Chapter 2

As Ethan's car screeched to a halt in front of the Rosewood Medical Center, the bustling activity of the hospital seemed to come to a temporary pause. Ethan had already informed the Hospital Director of his impending arrival with a patient, and he wasted no time in stepping out of the car.

As he swung open the passenger door, two nurses emerged from the hospital, their eyes fixed on him. "Welcome, President Ethan," they echoed in unison, their voices filled with an almost reverential awe. But Ethan, it seemed, was in no mood for pleasantries. He merely glanced at them before turning his attention to the task at hand.

Guessing that the nurses would not be able to handle Mel's weight, Ethan took it upon himself to lift and transport the patient, a task he accomplished with ease, displaying a remarkable strength that belied his slender frame.

After transferring Mel onto the stretcher, he spoke at last, his demeanour cold as he stated, "The patient is weak and under the infl***e of anaesthesia, but it's not a serious case."

Alright, Sir, She will be up soon. They said as their voices trembled slightly. The director had already informed them of his identity, causing them to avert their gaze to the ground in fear of provoking his displeasure. Ethan acknowledged their words with a slight nod before getting into his car and driving away.

As Mel was being taken inside the hospital, the nurses couldn't help but express their admiration for Ethan. The mere thought of their encounter with him filled their hearts with joy and excitement.

"He looks like a god!" one of the nurses exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "His chiselled features and commanding presence left me completely speechless." 

The other nurse nodded in agreement, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Yes, he looked so handsome on TV, but seeing him in person was like a dream come true. She gushed giggling left and right.

As they made their way through the hospital, all eyes were on them. Whispers and murmurs could be heard from every corner, it seemed they were all interested in the nurse's first encounter with Ethan.

"Did you guys really meet with President Ethan?" one curious nurse asked, breaking the silence.

The first nurse, eager to share the details of their encounter, replied with a giggle, "Of course we did, and believe me, his looks are unmatched."

The second nurse, more reserved and introspective, kept her thoughts to herself and simply listened to the conversation unfolding around her.

As they continued on their way, another nurse piped up, "And the lady, is she his girlfriend?" Her voice was loud and inquisitive, drawing the attention of even more onlookers.

The talkative nurse who had previously spoken up chimed in once more, her laughter ringing out, "Girlfriend? She isn't. I overheard the director saying she was just somebody he saved from getting abducted. President Ethan would never date someone like that." she mocked.

The group erupted in laughter, finding the idea amusing. However, their laughter was cut short by the stern voice of a matron who had been observing them. "Aren't you all supposed to be attending to the patients?" she scolded questioning their absence from their duties. The nurses quickly bowed their heads and scurried back to their posts, knowing that the consequences of being reported to the Director could be severe. 


As Ethan drove away from the hospital, he steered his car towards his office at LIM Shoes and Clothing. LIM Shoes and Clothing was more than just a business to Ethan, it was a legacy that his parents had left behind. Unfortunately, their tragic death in a fire had left Ethan an orphan at the tender age of 11.

But fate had more in store for Ethan, as his uncle Mr Darth saw an opportunity to satisfy his greed. Darth, a manufacturing supervisor in the shoe department, tried to manipulate the will in his favour after his brother's death. When that didn't work, he sent Ethan abroad to study and took over the company, putting his son Liam in charge 

After 16 long years, Ethan finally returned to Jenovia at the age of 27 to find the company on the brink of collapse, thanks to his uncle's poor leadership. Without hesitation, he assumed the position of President and, with hard work and determination, managed to restore LIM Shoes and Clothing to its former glory in just a few weeks. 

In the present moment, Ethan stared at a blue file on the table, picking it up, he began to sift through its contents, his expression turning sour with each passing moment. Releasing the file from his grasp, he picked up his phone and placed a call. In less than two minutes, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Ethan said in reply. Following the response, Charles walked in. Charles was Ethan's assistant 

"Arrange a meeting with the board members," Ethan said, his voice was ice-cold as he gave the command

"Um, Sir..." Charles hesitated, knowing that some members were absent, but Ethan's frigid demeanour silenced him.

"Don't keep me waiting. Schedule it NOW," Ethan stressed, emphasizing the word "NOW." "Tell the others to connect via Zoom," he added as if anticipating Charles's concern.

"Yes, Boss," Charles replied, grateful that his boss understood his unspoken thoughts.

"I'll be dismissing some officials today, so be prepared," Ethan stated, casting a meaningful look at Charles.

Charles was terrified like his boss's cold aura. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he struggled to comprehend what was happening in the CEO's mind. "Okay, Boss," he bowed and hastily left the office.

Following a period of deep contemplation, Ethan stood up and made his way towards the window. His eyes fixed on the scenery outside, he took a moment to stare out at the view before releasing a heavy breath. 


As Mel groggily opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a strange bed. She struggled to sit up and take in her surroundings, realizing with a start that she was in a hospital room. Memories of the attack flooded back to her, and she muttered a curse under her breath, directed at the CEO of Mindreads.

Still feeling weak and disoriented, Mel tried to stand up and leave the room. But a wave of nausea hit her suddenly, and she stumbled into the bathroom, where she was violently sick.

When she returned to her bed, a soft knock sounded at the door. "Come in," Mel called out grumpily, feeling too sick to care who it was.

A young nurse entered, she was one of the two nurses that had brought Mel in on the stretcher. to "How are you feeling?" she asked gently.

"I'm weak and nauseous," Mel replied. "Can you tell me who brought me here? I can't seem to remember," she added asking a question.

The nurse smiled sympathetically before replying. "It was President Ethan. He saved you from your attacker."

Mel couldn't help but wonder why the nurse referred to a martial arts instructor with the title of President instead of Sensei, which means teacher in English. Even if Sensei was too difficult for her to pronounce, she could have called him a teacher. But Mel knew she had bigger worries than the nurse's choice of words.

"Did he leave already?" Mel asked, looking at the nurse.

"Yes, he did. I'll bring you some d***s to help relieve the discomfort and strengthen you," the nurse replied before leaving the room.

Mel couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment as she murmured wistfully, "It would have been nice if he had stayed until I woke up, but I'm grateful for his help. Hopefully, I'll have the opportunity to thank him properly someday." She sighed and leaned back on the pillow before dozing off.

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