Chapter 3. I'm Jealous

"Sorry, Miss Nadine is still single, right?" Ronald asked Nadine after concluding the partnership agreement between Lasmana Company and Ronald's company. Brian furrowed his eyebrows, disliking his business partner's behavior towards Nadine.

"Yes, Sir," Nadine replied politely, nodding her head.

"That's good to know. Would you like me to introduce you to my son? He'll be taking over the company soon. I believe you'd be a good match for him," Ronald said with a cheerful smile. Ronald admired Nadine's respectful demeanor and, of course, her elegance with her hijab. In this day and age, it's hard to find a prospective daughter-in-law like Nadine.

Brian felt irritated hearing Ronald's words, but he tried to suppress his emotions and remain calm. He didn't want to tarnish his image or his company's reputation just because of a woman whose feelings for him were uncertain.

"I apologize, Mr. Ronald. We must return to the office to prepare for the client meeting later this afternoon. Thank you again for your time and cooperation," Brian bid farewell politely, though deep inside, his anger was simmering.

During the journey back to the office, the atmosphere inside the car was eerily silent. Nadine glanced at her boss briefly and saw his somber expression. Nadine paid no heed to Brian's cold demeanor. She took a pair of earphones from her bag and plugged them into her ears, immersing herself in the music as she closed her eyes. Suddenly, her phone rang. Seeing the name on the screen, Nadine smiled widely – it was someone she had missed dearly.

"Good afternoon?" Nadine's face lit up as she spoke, catching Brian's curious gaze as he noticed her sudden happiness.


"Okay, see you on Sunday. I love you too," Nadine closed her eyes again, humming along to the lyrics of the song she was listening to. She ignored Brian's flushed face as he struggled to contain his emotions. Hearing Nadine's melodious voice, Brian was astonished beyond belief. Her voice hypnotized him, momentarily pushing aside his anger. Brian hesitated, wanting to reach out and hold Nadine's hand and confess his feelings.

"Come on, let that girl chase you. You're handsome and wealthy. Just charm her," Brian's ego chimed in. Brian's hand nearly reached Nadine's, but he quickly pulled it back. Unconsciously, he hit the steering wheel harshly, causing Nadine to open her eyes. Seeing Brian's tormented expression, Nadine looked outside the window, trying to distract herself from the long, uncomfortable journey.

Upon arriving in the office parking area, Brian swiftly walked away without acknowledging Nadine. Nadine shrugged, not understanding her boss's ever-changing behavior. Just before the meeting, he seemed perfectly fine.

"Hi, Danisa!" Nadine greeted as she entered the office and saw Danisa busy at her cubicle.

"Hi, gorgeous Nadine. What's with the boss again?" Danisa replied in a whisper, asking about their boss's mood through lip movements. Nadine smiled and shrugged, following her boss's retreating figure with indifference.

Brian sat in his executive chair, turning it around to face away from Nadine. His emotions were in turmoil since meeting Nadine again. He failed every time he tried to explain why Nadine had left in the past. Instead of asking, Brian found himself scolding her or giving her additional tasks. He always seemed to lose his composure when facing Nadine.

"Nadine, have you prepared the documents for our 7 p.m. meeting?" Brian broke the silence.

"Are you ready, Miss?" Nadine answered briefly, lifting her gaze from her laptop screen to look at Brian. Nadine had become accustomed to her boss's moody behavior. She had stopped overthinking Brian's sudden shifts between being kind and turning cold within moments.

"Oh, by the way, starting tomorrow, please don't wear clothes that accentuate your body too much," Brian stood in front of Nadine, assessing her appearance. Nadine followed Brian's gaze down to her outfit, puzzled by his remark. She wore dress pants, a blouse, and a blazer – nothing unusual.

"What do you mean, Sir?" Nadine asked, a touch of annoyance in her voice. She knew many female employees here dressed provocatively, some even wearing miniskirts, yet she seemed to face criticism.

