Chapter 2. The Start of a Nightmare

Ellise groaned softly as she awoke from her slumber. She sat up in panic when she realized that she wasn’t in her room. The room she was presently in was very unfamiliar too and this made her worried.

‘Where am I?’ she thought.

More panic set in when she recalled the previous night’s events. She frowned slightly, confused as to why she wasn’t bound or gagged. She could’ve sworn that she had been kidnapped the previous night. The mere memory of staring into those emerald eyes, had shivers shooting up her spine.

Swallowing hard, she looked around, trying to figure out where she was. The room was spacious and well furnished. It looked like a royal chamber. “What the hell is going on? Am I dreaming?” She muttered.

The knock on the door caught her attention and she sat up quickly, eyes wide with fear. The door finally opened and a beautiful, middle aged woman stepped in giving her a warm smile.

“I see you’re up. The boss sent me to you to help you get comfortable. I am Cecilia, by the way.”

Ellise blinked, staring at her in confusion.

‘Comfortable? Is she kidding me? How can I possibly get comfortable in the abode of my captor?! What the hell is going on?! What kind of kidnapper does that?’

She was pretty sure that kidnappers didn’t live in mansions and she was sure that they lived in secret lairs where they could torture their victims.

“Oh… right,” she mumbled.

“C’mon, my lady. I have set up your bath for you. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes,” Cecilia said, leading her towards the bathroom.

Her jaw literally dropped to the ground when she finally got in. The bathroom was spotless with the shower and faucets in brilliant gold. Reluctantly, she got into the golden bath tub. The water was so warm and refreshing, she almost fell asleep.

When she stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around her body, she noticed the clothes on the bed. She felt both confused and utterly dumbstruck. Cecilia came in, offering her a warm smile.

“These clothes… are they for me?” Ellise asked.

“Yes, master provided them for you,” Cecilia responded and Ellise gasped.

‘Shit, how does he know the sizes of my underwear and clothes? Why would he do this?’

“He takes care of everyone in his possession. You have technically become ‘his possession’. You will meet him tomorrow. He’s got a tight schedule today,” Cecilia said and left the room once more.

Ellise gulped.

‘His possession? I am so screwed,’ she thought.

‘What is the boss like? What will he do to me? Will he kill me? Is he going to demand a ransom? Can it be that I am stuck here forever?’

These were questions that infiltrated her mind. So to say the least, Ellise was terrified.

Inhaling deeply, she wrapped her hair up in a bun. Fully clothed, she sat down on a chair.

Cecilia walked in shortly after, carrying a tray that contained both pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

“Here’s your breakfast.”

Ellise forced out a smile and thanked her although she wasn’t sure if she was going to eat it.

“The boss is wealthy, isn’t he?” she asked. Cecilia grinned.

“Of course, he is.”

“How long have you known him?”

“Since he was born.”


“He was such a sweet child.”

“How old is he?”

“He’s 21.”

Ellise began to feel very nervous.

To be honest, she never thought that the ‘boss’ was that young.

“What is he like?” She asked as Cecilia opened the window.

“He’s a bitter-sweet young man.”

Ellise bit her lip, watching her with a frown on her face.

“He’s a puzzle, my dear. He used to be such a simple young man but- oops, I guess I’ve said too much already. If you need me, just press the button on the wall,” she said, pointing at the button beside the door.

“I’m quite sure the boss is going to like you. Have a nice day, dear.”

As soon as she left, Ellise slid down the wall, bringing her knees to her chest.

She felt trapped. She remained in that position until her mental exhaustion caused her to fall asleep.


Yawning, Ellise sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. She frowned when she recalled falling asleep by the wall. She couldn’t remember getting to bed and was surprised to know that she’d slept for quite a long time.

Her eyes went wide when she recalled that she was supposed to meet the boss today. She felt both anxious and nervous.

So, she quickly took her bath and got dressed in a yellow dress before taking her breakfast.

“Are you nervous?” Cecilia asked her as she led her to what seemed to be the boss’ study.

“I’m freaking out, actually.”

“It’s fine. Just take deep breaths.”

