Chapter 2

The biggest and most dangerous looking man she'd ever seen in her life filled the doorway. The room they were in suddenly felt much smaller than it had a moment ago. His cold gaze swept over all three of them, lingering on the little blonde, who whimpered again as his lips hooked up in a cruel smile. The man had the same white-blonde hair as the young woman, although his was barely half an inch long, cut very close to his head, and his eyes were a clear grey. A vacant, sinister grey. Bella didn't blame the other woman for whimpering, she felt like doing so herself and he'd only looked at her for a moment. There was something about him, the way he held himself maybe, that screamed violence and danger. This was the kind of man that would never be approved for immigration to the moon, based on that alone.

Dressed in dark pants with lots of pockets that bulged, a grey t-shirt and a vest that also looked to have filled pockets, the first word that went through Bella's mind was "Mercenary."

"Good. You're all finally awake."

The cruel smile widened in anticipation and Bella finally understood why her roommates had wanted her to be quiet.


After roping them together and hobbling their ankles, Jordan - as he'd introduced himself - had taken her, Alex and the other young woman down the hall to a large tiled room with a drain in the middle of the floor. It had taken every ounce of Bella's willpower not to start screaming. Logically she knew that it would make no sense to wake them up and then kill them, but if that's what Jordan was going to do then this room would be the ideal place for it.

He removed the cords that had joined them together and then had grabbed Alex's bound wrists. For a moment Alex tensed and Bella worried that he was going to try and fight. Although Alex was a couple inches over six feet, Jordan was a couple inches taller than him and had a lot more muscle - which was saying something because Alex had a really fantastic body. But his muscles were that of the body conditioning every young person was put through on the Moon, whereas Jordan's were obviously built from far less reputable activities.

They didn't know where they were, what other guards might be around, and Alex's feet were hobbled along with his wrists. As much as Bella wanted to get out of here, she didn't think now was their chance.

Fortunately, Alex knew that too, because he relaxed and allowed Jordan to attach his wrists to a chain that was hanging down from the ceiling.

"Smart boy," was Jordan's only comment.

Because she was watching, Bella could see the little tick in Alex's jaw that indicated his rage. She'd seen that same tick when Lisa had tried to tell him that she'd only fucked Ken because she thought he'd like it - after all, hadn't they joked about swinging on the trip?

A moment later, Jordan had strung up Bella and the young blonde woman in the same manner. Glancing over, Bella could see that the young woman was even shorter than she'd realized - her head barely came up to Jordan's chest. Next to the huge man, she looked tiny and almost child-like. Bella hated the little part of her that was relieved that the giant was obviously more fascinated with the blonde than he was with her. When he'd put Bella's wrists above her head, it had been with as little fanfare as he'd done Alex's.

While he seemed to be more gentle with the blonde, who was crying silent tears down her porcelain cheeks, he also ran his hands over her body. Which, of course, just made her cry harder. Did it make Bella a terrible person that she was relieved that Jordan didn't have any interest in touching her?

And what was wrong with her that she was wondering WHY he didn't have that interest, as long as he didn't?

Then Jordan pulled out a knife.

Now Bella couldn't stop the tears either and the young woman burst into loud bawls. Alex began to struggle against the cords, yelling at Jordan to leave 'the women' alone.

"QUIET," Jordan shouted. They all fell silent as Jordan glared at them. "You're all perfectly safe. Understood?" Bella nodded, Alex glared, and the young woman just cried some more. Giving her a glance, Jordan ran his free hand along her cheek. "Quiet down, little one," he said, firmly. Bella stared at him in surprise, he'd almost sounded tender in a way.

Quickly, efficiently, he cut off the young woman's clothes. She was obviously trying to valiantly stifle her sobs, but was having trouble with it considering that her body was stretched out and now exposed. Bella had been right; she was a slight little thing, her breasts maybe a B cup with pink pointed nipples like pencil erasers. Between her legs was pale blonde hair that Jordan tutted over. His hands ran over her body again - almost possessively, Bella thought, before he turned away from her and moved towards Bella.

Cold slate eyes swept over her, taking in her tears. Unlike the blonde, she didn't get any reassurance, but he also didn't run his hands over her. Just the swift motions of the knife, a sharp smack to her bottom that made her cry out when she tried to twist away when he'd grasped her panties, and then he was done and moving on.


Geezus... he wasn't going to look at Bella... he wasn't going to look at Bella...

Alex snapped his eyes closed to keep from looking at Bella. It was so ridiculously wrong of him to even consider it in this situation. Sure, he'd always thought she was too good for Ken - whom he'd known was a bit of a dog even if they had been best friends - but he'd never tried to picture her naked. The fact that she was dating his best friend meant that she was off limits. Too bad his best friend hadn't felt that way about Alex's girlfriend.

He'd known he and Lisa were having problems, and they'd talked on occasion about swinging or threesomes, but he'd always thought they were mostly joking when they did that. Having her decide to fuck his best friend behind his back was not something that he'd ever expected to have to worry about. And now he'd dragged Bella into those problems too. Dammit, why couldn't he have just gotten a different room in the hotel? Or joined Bella in hers where they could cry on each other's shoulders', rather than letting his pride get the better of him and insist on storming out and ending the vacation early?

Then they wouldn't be in this mess.

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