Chapter 2. 6 Months Earlier

Marco POV

I look at the pathetic, useless man before me. If you can even give him the title, man. He thought he had worked things out. He thought the loyalty I bestowed on him was unchangeable and nothing would destroy it.

Well, you're fucking wrong.

Drawing in the silken smoke, the taste of Daiquri hits me; as I breathe out, the cloud of smoke surrounds him. I don't move or speak for a few minutes, watching as he panics more and more with every passing second. He screwed me over, and that cannot be forgotten or forgiven so quickly and easily.

"You burnt the loyalty I gave you. Nothing can bring that back." Rising from my chair, I take off my jacket, folding it and placing it on the chair.

His eyes watch warily as I remove my tie and roll up my shirt sleeves. Sucking in the silken smoke again, I lean into his face.

"So, you can try to earn it back. Get in the ring." His eyes widened, and I dropped the cigar to the floor. Stepping down on it, I wait, watching his every move.

The roll of his throat has me smile. It's slow and shaky, and he's trying to hold himself together and not swallow so loudly. My eyes observe those around me.

Dario, my older brother, who couldn't do this job, is bouncing from foot to foot, itching to have fun. The crazy bastard has lost it, not that we will say that, though. No, he was born that way. I almost cracked a smile at that thought.

Lorenzo, the baby of us brothers, is sitting. He's barely moved and kept his eyes fixed on Tommy the entire time. He's analysing everything, he can't just sit, no he has to analyse everything. To his right, by the drinks machine, is Matteo, our other brother. His tongue glides across his lip as he peers at his phone, no doubt talking to Iz and knowing her, she will be taunting the fuck out of him.

My eyes go to Wayne. He's shifting nervously, but he's new, so today is a test of his strength and well…to see if he can handle shit. Not many of the soldiers can; they come here and claim they can deal with this life with the Cosa Nostra, but they quickly fail.

"I'm waiting, Tommy. On your feet." Slipping from my shoes, I turn my back to him, a show that I don't fear the target I have on my back for being the Don. He is fighting me to win back the truth and loyalty. If he refuses, well, he can't live. Even he knows that, so right now, his only choice is to get up and fight.

I watch as Lorenzo walks past me, likely bored as fuck. I can't blame him; they are here for support, as a show of teamwork; there's nothing fun for him to do other than observe everything and everyone. Taking a step forward, I hear the shot. As I spin, I grab my gun, aiming for Tommy; I fire, watching the bullet hit the centre of his forehead. He falls, unmoving. My eyes go to the gun that is still in his hand. How did he manage to get that when we searched him? He had nothing on him.

I glance around, but no one is moving. Keeping myself calm, I look again. Dario, there is no blood. Matteo, no blood. Lorenzo, shit! I move quickly to his side and pull him down, his hands pushing me back and trying to get me away from him.

"Fuck off, asshole." Lorenzo chokes out, and I look at him with a firm face. "It's a graze, barely anything." He laughs, but I watch the wound gushing. Clicking my fingers, I am handing a cloth. Holding it against him, I sigh. He made a rookie mistake, a fucking rookie mistake! 

"You got to fucking close." My words are stern. He knows not to get too close, not to someone who is about to possibly die.

"That I did, brother; he shot me with my own gun." His chuckle ends in a groan. I pat his shoulder, I will shout at him for it lateer. I watch as they carry him out to the SUV. He will be fine. It wasn't a fatal shot.

I move to stand and look at my soldiers. These fuckers didn't even move quickly enough. My eyes slice across to the latest members. Not one of them even tried to stop him. Tommy still had the gun and could have shot anyone else after Lorenzo. 

"Loyalty is earned," I say as I step forward.

"Loyalty can not be bought." I step over Tommy's lifeless body.

"Loyalty isn't for life." Leaning down into Tommy's face now, I shake my head in disappointment, and I thought he knew the rules.

"Loyalty lost is deadly." Closing Tommy's eyes, I straighten myself. Slipping on my shoes, I grab my jacket and tie. I was looking forward to caving his head in.

Apparently, though, he had other ideas. I turn and face the men.

"I have given you loyalty and brought you into the Cosa Nostra family. If you see that as a weakness on my side, well…it will be a mistake."

Sitting back in the chair, I face them. Mac stays close to me. My main man.

"I hope today has made you realise that coming into this family, getting loyalty, just to use it against me, won't get you far."

Sighing, I shake my head at Tommy's body.

"Those who pay to have you on their side are not giving you loyalty. They are giving you a death sentence. Once they are done with you…" Standing, I smooth down my suit.

"They will leave you just how Tommy is." Turning, I walk out with Mac behind me. I don't say anything else. Worry creeps up in my chest for Lorenzo.

Don't feel

Don't open up

Don't feel

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