Chapter 3

No apparent reason

I never told grandma Tessa what happened to me in the Montenegro mansion. I also lied and said that I borrowed the dress of a fellow hacienda because I was short on my dress.

I'm here now at the beach and picking up shells. Apart from the covers, I also found different colored stones. I also picked up that additional decoration for the necklace and bracelet I would make made of shells.

Whenever I pick it up, I put it in a plastic bag. The sun is hot, and my skin is a little sore. But because I used to feel like I didn't have it.

In the distance, I could see the mansion. I slowly approached the stone steps of Montenegro's mansion.

Their mansion was at the top of the hill. The bottom is surrounded by rocks, where the base is the beach and vast sea. On each side of it, they may assume rows of sun loungers.

I slowly went upstairs. But I heard a voice. I stiffened when I listened to the woman's soft voice on a plant full of flowers. I hid there and searched for the noise.

Then I saw the youngest Montenegro. Ezekiel hugged the short-haired and brunette woman.

My forehead furrowed, and I looked at them carefully. They are very close to each other.

In the movie I watch, it's the same. Men in the City are said to be aggressive. Why are those men from City like that?

"Do you know what you're doing?" Because of that, I dropped the stones! A voice from my back makes me jump.

I scratched my head and smiled. My smile didn't reach my eyes because this man saw me naked. Hays! Why did, when they come one by one, lose my innocence? Why are they so often here now?

I saw him look behind me at who I was peeking at and look back at me.

"I just passed by." I lifted the plastic. "I got shells in the sea. I'll make a bracelet."

He nodded, but the gaze was on me. "You know how?"

I looked at his swollen muscles as he folded. I suddenly weakened because I didn't seem to be able to level the person I was talking to now. I'm shrinking myself.

"Yes. I also know how to make a fan and mat." I answer with pride.

He held out his hand. "May I see?"

My lips parted, and I immediately showed them to him. He opened it and looked at the rocks and shells one by one.

"Can you make it for me?" Later he asked. My smile widened.

"All right!" He snorted and looked at me earnestly.

"Do all this for me."

My smile faded as I remembered that I could get shells to sell to buy some school supplies.

"I'll just retake some because I'll sell this. The school opening is near." I even smiled at him so he wouldn't be offended. "But promise I'll do it for you."

He shook his head. "I'll buy everything. Just make it."

"Really ?!" I exclaimed happily then he nodded.

Even if he doesn't smile, he's still handsome!

"Yes," he answered me.

"All right. "I would have turned my back on but I remembered something." How old are you ?" I ask. He was still in the same position and looking at me sternly.

"Twenty-four." his short answer. I bit my lip so hard and nodded.

"All right! I'll do it!" I said goodbye and I ran away.

I happily went home and made the bracelet.

When I finish making the bracelet grandma told me to bring the food she made to Montenegro's mansion! I got nervous because of that!

When I got into the mansion, I saw one of their maids.

"Oh my! You cooked! Can you give it to Mr. Ezekiel? He is on the poolside. Just give me the ones for Senyora because they are also in the market. "

"All right." I gave her three ware of food. "One for Manuel." I was quick here before I headed to the poolside.

I was still amazed to see their antique paintings hanging on the wall. No matter how often you look at it, it's not dull. Especially those in the middle. The emblem of their Clan. Grandma. It's been a long time since their very ancestor and it's worth a million!

One day I will be rich too. I will finish school and work. I will save, and I will also get rich.

I turned in the hallway when suddenly something landed on my shoulder. I stopped looking there.

"Ahh!" I froze and jumped when I saw the snake.

"Ahhh!" I trembled with fear. I even let go of the bag. Someone suddenly took it, and I heard laughter.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I reprimand this pet." He gently stroked the snake that was entangled in his hand. He wasn't even scared.

I looked at the food that was already scattered on the floor. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and pointed.

"You meant that ?!"

My blood boiled when he laughed. "I'm sorry. I didn't really mean to surprise you".

"There! Look!" I pointed to the floor. I Picked up the bracelet box there. "You broke it!"

He took a stable, placed the snake there, and laid it on the chair.

"I said I'm sorry I thought you weren't afraid. "

But that did not ease my anger.

"You don't always have a joke! Look now! The food wasted."

"That's just food, for fuck sake." he hissed mockingly. The smile on his lips never fades. He likes the reaction coming from me.

What? Just food?

I slapped him! His face was twisted. Instead of getting angry, I even saw a ghost grinning on his lips.


"You're out of manners!" I cried. But I choked my words when he approached me. He almost pushed me against the wall and locked me up.

"What did you say?" His face is now severe and nothing naughty. His jaw clenched. I still seem to be angry with him. But I stood by the anger I felt.

"I said you're rude!"

"Again, please."

"You don't have-" I stopped as he grabbed my nape and claimed my lip. I was shocked and almost rolled my eyes when I felt his lips move on my lips.

"Don't'-" I interrupted as his tongue entered my mouth. "Uhmmp."

With every pull, I make the blocks. I tried to kick his balls but his knee trapped my leg. I cried a lot when he didn't stop kissing me.

"T-That's enough." I cried as he finally stopped kissing me.

We were both short of breath. His lips were too close to mine.

"Sorry. But I'd climb a fucking mountain just to kiss your sweet lips again."

But I pushed him right away. I ignored the food on the floor. I just left it and ran!

I could barely sleep that night. I tried to be happy in front of my grandmother and grandfather even though I was going to have a fever. My lips are no longer virgin. Is that so? I can't really accept it!

The next morning, as usual, my first thing was to go to the beach. Because I didn't see Manuel yesterday, I didn't give them my self-made bracelet. I can't sell it either.

It's only been a week since I had to make money selling these shells, so I'll get a lot now. I am no longer as far away from the mansion as I used to be.

I am here in part with beautiful little caves and large coral rocks.

When I could find nothing I walked in the direction in which to go to the mansion. There I stopped again and searched for stones. When I saw many green rocks on the big coral, I picked them up.

"What." I stopped to hear the woman's voice.

I strolled and searched for that voice.


"Uh-huh." I shivered when I heard the familiar voice.

My heart pounded at the realization.

"It's tickling there."

"Show me." said the male voice.

I don't know why I was annoyed!

Behind a large coral rock, a woman was sitting and wearing a black two-piece. Manuel hugged and kissed his lips. I heard the woman moan.

Are they like this? Do men love this kind of intimacy?

"Manuel, Oh please." The girl said.

I almost drew my nail into the rock. My tears are rolling down my cheeks and my heart is pounding.

My eyes dimmed when I saw Manuel's gaze on me.

He wasn't surprised or anything. He just looked at me coldly. He slowly crossed the distance between them and the woman. I saw how he turned the woman's neck. I saw how their lips met and they kissed in front of me.

My tears fell for no apparent reason.

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