Chapter 3. Determination

The day dawned crisp and clear, sending the first ray of sunlight through Audrey's room, who was still lazily in bed.

The sound of birds chirping from the garden could be heard. Audrey finally opened her eyes, rubbing her bleary eyes and stretching out herself.

She stood up and strides over to the window, staring at the pearly glow in the sky. She veers around to stare at Emma was still sound asleep before rushing to the bathroom.

After a thorough wash, Audrey applied some beauty product to her skin before putting on her blue jean shot and a leather jacket. She finally combed her hair, letting it droop around her pale cheek.

Her cheeks were blush red, and a light amount of pink was applied to her lips. She quickly left before anyone would realize she was gone.


Liam Wyatt stood at the window that gave him an astonishing view of the city park. He had been in Florida for two days now. Haven concluded his business transaction, he was supposed to fly back to New York, yet he knew his return won't be one his boss would welcome with open hands without information on the girl he's been searching for almost two decades.

A large elegant bed with a white silk bedspread stood out in his hotel room, he's been enjoying free Wi-Fi and every other luxury, but he sure was feeling bored now.

A knock came at his door, and a second knock followed immediately. Liam looks at his watch, it was just 7:am making him wonder who it could be.

" Who is there?" He asked but there wasn't a word from the other end, he goes to the door, and the moment he clicked it open, a tall and slender figure walks in without being invited in.

" Good morning, sir. My name is Audrey Jayden, the first child and sole heir to J.and. J".

" Why are you here? I thought we finalize our deal".

" Yes I understand my father sold the company to your boss, well, am here to let you know that it was not his to sell in the first place"

" Look, young lady, if you have a daddy issue, go sort it out with daddy am truly busy here"

" I want the company back, tell me what it will take to get the company back"

"For a start, you will need five million dollars"

" What if I have something else to offer. I understand you are a fashion designer, I could make your designs, unique designs that will blow up your mind".

" No offense here but if you could create such designs, then I don't think your company would have gone bankrupt, besides we have the best designers in the world, so you see dear, you have nothing to offer"

" Please sir, that company is the only strain of hope my family is holding on to, I can't let you have it"

" Am so young lady, it out of my power"

" Then tell me, who do I need to see, who has the power?"

" You've heard of the fashion lord Carter Colton, except that you won't be able to see him, even if you book an appointment today, it's going to take three months to consider whether you are worth seeing or not"

" Please you have to help me, I will make sure every single money you paid is refunded"

" A contract was signed, you can't refund it back. I'm sorry young lady, but I think you should leave it not proper you're here in a hotel room with a stranger".

" I don't care! I don't care about anything else. Please, that company is my family lineage".

" You have to leave now, or I will be forced to throw you out"

Every ounce of hope in her felt taken away, but Audrey has never backed out in a fight and was not ready to do that now.

She adjusted her dress and walks away carrying her head high.

The moment she was away from the hotel, her phone rang, it was Emma.

" Audrey where the hell are you and what have you done, your father is furious"

" I do not know, why is he angry?"

" I don't know, he got a call, I think it's something about you harassing the new owner of J.and. J".

" I wasn't harassing him, I was asking for his help"

" What!! Did you go see him, why would you do that, I thought we agreed to let it go"?

" When have I ever been one to let go, am sorry Emma, but I can't give up the company just like that"

" Audrey you have been living your mother's dream for the longest time, don't you think it's time you find yours"

" Don't you understand Emma, this is my dream, every time I look at my hands, I want to make clothes with them, it's all that keeps me going, I can't let it go, I will get the company back at all cost" she terminates the call pacing around the hotel.

" What did she say?" Anxious, Gianna asks her daughter, who just got off the phone.

" Mother, she still insists on going after the company"

" Audrey has always been like that, let her do whatever she wants"

When Liam checked out of the hotel, he was glad that he was able to conclude the deal and get Jayden's daughter off his skin, although he could find the one-person Carter Colton needed him to find.

But just when he thought he got Audrey out of his skin, a tall, light skin and a slender figure walked up to him, her blonde hair sweeping off her shoulder.

She stood right in front of the car he had called to come to take him to the airport.

She looked exhausted and frizzy from the sun, which made him wonder if she has been here all morning.

" You?!"

" Yes me"

" What are you still doing here?"

" Tell me what I can do to get the company back, anything at all, I will do it"

" Am sorry dear, but it is out of my hands, like I said you will have to speak with my boss"

" Can I have his contact?"

" Am sorry but that is not allowed"

" Fine. I have a present for him" She dips her hand into her bag bringing out her sketchbook.

" Give these to him, he will want to see me after this" Liam was reluctant to accept the sketchbook at first knowing Carter Colton wouldn't even glance at it for a second but if that would make her happy, he finally accepted it.

" Thank you, sir. My contact info is there, I will be expecting his call".

"I doubt that ever going to happen." He chipped in before walking away with his suitcase containing documents and a few clothes.

Carter Colton got all the information he needed even before Liam landed. He finally thought he should give up his childhood crush and face what was ahead of him.

The door to his office clicked open, and Chloe emerged wearing a blmini-skirtkirt that was above her kneel and a light blue shirt exposing most of her breasts. She wore thick makeup, her shiny hair packed professionally.

" Hi dear!" Her heels make a loud sound while she consciously walks toward him.

" How long am I going to repeat myself before your brain starts functioning? The next time you are going to barge into my office without knocking, it's going to be the death of you!"

His voice was calm, but Chloe knew he meant one of him trying to avoid those bloodshot eyes.

" Am sorry, Mr. Colton. When are we going to look past that level?"

" When you signed a contract to work for my company exclusively, we agreed to keep things professional. Now if you are unable to keep your pants where they belong, we might as well terminate the contract".

" Relax, Mr. Colton, you don't have to be so rigid all the time. You need me in this company, and you know it".

" The best designs that got this company where it is today were solely designed by me, so I would appreciate it if you don't flatter yourself too much"

" You need me Mr. Colton and you know it, I was the best-graduating student"

" You never fail to flatter yourself, ms fox. The ECO-FASHION AWARDS is at the corner, I hope your team has something to wow us"

His face looked intensified, and his upper lips pulled up.

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