Chapter 3

"Daniel, thank you for helping me just now. Well, can we put off the procedures until after the engagement party tomorrow is finished?"

"It depends on you." He shrugged. It didn't really matter if it was delayed for a day.

"Thank you." Sonia finally breathed a sigh of relief. She had to do everything to save her dignity tomorrow.

With that, she invited him to have lunch with her.

When they walked into the restaurant next to the community, She ordered the cheapest thing on the menu—sour noodles and braised soy bean curds. Then, she went Dutch and paid for her own bill.

"Let me pay." Daniel motioned to take out his wallet, but Sonia, who didn't seem to hear him, just handed the money to him.

After taking her seat, she smiled and said, "We met by chance, and after this awkward marriage, we won't meet each other ever again. We should just pay for ourselves."

Daniel nodded in approval to her words.

Not long after that, the waiter served the noodles. Because she was the host, Sonia gave him a dried bean. "Help yourself. The food here is cheap and delicious. And more importantly, they don't use used oil here."

Daniel raised his beautiful eyebrows and said, "How do you know whether they use used oil or not?"

"I have a really sensitive stomach and intestines. So if it's used oil, I will have diarrhea if I take even one bite," she said mischievously.

'She should be in Food and Dr*g Administration with her talent,' Daniel thought, praising her in his mind.

While they were eating, Sonia suddenly stopped and took a sip of water. Then, she raised her head to look at him and asked, "So, what is it that you do?"

She wanted to know more about him. After all, he was legally her husband. It would be bad if he was a wanted criminal or he was in a huge amount of debt. She could be held responsible for it.

"I used to do architectural work. But I don't have any work right now," Daniel replied, not going into details. She didn't need to know about his background.

'Architecture? Did he build houses and move bricks on construction sites?

Well, at least it was a job,' she thought to herself.

She was relieved at his words. She looked around with her big black eyes before asking, "Where do you live now?" She had to figure out where he lived. That way, if she couldn't get in touch with him tomorrow, she would be able to look for him at his house.

"A hotel," he said perfunctorily. This woman had too many questions!

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to live in a private hotel that costs only dozens of dollars. She realized that she had implied through her words that he was a hobo who came from another city and didn't have much money at all, so he had to stay in some cheap private hotels because economical hotels were now charging several hundred for one night, and he couldn't afford it.

"I'm a man. Why would I be deceived?" Daniel shrugged, hoping to end the topic of household registration as soon as possible.

She agreed, thinking that his words actually made sense. He was a poor man that had nothing but his good looks. Frauds probably wouldn't be interested in him. Sensing the impatience in his tone, She decided to stop digging deeper.

They left the restaurant after eating lunch and parted ways. There was one other important thing for her to do. She wanted to make a nice business suit for him. As a jobless vagabond, he must have cheap stuff, and if he were to wear them, they would get exposed.

She went to the market and bought good cloth. The next day, when Daniel came, she greeted him with a tailored suit and a matching fashion shirt.

"Try it on!" She said with a smile.

Daniel had always been picky. Anything he didn't like was nothing but trash in his eyes, and he would never accept them, regardless of whether they were people or things.

However, he thought that the little girl had good taste, and the clothes were very beautiful, so he took them.

The size fitted him well.

She admired the clothes both for her talent, and his perfect body. He had a nine-head body that was perfectly proportionate body and had perfectly toned muscles. His figure was exactly right.

In fact, his body was so perfect that even beggar clothes would look fashionable on him.

It was a blessing to have such a perfect model. One look at his body was enough to give her inspiration when her mind was exhausted.

While she was busy thinking, Daniel walked over to her and said, "How did you know my size?"

"By visual inspection," with a smug smile, Sonia raised her eyebrows. Using just her eyes, she could tell the size of her clients without even getting their measurements.

Daniel curled his lips into a devilish smile. Then, he leaned in towards her and said, "Have you been observing me with your eyes in the daytime or at night?"

His voice was low and it obviously hinted flirtation. For a second, she stood stunned. But slowly, his words began to sink in. She clearly understood what he was implying. And as a consequence, her face blushed crimson red. "Don't mention it. I have forgotten it," she said, trying to maintain her composure.

Daniel's black eyes blinked, unable to believe she had forgotten it.

He remembered everything, clear as day! Every second, the scene played in his mind.

He woke up feeling hazy today. At first, his head felt unusually unclear, and he was unable to remember a thing! But soon, it began to fill up. Missing pieces of yesterday, came to his mind, one by one. He was a neat freak. No woman could touch him even if he was drunk. But when she was around, the defensive system seemed to be invaded by virus, breaking down instantly. To start with, she wasn't like any other woman he had come across. She was both beautiful and pure. Even her smell was intoxicating. At present, he couldn't control himself. He was curious and wanted to know what she thought of last night.

"Did you really forget everything?" He stared at her with utter disbelief. He had hoped she would remember something. He was certain some of the details would be missing, but knowing she forgot everything pained him. After all, it was her first time.

With her brows wrinkled in a straight line and her eyes filled with ferocity, Sonia said, "I told you not to mention it again. You've ruined everything. We are incompatible in almost every way."

She almost roared at him. Instead of getting angry, he wore a slight smile on his face. His first time was "destroyed" in her hands. Now they were even.

She had expected him to get angry, but he didn't. Instead, he merely stood, not saying anything at all. This was when she realized she had to hold back her anger. After the engagement party, they had to get a divorce and go on separate ways. Definitely!!

She walked into the room and started to dress up. She put on the honey waist dress that she designed, tied up her black hair and pulled it up into an elegant updo. Then she wore a light make-up.

When she came out, Daniel's eyes froze for a moment. This girl was even more beautiful after dressing up.

"Don't forget your role. You are rich and handsome," she reminded, hoping he wouldn't mess up. Although he was an able man with a handsome face and powerful aura, she thought it was vital to remind him. It would be quite awkward if someone managed to see through his disguise.

"Don't worry." A charming smile appeared on his lips. This was a piece of cake for him.

The Intercontinental Hotel was beautifully decorated.

The wedding hall was brimming with joy.

The engagement of James and Fabian had caused a sensation in the select society of the City, and almost all the rich and powerful people in the city had been invited.

When Sonia walked in with Daniel, everyone's eyes began to be glued to them, like a moth to the flame.

Daniel was as glorious as the sun which made all the men feel insecure and all the women become enchanted by him. The beauty of Sonia was like the fresh lotus flower, blooming gradually. She made all the girls with their heavy make-up look less beautiful.

Seeing the way every girl was admiring Sonia's radiating beauty, Fabian was overcome with jealousy. James, on the other hand, had similar emotions course through him. If he said he didn't like Sonia, he would be lying. But he couldn't love her. Love was a luxury ever since the moment he found his origin.

"God bless you, James!" said Sonia. And she tried her best to smile and relax. She had decided not to love him anymore, but her heart was still aching.

Daniel and James were observing each other with a murderous look in their eyes.

Daniel wrapped his arms around Sonia, announcing his sovereignty over her. Then he led her to walk down the stairs. He found a seat and made her sit, like a gentleman. Upon seeing the way in which Daniel was treating her, James's heart trembled with fury. Yet the worst part was, he couldn't do anything. He was compelled to watch her happy life.

Sonia rested her eyes on the staircase. James and Fabian were both born to wealthy families. This must be the so-called marriage of equal social rank! She analyzed the hall and the grand look of it. A feeling of rage began to brew in her heart. Yet she did her best to look happy.

She used to be a princess of the castle and lived an extravagant life, but...

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