Chapter 3

Laura sat on her bed as different thoughts came to her mind. For some days now, things have not been the same. But how? She asked herself. Before they moved to this city, she was doing okay and there were no nightmares or meeting strangers she felt she had seen before but everything changed when she moved to this city. Could there be something wrong with this place? She asked herself. The thoughts were overwhelming her and it was driving her crazy. She felt she needed air so she stood up and opened her window in the outer darkness.

“There’s just something out there that gives me a sigh of relief,” she said as she placed her hand on the necklace.

A few hours ago, she was trying so hard to get the necklace off, but she couldn’t. It was like the necklace was meant for her and her alone.

“I wonder who gave this to me,” she said as she stared at the moon. “It’s not even a full moon yet.”


Evan stood behind a tree, trying to hide from the lights emitting from Laura’s room.

“I wonder what she’s still doing awake,” he said. “Should I read her mind a little?” He asked himself, smiling at the idea. He positioned his ear in a way he could listen clearly to her mind. However, it wasn’t easy because different thoughts from other people were coming in at the same time. It was his duty to listen carefully and pick out the thoughts that belonged to Laura. Despite how hard he tried, it was hard for him to remember the necklace.

“How could I forget?” It’s hard for any vampire to read her mind if she has that necklace on. The necklace has effects on other vampires but it doesn’t affect her and Evan. He waited for some time till she closed the windows, then he stepped out of his hiding place and stared at the window.

“Whatever you are Laura, I’ll figure it out,” he said.

He was about to leave when he heard some movement in the bush. Before the person could attack him first, he used his reflexes and caught the person, and to his surprise, it was Emerald.

“Emerald?” He said shockingly. He wasn’t expecting to see her here. “What are you doing here?” He asked her as she stared into his eyes.

“Evan, why are you avoiding me?” She asked, taking his hands into her hands as she filled up the spaces between his fingers.

“Emerald I’ve told you, not now. We have better things to do... “

“Like what?” She cuts in. “So, you’re going to protect her all your life?” She asked sarcastically.

Evan gave a bittersweet smile as he pushed her away from him a little so he could see her face.

“What do you want from me, Emmy?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” She asked to move closer to him. “I want you back Evan.” She said, touching his chest. “I want to feel your arms on my body again.” Emerald said as she took his hands and planted a kiss on them. She stared into his brown eyes that glimmered when the moonlight reflected on them. After she was sure she had gotten his attention, she looked straight to his lips, where they lingered. “I want to feel your kiss once again.” And with that, she kissed him, making his eyes change from brown to green. He had to shake his head so he could get to his senses.

“Stop it Emmy,” he said as he pushed her away, walking a few miles away from her.

“You can continue pushing me away but it doesn’t change the fact that you still love me Evan and that you want me as much as I do or even m...” Before she could finish her words, Evan rushed, his eyes turning green as he kissed her. His hands moved to the hem of her skirt as he rubbed his hands on her thigh, moving his hands up and down and in random motion. Emerald’s eyes turned green when his hands touched her skin. Surprisingly, he still has that same effect on her.

After being passionate with each other for a few minutes, Evan’s eyes changed back to their normal color. He stared at the already heated Emerald, who was trying so hard to control her urges.

“Why did you stop?” she asked.

Evan went close to her and held her by her shoulder, staring straight into her eyes, searching for something, anything but he couldn’t find what he was looking for.

“I don’t feel anything Emerald,” he said and that shocked Emerald to the bone marrow. “The spark when I kiss you, the delight to go beyond kissing, the desire to want you as mine, all of that is gone, Emmy.”

“I know it’s because of what I did and I’m s...”

Before she could finish her sentence, he placed a finger on her lips, shushing her.

“You and I both know it’s not because of what you did.”

Emerald didn’t seem to understand what was going on here. She knew she had made a mistake by going out with Jim while she was still in a relationship with Evan, and she knew she was wrong to try to make Evan jealous by kissing Adam in his presence, but she was young and foolish. She didn’t know what she was doing. How she wishes Evan would just let go of the past and let them go on with their relationship.

“What do you mean?” She asked, her voice sounding so sad and hurting.

“Let’s go home, Emmy.” The conversation ended as they walked in silence.


Reed sat on his bed pressing his phone when a call came in. It was Laura. He looked at the name over and over again to see if his eyes were functioning or if maybe he was seeing things, but when he confirmed his eyes were working perfectly fine and that she was the one calling, he accepted the call.

“Hello.” Laura said her voice was so cool and calm.

“Yeah,” Reed answered.

“I’m sorry to disturb you by this time of the night, it’s just that I saw your calls and I just didn’t have the time to pick up those calls that’s why I decided to call now. Please who am I talking to?” she asked.

“I’m Reed. I’m sorry, you said you saw my number on your phone?”


Reed became confused. When did he call her? And if he didn’t, how did she get his number? He thought. After much thinking, he found out that he did call her that morning. She left her phone, and due to the whole incident that happened with her fainting and the vampire he saw, he just collected her number and promised to call her when he got home.

“Hello.” Laura’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts.


“Weren’t you the one that called?” she asked.

“I did. I just wanted to check on you. The day you fainted, I called so I could talk to you and ask how you were.”

This time, the pause came from Laura. What did he mean by “she fainted”? She asked herself.

“Um...I’m sorry but I think there’s a misunderstanding. I don’t think I fainted, maybe It was someone else you mistook me for,” Laura said, laughing sheepishly.

“No, I’m not wrong, I know what I saw and I’m certain it was you.”

“You’ve got the wrong girl.”

“I know what I say...” Reed paused as it finally hit him what was going on. He wiped her memory. That vampire guy wiped her memory. That’s the only thing that can explain this. Reed thought.

“Can we see tomorrow?” He said, but when he felt like she would turn him down, he tried to make it more convincing. “I’ll explain myself better.” he said.

“Okay. Tomorrow then.” Laura was about to cut the call, but then a question came to her. “Do you remember where I won...”

“The flower shop. The only one I’d ever find. I think I do.”

That made Laura giggle a little.

“Bye then,” she said and hung up.

“Whatever you are Laura, I’ll figure it out.” He lay on his bed while thinking of what tomorrow holds.

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