“We’re here,” Cecilia said and she swallowed hard, her nerves racing. “He’s sitting on a royal blue chaise lounge. Things might get a little awkward. Just try to keep calm. His friends are there with him, just so you know.”

“Thanks, Cecilia.”

“You’re welcome, dear.”

Blowing out a breath, Ellise approached the massive glass doors. Slowly, she turned the golden knob and opened the door. She walked in slowly, her palms beginning to get sweaty.

‘This is going to be a disaster,’ she thought.

The first person she saw was a brown haired guy with warm honey brown eyes. He had a friendly smile on his handsome face. The next person had brown hair too, but his was darker, almost black. He had striking blue eyes and a lip piercing. He was smiling too and she felt herself slowly relaxing, the tension slowly slipping away. If one of them was the boss, Ellise thought that perhaps, she could get him to release her.

“You must be Ellise,” the blue-eyed guy said, his eyes twinkling.

‘Wait, how does he know my name?’ she thought.

“My name is Dmitri. It’s nice to meet you, El,” he said with a wink and she smiled a bit.

“The name’s Dominic. Nice to meet you, El,” the brown-haired guy said.

“Nice to meet you too,” she blurted. She could recall seeing green eyes staring at her the night she was kidnapped. But why wasn’t he among them?

“I-I was told that the boss w-wants to see me,” she stuttered.

Dmitri and Dominic exchanged glances.

“Love, that would be him,” Dmitri said, pointing at someone across the room.

“Turn around.”

Slowly, she turned to look at him.

He was sprawled on a royal blue chaise lounge, head tipped back with his arms on either side of the longue. The air momentarily left her lungs at the sight of the beautifully carved young man sprawled out on the chaise lounge. He was smoking hot and yet, he was a piece of frosting. Ellise had never really liked men with slightly long hair until now. His body was lean, muscular and undeniably fit. His piercing green eyes were enchanting and his skin had a beautiful glow to it. She was practically drooling at the sight.

His emotionless face snapped her out of her frenzy.

He wasn’t even giving her a slight smile.

“What is your name?” He asked coldly.

She gulped, her heart pounding hard.

How can someone be this terrifying?

“Ellise S-sumners,” she stuttered.

“Ellise Sumners. Do you know why you’re here?” He asked without a hint of expression in his husky voice.

“N-not really.”

“Good. You are not to leave this house-”

“But I want to go home!” She blurted out but realized her mistake a little too late.

He stood up, taking predatory steps towards her. He was towering over her and she couldn’t help but feel intimidated.

“Bad, bad girl. You should learn never to interrupt your boss whenever he’s speaking,” he said, his eyes darkening.

Ellise went pale, tears filling her eyes.

“Xan, you’re scaring her,” Dominic said while she trembled, unable to make eye contact with him. His chocolate brown hair fell over his eye and he clenched his jaw, anger radiating from him.

“You are not allowed to leave this house, and you will do anything I ask you to do!” he growled.

“Xan, calm down,” Dmitri said.

He turned to glare at Dmitri, eyes darkening the more.

“Get. Out!” he growled, clenching his fist.

“Xan, you don’t have to do this,” Dominic said.

“I said, leave!”

Dominic and Dmitri sighed and began to walk away, concern in their eyes.

“Listen carefully. If you fail to behave well, you will be punished. Never enter my room unless I asked you to do so. Don’t you dare touch my personal stuff!”

“I want t-to go home,” she whimpered, tears flowing down my cheeks. He chuckled bitterly, tipping my head back with his finger under my chin.

“You are not going anywhere. You are trapped here.”

Ellise felt like she was going to suffocate. Why her of all people? Why would someone as dangerous as he was, be interested in someone like her?

“Please, let me go! I have a family!” she cried. His grip on her wrist tightened and she yelped.

“You’re hurting me!” she cried.

“I don’t give a damn. I am your boss, and you won’t try to leave, got it?”

She nodded, shaking like a leaf in winter.

“What s-should I call y-you?”

“Mr. Loides.”

He released her, and she ran out of the study, throwing herself to the ground as soon as she got to her room.

This had just officially become the start of her worst nightmare.

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