Chapter 2

Five years later.

 Alden smiled when he saw Chloe and his mother at the airport waiting for his arrival. A feeling of longing welled up in his chest when he saw the two women who meant so much to him had come to pick him up and be hugged. However, Alden's wide smile suddenly disappeared. Seeing how pale and thin Chloe was right now.

Very far from before he left the country. When Alden asked, Chloe just shook her head weakly. Reassuring him that everything is going as planned. Including their wedding party, which has been completed ninety per cent. Just waiting for Alden to come to fit the wedding dress. Without any suspicion, the bank accepted Chloe's reason for being pale from exhaustion, taking care of the preparations for their wedding.

With a spoiled whimper, Chloe assured Alden she was fine and just tired. Alden believed. So he doesn't need to find out what happened to Chloe. Even though in the past year, her lover has been undergoing treatment to remove lymph cancer which is slowly eating away at her body. And Chloe deliberately didn't tell Alden or cancel their wedding. Chloe, who was sentenced by doctors not to have a long life, intends to marry Alden to Alice. Of course, the old grandmother and Alice, who is still studying, would be awkward if she left forever. No one will take care of them both. Alden's character, who was so kind and caring, made Chloe believe that her lover could look after and protect her grandmother and Alice. As well as being such a good husband to his foster sister.

One year ago, when Chloe discovered that cancer was eating away at her body, she tried hiding it from those closest to her. Except Alice. The girl who always accompanies him to the hospital for routine control to treat the cancer of the lymph nodes. However, instead of improving, Chloe's condition worsens daily. His body was getting thinner, and his eyes were sunken with black bags. Like someone who hasn't slept for days.**

Right on the night before the marriage ceremony, Chloe began to feel her body wanting to give up fighting the disease, now eating away at her weak body. Gathering all his strength and hope, he knocked on Alice's door.

The girl answered from one of the rooms. Not long after, the bedroom door opened, and Alice was already there with a sweet smile. Still, as usual, every time Chloe wanted to enter her room.

"What's wrong, sis?" Alice asked while leading Chloe to sit on the edge of the bed.

Chloe flashed a smile as she caressed Alice's cheek gently.

 "You are a good girl. And I am lucky to have you in this world."

She nodded. "I'm also lucky to have you. Without you, I don't know how I would be today. You also help me take care of everything so I don't lose my rights to my parent's property. Thank you, I love you." He spread his arms and hugged Chloe.

 "If only I could repay all your kindness. Of course, I will. And, oh, yes, I…" "Marry Alden tomorrow. Be his wife and make him happy for me," Chloe whispered. Unravelling Alice's hug and holding her hands.

 "I can't fight this disease anymore, Alice. I'm tired and give up. It hurts too much, and my body can't take it anymore. And if it is true that you want to repay all of my kindness, please do so." She gasped. His eyes heated up, and his lips trembled.

 "No, I can't. I … “

"I'm begging you, Alice." Chloe got up from her seat. Moved to kneel at Dit's feet and begged him. She sobbed. Her tears flowed so profusely. Not want. However, many hearts will be hurt after this. Before Chloe entered, Alice was talking to her boyfriend on the phone.

They both can't wait for Chloe and Alden to get married tomorrow. They have been waiting for all this time so they can bring their relationship to go public. And there is their desire to get married shortly because Gilbert Artayasa, Alice's lover, plans to propose to her. However, only some of this will happen. Alice had nodded her head. Accepted Chloe's request to marry Alden.

"Thank you," Chloe whispered, hugging Alice tightly as if it might be their last loving embrace.

After conveying her request, Chloe returned to her room, leaving Alice alone. The girl started crying over her own decision. Why did it have to be her? Why did she have to marry Alden? What about Gilbert? What about their love? And how would she break this news to Gilbert?

When Alice nodded her head, everything changed. She altered who would become Alden's wife and hurt Gilbert because of Chloe's request. Now, whether she liked it or not, Alice had to fulfil her promise to Chloe and erase all memories of Gilbert today on Chloe's wedding day, which she was replacing.

Their grandmother was startled when Chloe said she couldn't marry Alden and revealed the results of her medical examinations. A life-threatening disease was currently ravaging her body.

"Why did both of you keep this from me? Don't you love me anymore?" the elderly woman sobbed. Chloe was her only grandchild, and the family left.

"Forgive me, Grandma. I swear it's not that Alice and I don't love you. It's just that I didn't want to make you worried and sad. At first, I thought the illness would heal with my treatment. But I was wrong. Over time, the condition only worsened. That's why I can't go through with this wedding, Grandma. However, Alice will take my place," explained Chloe.

