Chapter 2. His Ignorance

Aana Pov's 


I turned my body on the bed and automatically my hands went on the bed to touch my belly. In pregnancy, it's essential to sleep in a proper position. I opened my eyes when I felt a hand moving on my hair. 

Aunt Jennifer was sitting beside me. I smiled and tried to sit, which she helped me with. 

"How many times do I have to tell you not to take stress?" She scrawled.

"What happened?" I asked confusingly.

"Don't tell me you forget this?" She asked surprisingly. I look at her confusingly.

"Don't know what happened suddenly, but your BP went down. Thanks to Mr. Aaron for holding you on time. Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened, "she said. My eyes shoot up when I remember what happened before I fainted.

"he was here… In front of me. He owns this NGO. My Aaron was here" I thought, and a smile appeared on my face.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Who? Mr. Aaron?"


"He is in the office with Stefan taking details about our NGO" she answered. "He is such a nice person… Not only did he save you from falling but also got worried for you. He was anxious until the doctor said that you're fine. Just your BP was high.”.

A big smile came on my face after hearing Aunt. I still remember how much he used to take care of me.

"At first we all felt awkward, but then his wife cleared our misunderstanding that he is like this only. He cares for everyone," Jennifer said with a smile, leaving me dumbfounded.

"His wife?" I asked shockingly.

"Yes, his wife was with him only," She said. I was stunned, not knowing how to react. I was blank and a tear rolled down from my eyes remembering his confession.

"Me and my wolf, Rex, love you Aana... we love you a lot. Can't even imagine our life without you. Will you marry me?” These were his words and here not only he threw me out of his life but also married someone else… Maybe she is his second chance mate. After rejecting me, he found her.

Did anything else leave for me in this painful life? Why did he come back into my life when he had moved on… Why god? Why do you cross our paths together again? Why?

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a hand on my head.

"what happened? Why are you crying?" Jennifer asked. I wiped my tears and smiled.

"Nothing… pregnancy mood swings. I want to sleep" 

"ok. Sleep for some time. I will call you when dinner is ready," I nod.

She was about to leave the room when I heard the sound of a knock. I turned my face towards the door and was stunned to see Aaron standing at the door.

"Why are you standing at the door, Mr. Aaron? Please come inside" Aunt Jennifer greeted him where I was just staring at him. Nothing has changed in him except the way he looks at me. 

He was just staring at me with no expression and in the eyes where I always found love for me is empty. Well, why am I expecting anything from a married man? I turn my face to the other side.

"How are you, Mrs." he clamped up. I look towards him, shockingly. Would he not even recognize me? I bit my inner cheeks to restrain myself from crying… I don't wanna break down in front of him.

"I'm Fe---feeling g--good… Thank you" I said, trying my best not to shutter.

"Great" he muttered in a cold tone and turned his face towards Jennifer. It hurt. It hurts terribly when he ignores me. The person who can't leave a second without cuddling and talking to me when I am with him is ignoring me. Someone says right, time changes everything.

"Mrs. Jennifer, I was about to leave, but due to bad weather, we couldn't go at night. So Ivanna and I decided to stay here for the night if you don't mind"

"Did he say, Ivanna? The girl who proposed to him in front of me, and he rejected her saying he loved me… wow," I thought and laughed at my misery. 

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time over my situation. There was a time when I didn't let any girl roam around with him, and today he is standing in front of me with his wife.

"Oh No, Mr. Aaron, why would I have a problem? After all, this is your NGO. You wait in an office. I will call you for dinner and also make arrangements for your stay"

“Thank you,” He said and left from there. 

"OK, Aana you rest. We will meet at the dining table" Aunt Jennifer said and left to prepare dinner. It took me a while to process everything that just happened now. He didn't even recognize me or say he was pretending to be a stranger.

"Does everything change between us, even our love?" I mumbled to myself. My eyes went to the door again. I know he went away, but I still felt like he was standing there. 

I stood up from the bed, feeling pain in my swelling legs because of pregnancy. I went towards the door and looked sideways, only to get the biggest shock of my life. Aaron was kissing Ivanna. Tears rolled down from my eyes. I immediately went inside the room and closed the door. 

I still couldn't believe my eyes. He was kissing someone else. Well, that someone is his wife. I tried… I really tried not to cry but failed miserably. I sat down on the ground crying terribly, remembering the moment we spent together and his harsh words when we separated. 

What a great life I have… I used to forget small and everyday things, but I can't forget him, his love, his care, and also the pain he gave me.

I wiped my tears and smiled. I was crying for the person who accused me. No… this is not right… I have self-respect and I won't cry for that person... I won't. I mumbled to myself but again tears rolled down from my eyes.



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