would rescue her from here. Then she’ll take revenge and spare no newborn from this pack. All of them are scums like Alpha Blake- they deserve to die a million times!

A fire was burning in her heart again. Yes, she must live... she had to live for her parents, for Austin, for her wronged pack members and for her wolf!

“Ralton pack, smile a little longer,” she muttered and arranged her hair.

The pain had greatly reduced. She swore she could even make dance moves with it-but she had two left feet.

“Thank you, I can’t wait for you to come out,” Lavana whispered.

“Hehe, it’s nothing.” the voice replied again and faded

Excited, Lavana tried to initiate a conversation in her mind but there was no reply. But it confirmed it. Her wolf is just sleeping!

When it was 11 pm, she heard the Alpha son screaming.

A future Alpha’s shift is very painful but once he can get through it will be easier to shift from then on. He won’t feel much pain to transform. But for Omegas... every shift is painful so they only shift during the full moon or when it is demanded.

One fact too is all werewolves have this blur in their eyes. When they shift to human, they will be naked. So the moon goddess blurred the private places so only their mate can see how they really look. But for someone who hasn’t shifted like her, everything will be seen- no blur!

“I’m so sleepy...” she yawned and lay back down.

The Alpha’s son’s first shift and the stupid celebration party had nothing to do with her.

Soon sleep took her to la-la land. She hadn’t slept so well in decades!

Meanwhile, at the celebration party, everyone had been having a good time but became worried when they heard bones snapping.

The Alpha’s son was transforming. The Beta quickly carried him out to a room prepared for this purpose.

“Don’t worry, Chase. You’ll be alright.” he consoled.

“I know that. Let’s just get this over with. Come out faster you damn wolf.” Chase barked.

His bones started snapping and cracking at a fast rate. This pain was eating him alive but he had no energy to scream. His heartbeat had increased and his eyes changed from green to red.

“Turn around!” Chase’s wolf had taken over.

The Beta obeyed. It’s not like he’s the one shifting. Hmph.

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