Chapter 3


Hugo slid the car into the large gate. Just as we descended, I could see various types of vehicles parked. Some couples greeted us as we entered. He’s wearing a waistcoat while on the inside is a white polo sleeve.

“Hugo! Is this your fiancée? You never disappoint us with women. She’s stunning,” the woman complimented us.

Her husband agreed, “That’s true, I remember when you were almost married to—Mmp!”

The woman quickly covered her partner’s mouth. “Hehe. Please be considerate with this husband of mine. He’s too talkative. We’ll go inside now.” I even saw her kicking him while walking.

We stepped in as well; I didn’t pay attention to what the guy said since I knew it was something that shouldn’t be a joke or question about.

When we arrived in the vast hall, they had exquisitely arranged several tables. What impresses me is how such a magnificent event could be organized in such a short period. When you’re wealthy, you’re on another scale. Hugo’s mother waved farewell to her friends and pointed at us. She raced towards me after she saw our presence, and I had to walk to her because I was afraid she might tumble.

“Aunty, don’t run. You may trip and hurt yourself,” I warn her. She dressed in an evening gown, a night cocktail maxi dress in maroon. She’s pure gold.

Her expression grew solemn, and I was taken aback by what she said. “You’re about to marry my son, yet you still refer to me as an aunt. Even though we only met today, I want you to call me mommy,” she asserted.

I giggled and hugged her, whispering, “OK, mother!”

She drew me over to her companions, who smiled as they greeted us. “This is my daughter-in-law, Adele Barrow. Isn’t she lovely?” She boasted.

I’m not sure how she knew my name. I had not comprehended what she said when her amiga, who was dressed in an emerald back dress, responded instantly. Fortunately, Hugo got me a dress that would look well on such sophisticated folks.

“I’ve never heard the surname Barrow; what is your family’s business?”

I lowered my head. The back of my ears became hot since, before Hugo and I started acting, it seems like that they would soon toss me out of this hall. The scenes in the movies I’ve just seen seem to happen to me. My family does not own a company because both of my parents were killed in a car accident, and my sister died recently. Hugo’s mother gave me a look.

I’m also ashamed since I do not know what her name is. When a solid arm wrapped around my waist, my eyes welled up because I didn’t know what to do.

I turned to him. My gaze was drawn to his flaming, rather than furious, eyes. “They don’t run a family business. She works at our company, and I fell in love with her because she is hardworking and respectful.” he looked away from me and smiled at her mother’s friends.

Despite my nervousness, I added something to what he said, “Y-yeah. I love Hugo because of who he is. Not because of what he already has.” I’m blushing, not because I don’t own a family company, but because of what I’m speaking. I’ll never like this arrogant dude! Over my gorgeous dead body!

Mommy cheered us — ugh! Apart from the fact that my connection with Hugo isn’t entirely real, it’s too affluent to call her mommy!

She clapped as if she enjoyed what was going on. People started murmuring as well as they saw us. As mom spoke, their conversation heated. “Did you see and hear that? That is what I mean by genuine love. You don’t care what or who the person is. Aww! It’s great to be a teenager and always feel the thrill and excitement! Now it’s just my urine that gives me a thrill,” she exclaimed excitedly.

When a guy came, everyone laughed. He seems like Hugo’s twin, but an older version. He cut through mommy’s commotion, gripped her waist as if dancing, and snitched a kiss. “There! I’m scared everyone will forget you’re already married to me, Helena Whitlock,” he joked to the crowd while looking at them. Mommy smacked him across the chest. Her name is Helena, and at least I’m not making a fool of myself by calling her mom when I don’t know her full name.

A gay person approached her and whispered something while she’s giggling. That appears to be the event’s organizer. I can even read mommy’s mouth opening, as if startled and pleased. They have given her a microphone, and she recited.

“All right, ladies and gentlemen! You may start eating now because my grown man child will say something while you’re sampling the dishes.” She handed over the microphone to the person she was speaking with. I poked Hugo’s tummy. He bent down to the same level as me.

“What are you going to announce?” I yanked on his ear.

He returned my whisper in my left ear. In other people’s views, our current situation appeared to be ideal.

“I also have no idea,” he muttered, and it seemed like we were kissing on the cheek since our noses were hitting one other. Her mother called him after he responded to me. Mommy Helena also gestured with her hand, as if pleading for a brief respite.

I nodded to let him know I was OK and that he should go. I catch a peek at whatever his mother handed him before he returns my gaze. As a woman approached, I shifted my eyes away from them.

“Good evening, ma’am. My name is Frances, and I work as the event organizer’s assistant. Please follow me and have a seat,” she said as she led me to the long table. The stage with blue and red spotlights was the only sparkle when the lights went dark.

Hugo was standing on stage, clutching a microphone. His stance and attitude are unmistakably regal. To see if the microphone was working, he exercises his voice. When he was certain that everything was well, I heard his gorgeous and seductive voice.

“I know many of you are wondering why we’re here—or who that woman with me is,” he begins.

“Before I tell you what this event is for, I want you to know who she is and what she means to me,” he said, as he turned to face me.

“I heard somewhere that winter shapes our personalities and brings out the best in us. To me, Adele Barrow is like that. She let stuff out that I didn’t think I had. Adele Barrow gave my entire existence hope and shaped my entire life.”

What exactly is this man confessing? Nothing in our discussion suggests that this will happen. The white shoulder bag I was carrying hid my face. I felt much more uncomfortable since everyone was staring at me. Hugo was making his way down the stage towards me when I spotted him.

“No. No. No. Don’t come here,” I whispered to myself, but the man persisted. He took something from his pocket and took out a red box. I saw a diamond ring as he opened it. It shines even in the dark because red and blue light bounces off of it.

The people in front of me rose to show him the way. He knelt and moved the chair that was obstructing my path to me.

“Adele Barrow, I beg for your hand in front of the people watching today so they may see how much I cherish you.”

I focused on his eyes. He’s not showing any emotion or making him appear forced. Anyone who sees us will think we love each other. As he waited for me to respond, it filled his eyes with joy. This isn’t something I expected to see in fairy tales or TV shows, but it’s happening to me right now. The only difference is that we don’t love each other, and everything that is going on right now is fake. I slowly extended my hand for him to set the ring. He stepped up and leaned in close to my face. What occurred next was as if my thoughts had been buffered...

He kissed me on the lips!

People were shouting and applauding. I’m still shocked as they congratulated us.

What in the world just happened?

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