"Chloe... why does this have to happen? Why must you bear such a heavy burden on your happy day? You've been looking forward to this day for so long. And for Alice, will Alden truly accept her as his wife? It would be better to cancel and continue the wedding when you recover. Grandma is sure you'll get better, Chloe. I'm very certain of that!" said the grandmother, trying to convince Chloe to cancel her intention to marry Alice to Alden.

Alice, who was getting ready, turned around, hoping that Chloe would listen to their grandmother's advice. Because there was no guarantee that Alden would accept her as his wife, and there was also no guarantee that Chloe's illness would give way. However, Chloe shook her head, sticking to her decision to marry Alden to Alice.

Chloe also assured everyone that Alden is a good, responsible man and the only person who can care for Alice and their grandmother. It was a heavy decision to accept, but they could do nothing but comply with Chloe's wishes. Alden was already waiting downstairs to proceed with the wedding. After that, the celebration would continue with a lively wedding reception, considering they were their families' only children.

Alden was nervous. Not seeing Chloe for over a week made him even more anxious to meet his beloved. He couldn't stop smiling because he had eagerly awaited this day. However, when they arrived at the main event, Alden was asked to wait for a moment due to a change from Chloe.

Not knowing what it was, Alden patiently waited, excited to marry Chloe. But all his hopes and dreams shattered when Alice came down from the second floor in a wedding dress, with Chloe and their grandmother by her side as attendants.

Alden was furious, feeling like Chloe and her family were playing him. "What is this?!" he exclaimed, glaring at his family and Chloe interchangeably.

Chloe approached and sat next to Alden, where she was supposed to be seated during the wedding.

She handed her medical examination results to Alden. "Alden, please marry Alice, I beg you! Continue my duty to take care of her and our grandmother," she pleaded softly. Her once-beautiful face is now pale despite the thick makeup.

Alden shook his head. "I can't do that! And I don't care if you have only a day or an hour left. I want to marry you, Chloe, not Alice!"

"I know, Alden. I know that. But I can't marry you if it will only be a burden for you. So I beg you, Alden. Marry Alice." She held Alden's hand.

Feeling her head heavy and in pain, Chloe hoped Alden would agree and marry Alice for her sake. "I can't!" Alden forcefully pulled his hand away from Alice. Then he stood up and left his seat.

Alden firmly refuses Chloe's request to marry Alice because he loves Chloe and only wants to be with her. He didn't need to become Alice's husband to take care of her and their grandmother.

But as Alden reached the door, a commotion was heard behind him. Chloe had fainted while trying to chase after him. Alden turned back and ran to Chloe, taking her to the hospital.


Suasana in the hospital room grew quiet as Chloe lay there, with Alice still dressed in her wedding attire, surrounded by Alden's grandmother and mother, along with the wedding officiant and a few witnesses for the wedding between Alice and Alden.

After speaking heart-to-heart with Alden, Chloe's request was finally granted. She would marry Alice, but only for herself. No more, no less. Before they gathered in Chloe's hospital room, Alden spoke privately with Alice, telling her their marriage wouldn't last long. If Chloe recovered, they would divorce, and Alden would marry Chloe. If Chloe passed away, they would divorce on the hundredth day after her departure.

Alden also allowed Alice from pursuing a relationship with other men, as their marriage would have no physical contact whatsoever, making it easier for them both to handle the divorce. Alice agreed and accepted the arrangement, knowing that she and Gilbert could marry after her marriage to Alden was over, with nothing lost physically or emotionally.

The wedding was performed in Chloe's presence. As Alice and Alden officially became husband and wife, Chloe's eyes closed as the door to her ward opened. Gilbert came. Her eyes reddened seeing her lover marrying another man. As far as Alice could remember, the one who was getting married today was Chloe, her older sister. Not Alice, like the one before him now.

"Gilbert," Alice whispered, her heart aching as she saw her beloved look shattered, just like her.

"Chloe...!" Alden exclaimed, holding Chloe, who had passed away forever. After seeing his beloved and adopted sister officially married, he felt at peace, knowing that Alice was in the hands of the right man.

Alice turned, her heart still in pain, witnessing Gilbert's devastation, and now she was faced with Chloe's death. Her body weakened, her vision blurred, and she fainted. Fortunately, Gilbert immediately ran and caught Alice, preventing her from falling to the floor. Despite the pain in his heart, he couldn't bear to see Alice hurt.

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