Chapter 4. Meal

Lucia POV

Standing in the shower, I raise my head, and close my eyes.

I love you, Mum.

I love you, Rose

I love you, Ethan

I'm so fucking sorry I was useless

"You forgot I had a key woman." I shiver at his words. Quickly stepping from the shower, I grab a towel, his hand yanking it away from me.

"I did what you asked!" Screaming, I step back.

"Which is fucking amazing. I'm bored of the arrangement, though, woman. You do jobs for me, and I get nothing; I want more again." He takes one long stride towards me.

My head shakes briskly. He can't do this.

"I could always call in Jack and make this a party." The corner of his lips turns up, slowly pulling higher until he smirks. I want to refuse, but refusing means he will call in Jack. He always goes through with his threats. Then there is the chance he will call my father and get him to teach me a lesson for refusing him.

Walking into the bedroom, he follows me.

"I want you bent over woman." His words are cold, and I do as instructed, hearing his heavy steps stop behind me. The sound of his zipper is loud in the silence but quieter than my thudding heart.

Tears that had burnt the back of my eyes now rolled down my cheeks.

Fuck you Dad

Fuck you Dan

Fuck you world


I sit across from my father. His wide grin makes me want to puke, along with his newest bit that clings to him like flies to shit. I drown out their conversation, not wanting to hear.

She's a certified lawyer.

She doesn't work anymore.

She has the most beautiful emerald eyes.

No, Dad, she's another piece for your collection.

"Is she behaving herself?" My dad's question is aimed at Dan, and I sit still waiting. Dan twists his head to look in my direction, and a knowing expression covers his face.

"Well, Gino, how do I put this?" Dan waits, his eyes fixed on me. He's set to torture me, torment me, or maybe just use me as his personal sex slave? Then again, that was his agreement with my father.

He's waiting for my response to this morning's question, or rather, his demand.

He says it's a choice, but it isn't. We stare each other down, my dad's eyes flickering from me back to Dan.

"Lucia." My father's words are loud.

"You have a choice, woman. Accept we both join you in bed tonight, or Daddy hears how you refuse my orders and how I had to drag you there tomorrow."

The memory of last night rattles in my head like a snake, slithering and curling around my brain, squeezing for an answer.

It's a nod, that's my response, a harsh, quick nod that I wish would kill him.

Turning back to my dad, Dan grins. "Oh, she is very, what's the word? Committed." His tongue darts over his lower lip.

"Very submissive." He speaks again.

"A great...Entertainer."

Bile rises in my throat, and I swallow hard. My dad's eyes gleam. God, I never saw this side of him growing up.

What did you marry, mum?

"Well, I did say I had the perfect woman for you." My dad's hands slap down on his trousers as he laughs. "I knew she would make the perfect trophy."

Trophy? A fucking trophy? First, I get called woman, and now a trophy. I want to climb over the table and ram his falk so down his throat I pierce his heart from the inside.

"She keeps us all entertained, just as you said." Dan laughs leisurely, sliding back in the chair, his eyes going from my dad to me.


My eyes widened upon hearing his words, and sweat began to build on my forehead.

"I feel like, mmm..." He stops and assesses me. "Like she takes this whole thing lightly. I get a sense she thinks she is a free woman. Isn't that right, woman?"

I turn at his last words, my dad's face slowly becoming more and more red.

Secretly, I want to stand up and say I am. Bitch. Kick him in the balls and walk out, but I can't.

"You're wrong, Dan. I know I am yours. To have in any way you want, for however long you want." The words burn through me, and Dan smiles.

"Can we get you to say that again, this time with you actually meaning it?"

My eyes roll at him, and I watch the slow frown appear as he rises from the table. Slowly, I shrink back into my chair.

"You know, woman, that is the most disrespectful thing ever. I feel like you do it just to piss me off." Dan stays leaning over my body, his hand gripping the back of my chair.

"I trust I don't need to remind you, Lucia, of what happens when you act up." My dad's words burn through me.

"I may as well put your body to use, get something good from your mother having another guy's kid."

I struggle against his grip as he climbs on top of me. Tears fall from my eyes as I feel him thrust into me.

"You're just like your mother."

The sharp slap awakens my mind from the memory.

"Answer me, girl!" My dad stands leaning over me.

"I'll behave, I promise." I lower my head, keeping my eyes down.

One day, you will all regret touching me. One day, I will kill you, damn the consequences.

In the following hours, I stay with my head lowered, knowing they will see me as behaving if I do. Dan's and my dad's words sickened me. They are discussing me like I'm an object, which I guess, right now I am to them.

Why did you have to cheat, Mum?

Why did you have to lie?

Why didn't I die as well?

Why wasn't I his fucking daughter? He wouldn't have hurt me then.

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