"Is there something wrong with my appearance, Sir? I've made an effort to dress modestly," Nadine challenged. Her patience was wearing thin when it came to her boss. It was okay to be scolded and given work-related tasks, but she wasn't willing to tolerate interference in her matters. Ignoring Nadine's protest, Brian turned around and entered his private office. Frustrated, Nadine went over to Danisa, who was busy with her work.

"Busy, Danisa?" Nadine inquired, peering into Danisa's cubicle. Frustrated with Brian, Nadine stepped out of his office and headed towards her new friend Danisa, who worked on the same floor.

"What's with the crumpled face? Did your boss cause another scene?" Danisa asked with a smile. She knew Brian's uptight nature well, so she immediately rejected the offer to be Brian's secretary when Cakra had suggested it. She had also convinced Cakra that Nadine was a better fit for the role.

"Mr. Brian is so moody. He gets angry without any reason, and then suddenly he's nice again," Nadine explained with an annoyed expression, resting her chin on her folded hands.

"Nadine, you need to be patient with that boss of yours. He's a confirmed bachelor; he needs affection," Danisa whispered, ensuring no one was listening. Danisa pulled an empty chair beside her and motioned for Nadine to sit.

"Tell me, Nadine, what did he do to you? Share it with me," Danisa inquired, her voice almost a whisper. Nadine began recounting the incident about Brian's request to change her appearance.

"Hahaha…" Danisa burst into laughter, and Nadine covered her mouth with her hands as a few colleagues looked at them curiously.

"So, you're special, Nadine. He never critiques the appearance of his other employees like that," Danisa managed to say through her restrained laughter. Ding! Ding! Nadine's phone vibrated.

Boss Brian was calling.

With a resigned expression, Nadine checked her phone and saw Brian's name on the screen. She excused herself from Danisa and answered Brian's call. Nadine walked back to her office with her head down, tempted to lash at her boss.

"Good thing he's good-looking," Nadine thought as she faced Brian again.

"Are you ready for the meeting later? Do you have a change of clothes with you?" Brian asked without hesitation. Nadine nodded in response.

"In that case, use my office to change," Brian said flatly, pressing the remote control to unlock the door to his private office. Nadine reluctantly followed his command; she was tired of arguing. Debating with Brian would only lead to more tasks for her.

Nadine emerged from Brian's office in an outfit not too different from what she had been wearing before – cream dress pants, a neat black blouse, and a belt. Brian let out a frustrated breath as he assessed Nadine's appearance. He couldn't bear the thought of other men ogling Nadine's sexy body. In his opinion, her attire still accentuated her curves.

At 7:15 p.m., the clients they were waiting for finally arrived. After some small talk, they dove into the core of the partnership discussions. The second meeting went smoothly because Brian and the second client were of similar age, making their conversation more relaxed, unlike Nadine, who remained silent primarily, feeling guilty and uncomfortable in front of the clients. She chose to be a quiet listener throughout the meeting.

"Excuse me, Mr. Brian. May I speak with Nadine for a moment? We've known each other for quite a while," Dave politely asked, shaking hands with Brian.

"Of course, please go ahead," Brian replied with a neutral smile before gazing at Nadine. With Brian's departure, Dave and Nadine engaged in a serious conversation.

Brian watched Dave and Nadine converse intently from inside the car. He had deliberately waited for Nadine, even though Dave had asked to take her home. He had had enough of the burning jealousy. Brian understood – during the meeting, he had noticed Dave stealing glances at Nadine more than once.

As Brian was about to leave the car, he saw Dave gripping Nadine's arm roughly. Quickly, Brian approached them.

"Excuse me, I have some important matters to discuss with Miss Nadine for a moment," Brian's voice remained calm, and he pulled Nadine's arm forcefully, ushering her into the car. Dave's jaw clenched as he watched Brian and Nadine leave.

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