Chapter 2

Diana’s POV

A week ago

“Diana. This is for the best. I’m sorry I have to do this.”

His voice was soft, kind, and pitying and he spoke carefully, as though lifting it above might shatter a glass. However, because the glass was already shattered, there was little purpose in taking this precaution.

“Just sign these papers so we could end this.” He tapped the table with the papers on it.


Tears fell from my eyes and onto the papers, ruining a few printed letters.

“How could you do this?”

“Diana!” He took the papers away from the table, fanning them as if they collected dust.

“This is an important document. Don’t stain it.”

“Divorce papers?” My chest ached with every word,.

“We’ve only been married for a year. But now you’re… ending our marriage…and leaving me?”

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Our marriage ended way before this. You’re just too much for me.”

“I loved you,” I stated, trying to gasp for air.

“I gave you my all. I did everything you wanted. I entrusted you with my share of my family’s money. I asked nothing of you except for your affection. Even when you cheated on me. I was willing to forgive you. I did everything right! For you! And you’re saying it’s my fault!? ”

My brain spun from the events I could no longer recall, I shouted out and felt like someone had hit me in the head with a hammer when I reached the moment when he cheated.

He sighed and rubbed his temples as if he were more distressed than me. His green eyes sharpened as he looked at me.

“This is the reason. Diana, you gave me things I couldn’t handle and expected me to return it. That saint act of yours, always trying to please me and ask for my time. You always made me feel guilty. And I’m sick of it.”

Though I felt a strain in my throat from all the crying, I tried to speak.

“All I wanted to be was your wife. You call that a burden?”

“Our marriage was a business deal. You were supposed to be a partner. But you were too busy chasing some suburban fantasy.” He put the papers on the table again.

“So, there’s no need for us to continue this deal.”

More tears fell from every corner of my eyes. I grabbed my chest as my heart ached with every bladed word he spoke.

I endured everything and understood that he puts his work above all else. I held on to the hope that he would see me one day as his wife. But even in the end, that’s all he ever saw me as a business partner.

In the end, he never returned my love. Everything I ever did for him… was in vain.

“Fine.” I blurted out.

“I accept that.”

Ah… it hurts.

Damn it. It hurts so bad. I can’t breathe… All those years of loving him. All those years of dedicating my life to learning how to be his wife. Business lessons. Cooking lessons. Every woman’s magazine on how to please your husband. Every married woman I’ve practically interviewed just to get his praise and attention.

It all went to dust in an instant. They were all…meaningless. Why did I even try so hard?

I knew how he felt all along, yet still. I blindly hoped he would change. I never gave up on him because I thought I just needed to do more, then he would open his heart to me. But I was a fool.

Charles never gave me his heart in the end.

It hurts to finally accept it.

“Good.” He smiled.

“Will you sign it now?”

I should. It’s for the best. I can’t push myself towards him anymore because it would rob me of the one thing I have left—my dignity.

At the very least, I could salvage the few crumbs left of the Smiths. Since I’m the only one now.

I nodded silently. He sighed in relief and gave me a pen.

“Just sign here.”

Weakly, I held the pen in my hand and proceeded to sign. I let my hair down so I could hide the dropping tears staining the paper.

It hasn’t even been a week since my parents’ funeral. And he does this to me.

Ah, Diana. Why did you fall for such a monster? All of a sudden, my hand stopped from signing. I clenched the pen in my hand and felt the ring on my finger. It was our wedding ring.

My resolve to sign the papers shattered. What happens to me after this? I have no one left. I can’t possibly stay with my father’s previous workers. He’s no longer here. Why would they care about me? And I have no right to burden them. They lost their jobs because of my foolishness.

Even though it’s shameful, Charles’s the only family I have left. Even if it’s only on paper.

“Charles.” Without thinking, I grabbed his sleeve, “Is there another way?”

“What are you—” He stubbled.

This time I held his hands with both of mine.

“You’re all I have left… Please don’t leave me like this…”

Something inside of me chastised me for what I had done. Everything I would say now would be for nothing. I know. It’s disgraceful, but it’s the painful reality.

I don’t have anyone else. I have no choice but to beg.

Oh well. Goodbye, dignity.

“Diana, we went through this. Your family is bankrupt. Your parents killed themselves. You are no longer beneficial to the Waynes. You shouldn’t carry my name anymore.”

Ah. He’s so cruel.

“I know I can’t be your wife. I accept that now…” I tried to hold my tears back, but I failed.

“But weren’t we friends at least? Tell me I can still hold on to that.”

Before we got married, we were close due to our parents wanting us to be on good terms because we were engaged. I know it was all business too. But we did become good friends. I know, at the very least that was real.

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