Chapter 4

Alpha Maseno

The moment I and my beta, Sony, walked into Alpha Benna's mating ball party, screams and murmurs of fangirls reached our ears.

Not being used to being the center of attention, even after being in the spotlight all my life, I pulled my beta aside.

"Go ahead and look for that asshole; I'll be just outside getting some fresh air," I said while walking toward the door, peeling the girl glued to my body away.

"I can't find him," my beta's unbelievable voice told me through the mindlink.

"I can't believe his guts. Do whatever you can, even if it means wrecking this party into ashes. Search every hell hole present in this house and bring him to me by his collar," I demanded, a growl pressing in my voice.

I had lent Alpha Benna a billion dollars four months ago when he was expanding his pack. I can't believe his guts; after squandering all the money on his countless bitches, he had been avoiding me like hell.

"I found something else, Alpha Maseno. My beta's voice reached me as I made a turn out of the door toward the garden.

''It better be important," I responded, taking my earbud Bluetooth from my pocket and pushing it in my ear.

I think my beta did the same because I couldn't feel him anymore in my head. It was a minute later when I heard him through the Bluetooth.

"It's Alpha Benna's second in command." His voice was almost a whisper.

I hummed, giving him the go-ahead.

"He approached me. He wants to know if we can help him take his daughter out of this pack," he sighed.

"His daughter?" I inquired in confusion and beta-hummed in agreement. "The last time I saw him, his daughter was just born. She is two years old today. Where the hell will we go with this pup?" I asked in confusion.

"I don't know as well. I wanted to ask him what he meant, but I never got the chance to. He disappeared the moment Alpha Benna's men approached him," my beta responded.

"Don't fall into his trap. He must be planning to frame us. This is Alpha Benna's doing; don't agree." I demanded.

It's only Benna who can stoop that low. Tempting us with his beta's two-year-old daughter, only to lie to the world that we kidnapped her and tarnish my reputation, something I have built for ten fucking years,

"Yes, Alpha Maseno." My beta's voice jarred me from my trance.

"Just know that we won't leave here empty-handed. We will be living with our money or something valuable that belongs to him. Something he is overprotective of, I am sure there is," I said while pressing the small button at the side of the Bluetooth to hang up.

The guard at the gate drew my attention. I had dealt with people like him, and just by a single look, I knew he was up to something suspicious.

I ran behind a pillar and hid myself as curiosity got the best of me. I felt someone's presence behind me but never turned to look. I guessed it must be my beta presence I was feeling because he is always as curious as I am.

Someone whistled from above, and the guard, signaling okay with his thumb, pulled something like a brownish mat from under his shirt and threw it on the ground.

I observed him, concluding that what he had thrown was an air mattress after seeing him push something small into its side, making the mattress swell upwards as air filled it.

He clapped his hands, and someone jumped on it.

"She is escaping!" Someone yelled behind me. I turned shocked only to see that the person behind me all along wasn't my beta but a girl. I had seen that girl whispering something against Alpha Benna's ears before he disappeared.

The figure, which I knew to be a girl, picked herself up from the matress and dashed toward the gate. Two men, one carrying an axe in his hand, ran after her while more men joined the chase.

"Interesting," I murmured, getting interested in the girl. Why will all of Alpha Benna's men abandon the party and start running after a maid?

"I think I found something valuable that belongs to Alpha Benna. Something he is overprotective of: I mindlinked my beta, my gaze still glued on the girl.

Although people were running after her, yelling at her to stop, she never looked back, nor did she panic. It was obvious enough that this wasn't the first time that had happened.

She knocked the suspicious-looking guard down, who in the process had secretly pushed something into her hands.

"This is fucking planned," I chuckled, getting more interested in the growing saga and wondering if Benna's second in command was involved in this as well because he needed our help in getting this girl out of the pack.

"Who is this girl? I am sure she knows something, and that's why every Alpha Benna's follower is after her. We may use whatever she knows to our advantage," my beta, whom I didn't know when he arrived, said from behind me.

"Mmh," I hummed in agreement and then said, "the second in command of this pack has been wanting to work for us for a while, as you know. Do you think what I'm thinking?" I turned to face my beta.

He squinted his brows in confusion. "What?" he asked.

"When I asked him how I would know that he wasn't a spy, he said he'd make me believe that he was genuinely wanting to work with me. There must be a reason why he is pushing this girl toward us. She fucking knows something that will help us defeat Alpha Benna Oande once and for all."

I said this while putting my teleportation abilities to use. With a strong whirlwind forming around me that was only noticed by my beta and me, I was teleported in front of the gate and waiting for the girl.

The girl came running toward me, and because she wasn't looking forward, she bumbed onto me, her forehead hitting my rock-hard chest.

She winced and stepped backward while massaging her forehead. I think she felt dizzy because the hit she took was hard because she stumbled backwards and was about to fall on her buttocks.

Before I could do what I was thinking—give her my hand and push her back into her feet—she did it all by herself.

She bowed her head for a while, afraid to look at who she had bumped into, but after getting courage, she peered her gaze above to look at me, and I saw her chest heaving as she sighed in relief.

"Tell me what you know about Alpha Benna, and I'll help you escape." I opened my mouth to say that, but she beat me into talking.

She clasped her palms together and bowed, then chanted, "Hail the demon, take me with you. I'm ready to burn entirely in hell, cuffed in your prison rather than this man's."

