Chapter 4. Suspicion

 Jace clears his throat and takes me out of my musings. 

“Zane, I've reached Beta. He says his daughter has been missing since yesterday. She was indeed in the woods playing with some other pups when they couldn't find her anymore,” he tells me. “He is on his way here with his mate to pick her up himself. They'll be here in two hours." 

"Shouldn't you let Alpha Ahri know about this?" he asks. 

Yes, I forgot about all that. The bliss of finally having my mate here has completely consumed my attention. I grab my phone and search my contact list for the number I need. 

“Alpha Ahri, Alpha Zane from Midnight Moon here. You must have heard that we found your Beta's daughter near our border," I let him know. The man on the other end of the line growled. 

“Alpha Zane. Yes, my Beta informed me. This matter should be thoroughly investigated. A pup cannot run miles in a day. There is more going on here.” He doesn't sound exactly indulgent as I expected. 

"That's for sure. I discovered the scent of your pack on my territory. That means that some members of you have entered my land improperly," I tell him. “That is punishable. I look forward to including this in your research.” He puffs something but doesn't respond to my words. I decide not to push things through, my position is highly sensitive now that I am at the mercy of his decision in my personal affairs. 

“There's something else I want to discuss with you as well. It's unusual, but nobody knows the deliberations of the Moon Goddess”, I try to introduce him carefully to the matter. “Mercedes is my mate”, I drop the bomb. 

"What!!" he shouts into the speaker. 

“Dare you to put a finger on the pup and I'll make dogmeat of you! You pedophile. I'm coming for her with my warriors. And make sure she's safe and sound at the border. I'll kill you!" he rages on. His breathing rasps through the phone, I can sense that his anger has reached the top. 

“Alpha Ahri, I can assure you that I am by no means a pedophile. And Mercedes' parents are on their way and will get their daughter back safe and sound”, I say calmly. “I don't intend to claim her yet, I know the Were laws too. I want to discuss this issue rationally and come to an agreement with you all.” 

"Agreement? About what?" Ahri sounds aggressive. I sigh deeply. 

“Listen, Mercedes is my fated mate. The Moon Goddess has decided this and I accept that. All I want is to be able to visit her in your pack and have her here with me, so she gets used to my presence and the pack. After all, she is the future Luna of the Midnight Moon pack”. I hear him swallow hard a few times, the news is clearly not easy for him to digest. But then there are two, I too have to get used to this unusual situation. 

“Alpha, you know the Were-laws too. It is forbidden to keep mates apart,” I remind him. "I can assure you that she is safe here, my Beta makes sure that she lacks nothing here". On the other end of the line, I eventually hear him take a deep breath, frantically trying to calm himself. Ahri is known as a hothead, it takes a lot to rationalize him. In the past Alpha meetings, he has made himself known as lightheaded, and few want to get involved with him. But I have no choice since my mate is from his pack. 

“Her parents are on their way. Talk to them and if they agree, I'll expect you in my pack within two weeks to discuss this matter further," he finally concedes. “But I still think this is an extraordinary case. First the girl is missing, then suddenly she is miles away in your pack and now she is your mate”. He pauses to enforce his words. “

Are you sure you have nothing to do with the kidnapping of the pup?” he asks suspiciously. 

Goodness!! Can this man for once think logically? 

Even Mercedes does a better job here than her Alpha. And patience isn't exactly my forte. I suppress my annoyance, I have no more time to lose on this jackass. 

“Then explain to me what my motive would be? The girl is my mate. If I knew that beforehand, I would have just gone to her parents and then to you, as I do now," I explain to him as if I were talking to a toddler. “Why should I take the trouble to kidnap her first and then appear suspicious?” The Alpha notices my irritation and decides not to take it. 

"What do you mean to tell me?" he sounds tight. “Why wouldn't that be possible? Nowadays people do everything to get what they want. Who tells me you are an exception?” 

No, no, no, I'm not going to waste my time on this nonsense. “Listen Alpha. As agreed, I will discuss the matter with her parents and be with you in a week. I'll let you know in advance when I arrive. I also hope to hear the results of your research.” Before he can say any more, I end the call. 

Jace and Cleo stare at me pityingly. “Yes, this reaction was expected. The man is not known for his high IQ.”, sighs Jace. "I can tell he was ready to declare war even before he had enough information about the situation." “

That would be a wrong decision on his part,” Cleo adds sarcastically. “Underestimating Midnight Moon and acting against the Were laws will be his end one day.” 

I walk to the liquor cabinet and take out my most expensive wine. There are now plenty of reasons to throw a three-man party. Midnight Moon has found its Luna and I have a mate. Maybe not quite the way I would like, but that doesn't affect my happiness. I give my friends a glass and toast each. 

“To a new beginning for Midnight Moon. With a Luna, we are much stronger, invincible”, I say in a fiery Alpha tone. 

Jace and Cleo nod. The bubbles from our glasses rise while we look at each other confidently....

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