Chapter 4

Hazel entered the hotel room she lodged inside, it was small but comfortable at least for the night 

The door shut behind her with a soft click, the silence of the room enveloping Hazel in its stillness. She moved around the space in a daze, as if in a dream, her steps muted and slow.

The bed was small, the walls bare, but Hazel found herself not caring. For the first time in as long as she could remember, she was truly alone, free from the expectations and constraints of pack life. And yet, the loneliness ached like a phantom limb.

*Now we are going to be here, you can’t even fight for yourself* Mia said 

*I’m not ready to talk to you* Hazel muttered 

*you think I want to talk to you too* Mia spat and cut off the mild link 

Hazel sighed and lay down on the bed

The silence in the room seemed to magnify Hazel’s loneliness, the air thick with the absence of pack, of family, of the mate she’d once thought would be hers. She closed her eyes, trying to silence the whispering, the stab of betrayal, but the night was dark and unyielding, offering no solace. 

Mia’s words echoed in her head, like nails in a coffin. How could she have failed so spectacularly? How could she have let her life come to this? 


Ethan's best friend, Henry entered his office and met him working

“Don’t tell me what I heard is true” Henry asked 

“What did you hear” Ethan asked back 

“You left Hazel for her sister,” Henry said

“Is that even a question, I don’t love her anymore..”

“So you chased her out and planning to marry her sister” Henry cut him off 

“Do you have a problem with that? I own my life and my pack, I can do anything I want with it” Ethan roared 

Henry's expression hardened, his jaw tight with anger. 

"I have a problem with betrayal, with dishonor. You promised Hazel a life with you, and now you throw her away like garbage? How can you call yourself an Alpha?"

Ethan glared at his friend, his eyes blazing. 

"I am the Alpha, and I will do what is necessary to secure the future of my pack. Hazel was barren, useless. Layla is fertile and loyal. I made the choice that was best for the pack.

Henry shook his head, his voice laced with disgust. 

“Best for the pack? Or best for your ego? You call Hazel barren, but what of your seed, Alpha? Perhaps it was your impotence that led to her supposed infertility.” 

Ethan leaped to his feet, his fists clenched, his wolf rippling beneath his skin. 

“Watch your tongue, Henry. Do not forget to whom you speak. You will not disrespect your Alpha.”

Henry's eyes narrowed, his words sharp as daggers. "I will not watch my tongue when it speaks the truth. You have lost your way, Alpha. You have betrayed the very pack you claim to serve.”

The air crackled with tension, the threat of violence palpable. But Henry did not back down, his body taut and ready. "You may hold the title of Alpha, but it is not the title that makes you a leader. It is your heart, your honor, and those you have lost both.”

“Are you perhaps interested in Hazel, you can go look for her and marry her then” Ethan rolled his eyes 

Henry's face contorted his words a low snarl. 

"This isn't about me, and you know it. This is about your choices and your actions. You used Hazel, cast her aside, and now you try to turn this around on me?" He shook his head, his expression full of scorn.

"No, I won't marry Hazel. But I also won't stand by while you drag this pack into the gutter with your selfishness. And you, you will have to live with the blood of betrayal on your hands."

“If you have nothing tangible to say..can you leave my office, as you can see I’m preparing for my wedding with the mother of my unborn kids,” Ethan said and continued what he was doing 

Henry stood there for a long moment, seething, his fists clenched, his whole body trembling with rage. But he knew there was nothing he could do here, not now. Ethan had made his choice, and the pack would pay the price. 

He turned, his footsteps heavy and measured, each step a condemnation. And as he passed the threshold of the Alpha's office, he tossed one final salvo over his shoulder.

"Enjoy your throne, Alpha. But remember, the lone wolf dies, while the pack survives. You've made your choice. You may not live to regret it."

Ethan ignored him and walked out of the office 

“Who do hell does he think he is” Ethan scoffed as he watched Henry leave 

"A true friend," Ethan muttered under his breath, his ego aching from the exchange. "A true pack member. More than you deserve." 

But he pushed the thought away, burrowing himself back into the paperwork, into the task at hand. He would show them all. He would make the pack stronger than ever before, he would prove them wrong. 

He smiled to himself, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "They'll all see," he said, his voice resolute, "that I am the Alpha. And the pack will follow my lead, no matter the cost."


Layla’s suite**

She was sitting while the maids massaged her legs and body 

“Get me a cold juice please..and turn on the television,” Layla said 

“Yes my lady” The maid replied 

Layla leaned back in the plush chair, her eyes half closed as the maids tended to her every whim. She felt like a queen like she finally had the life she deserved.

The maid hurried off, returning moments later with a cold glass of juice on a silver tray. She knelt beside the chair, offering the drink with a respectful bow. 

"Here you are, my lady. May I turn on the television now?"

Layla waved a hand in dismissal, her mouth already wrapped around the straw, the juice sweet and refreshing on her tongue. "Do whatever you want."

"Yes, my lady," the maid murmured, bowing low and backing away from the chair. She turned on the TV, the volume muted, leaving Layla to her own devices.

And that was exactly how Layla wanted it. The past few days had been a whirlwind of activity, of planning, of ensuring that everyone fell into line. But now, with Hazel gone, there was no one to challenge her position, no one to question her rule. 

She smiled to herself, her eyes glinting like polished stones.

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