Chapter 5. The Nanny's Redemption

Valerie held her breath as she bowed her head, so she wouldn't make eye contact with President Ethan, who was glaring at her like he was going to tear her into pieces.

All she could perceive was the perfume President Ethan was wearing. It was quite unique. “What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking of such a thing when I'm in trouble?”.

President Ethan stood in front of her for a few more minutes before turning to little Audrey, who was in tears, staring at him sadly.

Audrey sniffed, and burst into tears again. Then said to her Father, “Daddy, trust me. It was Miss Old-fashion's fault. It was I was the one who told her I wanted rice cakes”.

“You're not allowed to go near the kitchen, Audrey. Why did you disobey daddy?” He stared calmly at Audrey.

“I'm sorry, Daddy. Please don't terminate the nanny's job”. 

President Ethan stared at her for a while, and exhaled deeply, “Let good, baby”. Both of them held hands and walked out of the kitchen.

Valerie exhaled deeply in relief. For a minute, she thought she'd lose her job. With the kind of scary glare she got from President Ethan, anyone could collapse in fear. “Even with that look, he's still as charming as ever”.

Still lost in her thoughts, a tut brought her back to reality from the land of thoughts. It was Anastasia, the b·itchy cook she had met. Anastasia walked to her with a smirk on her face, and said, “You might have gotten away with this, but I promise you that you'll be out of here in no time. What do you think of yourself? A princess?”

“What are you talking about, Anastasia? Audrey wasn't hurt on purpose. I would never do anything to hurt the little girl”.

Anastasia scoffed with a mischievous grin, “Yeah right! This is just your first day at work, and you already hurt the President's only daughter. How disastrous of you, pathetic nanny”.

Valerie was annoyed by her statement, and clenched her fist tight. “Calm down, Val, this is only your first day at work. You shouldn't get into a fight with anyone if you don't want to lose your job” She said those words to herself, before releasing her clenched fists.

“I have better things to do than to exchange words with you. If I were you Anastasia, I'd focus on the kitchen” Valerie forced a smile at her before carrying her tray of hot rice cakes, and storming out of the kitchen.

Anastasia gritted her teeth, staring at her disappearing figure in fury. “That b·itch! She's only a day old here, but she's feeling so important. How come the President spared her? Normally, he would have kicked her out of Davison's villa immediately. Is he also siding with her?”

Valerie sat heavily on the bed with a deep exhale. “That was close.” She thought.


She turned swiftly, and there stood a young lady who was smiling broadly at her. She smiled back, even though she didn't know who she was.

“I know you are surprised because you haven't met me before. I'm Clara, and I saw what happened in the kitchen earlier” The lady smiled softly.

Valerie scratched her head, smiling nervously at her, and said, “Oh, that? Uhm… I actually didn't mean to hurt the little girl. I just wanted her to feel free with me, since I'm new here. Likewise, I didn't know she wasn't allowed to enter the kitchen”.

“That's not your fault. Lady Veronica should have informed you on time. But I must say that you are really lucky” Clara lowered her voice to say.

Valerie raised her brow at her, wondering what she meant by her being lucky. “I don't understand you. I mean, I almost lost my job, and you're telling me that I'm lucky? I don't think it's lucky to mess up on the first day of work”.

“Actually, the president I know would have thrown you out at the snap of his finger. He doesn't joke with his daughter, and he's ready to do anything to anyone who hurts her” Clara said. Valerie gulped hard, nervously.


“Honestly, I find it astounding. The nanny before you was fired because Audrey skipped a meal. The President didn't let her say a word before he had her job terminated” Clara whispered. Valerie held her breath, visibly scared.

“Audrey only skipped meals, and she was laid off? What about me that made her cut her hand? Oh, God!! I shouldn't make such mistakes anymore” Valerie sounded fearful, and anyone could dictate she was panicking.

Clara held her hand, and patted it softly, “You have nothing to worry about. What's important is that you didn't lose your job. You only have to be cautious so that you won't lose your job, okay?”

Valerie smiled, and nodded her head. “Thank you”

“I didn't get your name, though.” She arched her brows.

“My bad! It's Valerie… Val for short”.

Clara chuckled and replied. “Nice meeting you, Val. I'm one of the cleaners around here”.

Meanwhile, President Ethan placed Audrey on her bed, and patted her hair softly, as he sat right beside her at the edge of the bed.

He brought out the first aid kit, and started bandaging her wound. “Why did you go to the kitchen, Audrey?” He asked with a calm, soothing voice.

“Ouch… that hurts, daddy” She cried as he applied ointment on her cut.

“Sorry baby. If you hadn't disobeyed me, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt. I told you not to go close to the kitchen, Audrey” The President shook his head.

“I'm sorry, daddy. I honestly wanted to help the Nanny. She's the first person besides you to tell me that I look beautiful. She mentioned to me that my smile is contagious, and she wasn't going to fall in love with you just like the other nannies who came to work here” Audrey pouted her mouth.

“What? Fall in love with me?”

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