Chapter 2

Nora, Ethan's only elder sister entered Layla's suite with an overwhelming smile. She rushed to hug Layla immediately her eyes landed on her. With a curious voice, she asked

"Oh, darling! I heard about what happened, did that witch hurt you?

Layla smiled seeing how furious Nora was. The look on Nora's face gave her confidence that someone was ready to back her up.

"Of course not, my brave, strong Ethan saved me.” Her eyes glittered, a mix of glee and triumph. 

Layla smiled up at Nora, her hand resting gently on her swelling stomach. 

“It won't be long now before I take my rightful place as Luna and Hazel… well, she can stay out of the way for all I care.”

Nora smiled her expression a mirror of Layla’s own. 

“You’re so close to achieving everything you’ve ever wanted, darling. And with a child on the way?”

“You’re the best sister in law ever” Layla smiled and Nora smiled 

“I want you for my brother..not a barren who couldn’t give him a child for the past three years,” Nora said 

Layla laughed, a genuine warmth suffusing her face.

 “You’re so right, Nora. I’m exactly what Ethan needs.” The two women shared a conspiratorial smile, their heads tilted close together in the dim light.

“And with the pack’s support firmly behind me, there’s nothing Hazel can do to stop me. Soon enough, I’ll be the rightful Luna, with a child of the alpha to solidify my position.”

Nora nodded, her thoughts turning to Hazel.

“Ethan is going to cut off their mate bond tonight and make you his mate and Luna..and she will be out of this pack”

“Tonight is surely a great night” Nora smiled 

“Yes, tonight is indeed a great night.” Layla’s grin widened, a cruel light dancing in her eyes. “Hazel will be nothing but a forgotten memory by sunrise.”

Nora gave Layla's shoulder a gentle squeeze, her voice low and fervent. 

“And once you're Luna, the packs will finally be united under our rule. No more waiting. No more hiding. We will be family.”

The room crackled with anticipation, the two women's breaths coming a little faster, a little hotter.


Hazel came out of her bathroom, her maid Lia didn’t come to her so she had to get dressed herself 

It’s time for the urgent meeting, Ethan called 

Hazel stood in the flickering light of the bedroom, a portrait of defiance despite the torment raging within her. She refused to give up, to surrender without a fight. Her hand trembled as she gathered her tresses into a braid, a silver-white streak running through the black strands.

As she fastened the clasp of her cloak, Hazel caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The face that looked back at her was changed, shadows beneath her eyes, her lips pressed into a thin, determined line. 

“Everyone is waiting for you Luna Hazel,” A guard said and walked away 

Hazel got out of her room and headed to the hall

The castle’s walls seemed to crowd in on her as she made her way through the winding corridors. The gathered pack members fell silent as she entered the hall, their eyes flitting between her and the raised platform where Ethan and Layla stood. The air was heavy with tension, pregnant with possibility.

Hazel’s feet felt like lead as she approached the Alpha, her mate, his face unreadable, guarded. She knew this moment would change everything.

Ethan cleared his throat, his voice booming through the hall. 

“I've called this meeting tonight because there's news that can no longer be ignored,” Ethan spoke with a gravity that made Hazel’s heart race, her ears straining to pick up every word. 

“It is time that our packs joined forces. Our lands, our resources, our people. And to ensure this unity, my mate will bear my child.” Ethan’s arm snaked around Layla’s waist, pulling her closer, his eyes never leaving Hazel.

The hall erupted into a cacophony of cheers and whispers, the pack members’

Hazel saw her parent sitting..and she wanted to rush to them and let them know everything Layla said to them was a lie 

But the looks on their face are sending her to hell already 

Every eye in the hall was on Hazel, the air thick with judgment and triumph. Ethan’s gaze was a spear through her heart, the Alpha’s betrayal a searing brand on her soul. But it was her parents’ expressions that truly twisted the knife. 

Her father’s disappointment was palpable, a silent accusation that she wasn’t good enough, that she’d let him down. And her mother’s face was a study in denial, a stiff smile stretched across her lips like a funeral shroud.

Every ounce of Hazel’s control was fraying, her heart a fiery knot in her chest. The silence in the hall was deafening, but she could still hear the echo of Ethan’s words, Layla’s laughter, and her parents’ silence. 

Ethan stepped forward and everyone turned to him 

I Alpha Ethan Wellington, hereby reject you, Hazel Wynn and accept your sister Layla Wynn, as my mate. 

A smile made its way to Layla’s face as she turned to hug Ethan. 

Hazel felt pain sift through her body as the mating bond that connect her and the Ethan was severed. She gasped as she fell to the floor clutching her chest with her hand and watched as her sister and mate hugged each other.

The words fell like hammers, one blow after another, crushing what little remained of Hazel’s spirit. Her world tilted, the hall becoming a blur of colors and sounds. Darkness crept into the corners of her vision, her knees barely holding her weight. But there was a single shred of defiance left in her, a spark of rage that refused to die. 

She looked up, her gaze latching onto Ethan, onto Layla, their hands intertwined in triumph. There was a broken sob, followed by a vicious snarl.

“I will never forgive you for this Layla” Hazel cried and darkness overshadowed her 

She fainted and no one left their spot as they watched the lifeless Hazel on the floor 

“Carry her out of my castle and make sure she never returns here” Ethan commanded 

The silence in the hall was deafening as the wolves exchanged wary glances, the air thick with unease. No one dared move, the weight of the moment heavy on their shoulders. 

Ethan stared down at Hazel, her body limp on the cold stone floor. The Alpha’s expression was unreadable, the shadow of doubt creeping into his eyes. 

“Someone,” he said, his voice heavy with command. “Fulfill my order. Now.”

Two pack members stepped forward, their reluctance clear in their steps.

“I said, now.” Ethan’s voice was iron, his tone leaving no room for disobedience. 

The pack members, their heads bowed in submission, approached Hazel’s lifeless body With a gentle yet firm touch, they lifted her, carrying her towards the doors of the hall. As they passed Layla, her eyes locked with Hazel’s closed ones, a satisfied smirk curling her lips.

The doors opened, the guards carrying Hazel out into the cold night air, the pack and their Alpha watching as the castle gates were slammed shut behind them.

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