For a moment, I thought she was joking, but after seeing the seriousness in her dull brown eyes, I knew she meant it.

"Demon?" I asked, squinting my brows in confusion. Did she really think I was a demon?

"No, not a demon. Please help me, Master Lucifer," she said, dropping to her knees while kissing my feet.

"Master Lucifer?" I questioned myself inwardly while a scoff escaped my lips. I turned my back on her and went toward my private jet, packed just outside the gate.

"If she really needs my help, she'll follow me. Also, I want Alpha Benna to see his important person coming to me all by herself. The will hit him differently," I mindlinked my beta back, who asked if I was truly living that girl behind whom I turned my back on.

"Holy fucking shit," my beta gasped, but I heard him because he was yet to close his mindlink.

"What the fuck is it?" I asked while spinning around, only for shock to drain all my energy.

The girl, now bent on the ground with a pool of blood forming underneath her knees, winced in pain.

One of the men running after her, who was the only one carrying an axe, hurled it toward her, causing it to get stuck on the back of her shoulder.

Before I could understand what had happened in just a second, the girl picked herself up from the ground and ran.

Blood oozed from where the axe was stuck, leaving a blood trail as she ran forward. For a minute, I thought she was running toward my jet, and I asked my pilot, who was also a doctor, to get ready and help her, but she ran past me.

"Darn!" I cursed seeing the group of Alpha Benna's men still running after her. "So inhuman!" I muttered, swearing to snap their heads off their necks if I were to catch any of them.

I don't know why I suddenly became overly protective of that girl.

"Alpha Benna said we shouldn't let her cross the border. He said he wants her back, alive. It's a good thing the axe is still stuck to her. The wolfsbane in it shall weigh her down." I heard one of the men after her yelling to the others.

"If she's intending to go to the border, then she is running to my kingdom, I said to myself while pulling the phone out of my pocket.

I made a phone call to my office at the border, asking them to look after the girl and make sure they get her before Alpha Benna's men get her.

"She is important." I said this while dropping the call.

"We see her, Alpha Maseno, but she is taking the dangerous route. She is entering the desert." Alejandro, the man who was taking care of the office, called me back.

"What the hell?" I cursed, knowing how dangerous that desert was. A week ago, there was a war between us, the Lycans, and the werewolves.

In fact, that was the main reason why I built another office at the border, just to make sure no werewolves would evade my kingdom again.

Although the war had ended, there were still landmines. A few that remained untouched. My men built them to look like a small hill, and I knew she would see them then as one.

"Nothing should happen to her. Do anything you can to help her. Bring intercoms, cameras, and laptops; zoom into every fucking thing and guide her. Make sure she doesn't get anywhere close to those goddamn landmines. How come they were not cleared after the war?" I asked while clenching my fists in anger.

"I... You asked us not to clear them in case the werewolves wage another war with us again," Alejandro reminded me.

"Do you have to do anything, I say, you dimwits? Just fucking help her. Man, nothing should happen to her or else..."I said this while my voice dropped into a whisper.

"Alpha Benna's men are close to her," Alejandro's voice came through the speaker phone.

"What about the girl? Have they caught up with her?" I asked in panic. With that wound, I didn't think she would get that far. It must have been determination that made her get that far with the wolfbane in her blood.

"Yes, they threw something at her, and she fell. It seems like she has given up. She is crying," Alejandro said, and I felt my heart clench as pain shot all over it, making it difficult for me to breathe.

"And Alpha Maseno, the girl is important just like you thought because it's not only the group of men now running after her. There are drones buzzing above her and six military jets." He told me.

"Of course I know she is fucking important to Alpha Benna, and that makes her important to me as well. I don't want to hear about that crappy alpha; I want to hear about the girl." I snapped.

Yes, Alpha," I heard Alejandro's apologetic voice say. After a short silence of him looking at what was going on there, he said, "Benna is with the military. He is dragging her to the jet."

His words snatched my breath away, and even the ability to form the word

If Alpha Benna gets the girl, then...

"I'll go after them, I said to Alejandro, nodding to my pilot, who was standing outside looking at what was going on with a pair of binoculars.

"But Alpha, we had agreed that we should lay low. If you go after them, Alpha Benna will know that it's you who got the girl, something we don't want him to know." He reminded me.

Before I could say anything, he continued, Besides, we know Benna's favorite quote. If I can't get it, no one can," he mimicked him, his voice changing, "and this applies to the girl as well. If he can't have her, no one will. He'll kill her if you follow them."

Alejandro's words made sense. Before I could tell him that we would find another way to get the girl, I had him cursing from the other end.

"What fucking happened?" I asked.

"She jumped from the plane. She is running again!" I heard his excited voice,which turned into panic: She's running toward the landmine."

"Ask her through the intercom not to, I demanded, wishing that I was there at the office with him.

"My companions are, but she is not listening." He went silent and could hear the other men directing the girl.

"Holy fucking Jesus!" I heard a person yelling from the other end.

"She stepped into the landmine, Alpha Maseno. It exploded on her." Alejandro's voice, which had dropped into a whisper, echoed, causing my knees to weaken.

Without alerting my pilot, I wobbled in the front seat and flew toward the desert. "Wait for me, rabbit. I won't let you die." I murmured.

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