Chapter 2

“I didn’t call you earlier because I wanted to reunite with my family first, but it’s unnecessary now. The Thomas girl is about to have a marrow transplant, and my daughter is donating marrow to her. Get in touch with the Thomas family. If anything happens to my daughter, I’ll slaughter them all!!!”

Having finished his words, he abruptly hung up.

Kill the entire Thomas family, a joke? Tommy was terrified to her very core.

Jonathan said slowly: “No need to ask too much. You’ll know in time. If Orla has become so cruel as to disregard her flesh and blood, I will have to make her pay back everything she owes me!”

Incarcerated for five years, Jonathan is no longer the man he once was. The powerful Thomas family could only tremble in his presence!

At that moment, Tommy truly felt that the extraordinary aura Jonathan carried wasn’t an illusion.


Elite Summit’s Second Hospital.

A crowd of men in vested suits and leather shoes had gathered outside the surgery room.

The one operated on today was the most pampered grandchild of the renowned Thomas family of Elite Summit, Neala Thomas.

An older man in old-fashioned clothes walked in. It was none other than Mr. Kane Thomas, a bigwig of Elite Summit!

"Father, what did Roger Jake of Rise & Shine Real Estate call you for?" At this moment, Devlin Thomas, the second son, walked up and inquired.

Mr. Thomas frowned: "Roger Jake asked us to cancel the marrow transplant for Neala from that girl, saying that the girl's father is a big shot who we can't afford to cross!"


Everyone was in a flutter of surprise.

Rise & Shine Real Estate held a significant position in Elite Summit, barely less influential than the Thomas family. It wasn't precisely the city's ruler but not far from it.

What's critical is the girl whom the Thomas family spent fifty million USD on buying, as Mr. Thomas mentioned, is the daughter of a significant figure they can't cross.


"Father, we can't agree to this! If we don't use this girl's marrow, who else can save Neala?"

"That's right, father. Carla Wang's father is just a criminal being rehabilitated, not some big shot, right? I think Roger Jake is just trying to mess with us!"


The Thomas family was buzzing with conversation.

Kane Thomas nodded with a serious face: "Roger Jake may be shrewd, but he's not the only one in Elite Summit!"

"I'm not sure what Roger Jake's relationship with this girl is, but he genuinely wants to protect her. I agreed vaguely on the phone just now to buy time. We must proceed with the surgery immediately. By the time he arrives, it'll be too late!"

"Indeed, I'll ask the doctor to arrange the surgery immediately!" Kane's second son immediately chimed in.


At that moment, the hospital doors swung open violently, and an angry voice roared as if coming from the underworld.

"I dare anyone to proceed with the surgery!"

The booming, angry voice echoed through the room, and Jonathan, with a furious look, entered with Tommy.

All eyes filled with rage were focused on him.

"Who the hell are you to make a scene in front of the Thomas family? Let me tell you, I'm Devlin Thomas, my friends here in Elite Summit call me 'Thomas the Second'. Show some sense and scram, and I'll generously let you off the hook!"

Devlin Thomas wanted to hurry up with the surgery, fearing further delay might lead to complications. Therefore, he decided not to pick a fight with this newcomer.

He proactively introduced himself so that this man, hearing of his fame, would know better than to stick around.

This man, Thomas's reputation, is highly esteemed in Elite Summit, enough to induce fear in everyone.

Jonathan looked at him and said coldly: "I've heard of your fame, but have you ever heard of me?"

Everyone in the waiting room of the operating theatre observed, noticing that the two Jonathans were dressed modestly, unsure of his intentions.

"Are these two idiots? They hear Thomas's name and still aren't scared?"

"Don't tell me they have powerful backers?"

At this point, Tommy stepped forward, passionately stating: "I don't care if you're the second Thomas or the third Thomas. The bottom line is, if you want to harm my brother's daughter, you'll have to step over my dead body!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room became alert.

These two had no backup, and they were just two fearless individuals.

Old man Thomas said in a low voice: "I remember you now. You're the father of Carla Wang - Jonathan Wang, the man who committed a crime five years ago and had to go to jail. I understand your love for your daughter, but your wife, Orla William, has sold Carla to our Thomas family. Regardless of your anger, you should be looking for your wife instead of creating havoc in my granddaughter's operating theatre!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"I thought he was some reputable figure, but he's a criminal!"

"Indeed, they are not afraid of death. Recently released criminal dares to mess with our Thomas family. Truly audacious!"

"Isn't he afraid he'll also lose his own life?"

Tommy, fuming, was about to argue, but Jonathan held up his hand to stop him.

He stepped forward, saying: “I’ll give you ninety million USD. Spare my daughter. Of course, you can refuse, but I will rescue my daughter from the operating room myself. As for the Thomas family, you can wait for your destruction!”

As soon as he finished his words, the crowd was stunned, then broke into exhilarated laughter.

One person laughed as if he had heard the joke of the century: “Destroy our Thomas family, based on you alone? Moreover, do you even have ninety million million USD? I fear you don’t even have a single USD!”

“Ha ha ha...”

“Dad, don’t waste your words with him. I’ll have him driven out immediately!”

Kane’s voice also lowered, angrily retorted: “You don’t have ninety million million USD. Even if you had one billion USD, you could not take your daughter away today!”

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