Chapter 3

Diana’s POV

Wasn’t it?

His face softened, “Diana…”

And that change of expression sparked a hope within me, that he would still stay with me. So, I pushed for it.

“Please…” I begged, my voice getting weaker.

“Please don’t leave me…”

Ha. I’m so pathetic. Why am I like this?

With the smallest amount of force, he pulled his hand away.

“You always said you want what’s best for me, right? Well, this is it. Smith has no worth to its name now. If you would remain my wife, it would not do the Waynes any good.”


“There is no other way, Diana, Just sign this. Then, I could talk to the lawyer about your settlement. It’s one of the benefits of divorce after all. You can start anew after this.”

Something inside me snapped, but I remained silent.

What nonsense is he spouting?

His family was the one who ruined everything the Smiths ever were. He didn’t give us the HERMES company, even if he knew it was the only thing that could save us. He deliberately robbed my family of a chance to redeem themselves and told me to trust him regardless. And I did. But the Smiths ended up bankrupt. My family despised me for letting that happen. I told them to trust Charles, but we were all fooled.

Even so, I chose my husband over them because he was my family too, and because I irrationally loved him and wanted him to please him. Everything was for him. Everything was because of him.

And he dares suggest… that I start anew?

This bastard. Claiming there’s a silver lining to all his cruelty…

How dare he.

I clenched my fists under my skirt, trying to resist the urge to wreak havoc in his office.

My heart is already as broken as it can be. But right now, all I feel like doing is throwing the shattered pieces at his face.

“Fine,” I muttered under my breath.

Then I grabbed the pen and again, went to sign the paper.

But before I could even drop an ink, the door opened. A familiar voice greeted us.

A voice from hell.

“Charles, darling.” She called out with much enthusiasm.

“Elena.” He walked to her immediately, “What brings you here?”

I subtly glanced over my shoulder. They greeted each other as if they hadn’t seen each other for years. I’m pretty sure they’re together at least every other night.

My heart ached as I watched Charles pull her in from her waist, his hands touching almost every part of her body clad in that tight red dress that looked like it was made of spandex. It almost drove me insane on the spot, the thought that he never did that to me. He’s never been that sweet and intimate outside of bed.

He had moments where he would be kind, but he never showed me those little gestures of affection even when it was just the two of us. He never even had the time to show his wife to the public. People even began to think I was a myth. But there he was, parading his mistress in front of me, and to the world.

Ugh. Damn it. I just want to get out of here.

Elena let out a laugh that would put any hyena to shame, “Oh, I just wanted to bring you something for this joyous occasion. After all…”

She sneered at me, malice and pleasure gleaming in her eyes.

“…it is your Independence Day.” She proudly said, bringing out a bottle of wine.

I almost broke the pen in my hand. The audacity of that low-rate actress… that serpent to open her mouth with me in the room. I held my anger as I tried to finish signing. I succeeded. But I wasn’t able to hold my tears because of what I heard next.

“Perfect timing. We just finished, right Diana?”

The hell?

I gritted my teeth. My chest tightened up so much that I couldn’t breathe.

Even after he broke my heart in every way he could, I thought I would just gracefully let it go. But this was the first time that I felt enraged and disgusted by the fact that I loved him.

It was the first time that I felt pure anger. Just anger.

He walked towards me to see if I’d finished signing all the papers. After seeing my signature, he grinned. Pleased.

“Great.” Then he turned to his mistress, “Babe, you might want to open that wine now.”

Ah, seriously. I’m about to commit a crime.

“I’m done,” I announced.

In a split second, the cork from the wine bottle popped out right after.

“Oh, would you look that!” Elena cheered, “You’re all mine now, Charles!”

Charles beamed as he eyed the papers, “Indeed.”

He then proceeded to gather them as I sat there, frozen and still. I wanted to run away. My marriage just ended. My ex-husband and his mistress are celebrating in front of me.

And I couldn’t stop these damn tears from falling! Why do I have to look so pathetic in front of them?!

I’m supposed to be angry! I wanted to wreak havoc in his office but I couldn’t move.

I felt the ring on my finger. It was moving. I think it came loose because I refused to eat for days. I looked at it, reminiscing about the day we got married. The day I became his wife.

I remember it like it was just yesterday. But now, it all became a blur. I’m no longer his wife. It’s official.

I have no one now.

Just as I turned to walk away silently, he asked me a question. A question that tore down the barrier between my silence and my rage.

“Would you need anything after this?”

And that was all. I dropped the pen in shock at his audacity. Did I need anything?

Hehe. What a freaking bastard. Asking me if I need anything after he just destroyed me?! Is he for real?

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