Chapter 4

Cole’s POV

“We do extensive testing the first four weeks that you are here, your actual training will start once everyone has been tested for strength, endurance, problem solving and morality skills and divided into the appropriate classes for each area. Dominic and I will assist you with keeping the schedule during this first week. I strongly advise you to use any free time to explore and get to know the area. The immediate living area is the most important. You will need to know how to get to the dining hall and the various training areas on your own by next Monday.

Our territory is larger than most and it’s important that you don’t get lost. Anyone without a cell phone should meet with one of the trainers privately so we can get you one. Everyone else, the phone numbers to every person you will interact with regularly, including Alpha and Luna Black, are posted on the white board just inside the dormitory. We ask that you at least program Alpha Black’s number into your phone but having everyone’s number will provide you the best chances of reaching someone, especially if you’re in an emergency.

Any common issues that we see will be addressed during morning announcements. Any schedule changes for the next day will be announced before dinner. You are not required to stay in the dining hall to eat and you don’t have to report to the dining hall during lunch, but the kitchen staff will start cleaning up forty-five minutes after the start of each meal. Lastly, I do apologize as that simple introduction to our pack went way longer than I had anticipated.” He finishes with a smile.

Long before he had finished covering what most wolves would want to know the first night in a new territory, he and Alpha Cullen had handed out the keys to each of our rooms. They started together in the center and worked their way out. I have always chosen the seat furthest away from the door as it’s the shortest distance I must walk to the bathroom. I’m the last one to receive a key and frown as the card attached to it reads 205A. Looks like I’m on the second floor.

Alpha Black is now standing a foot behind me after he’s given me my key. Alpha Cullen has exited the bus prompting the eager warriors to stand and follow him. I have always stayed behind as crowding others to get off the bus has never been my style, plus it gives my nerves a little time to decompress before I’m required to function like there is nothing wrong with me.

“One more thing,” Alpha Black interrupts the crowd fighting to get off the bus. “Since we knew you would be arriving late, we had the kitchen crew set up a variety of cold cuts and drinks in the entrance hall. You’re welcome to sit and chat with each other or grab a plate full and head to your room.”

He smiles with a nod as two dozen male wolves start exiting the bus and gathering their things from underneath. Although this is the most comfortable bus I’ve ever traveled on, my injuries have made me incredibly stiff and slow at getting started.

“Hey there, what’s your name?”

I look up, startled as I’ve never been addressed before getting off the bus. I make eye contact with the young alpha before quickly looking away, head and eyes trained to the floor of the bus. Over the years my father has made me extremely submissive for an alpha.

“Hey, you haven’t done anything wrong. I just wanted to know your name.” He speaks casually with a slight chuckle in his voice.

“I’m sorry Alpha Black. My name is Cole.”

He hangs his head, slowly shaking it back and forth.

“Did I say something wrong?” I ask, already worried that I’m screwing up.

“No, not at all.” He responds with a broad smile on his face. “It’s just the first time anyone has bothered to call me Alpha Black.”

“Is there something else you would prefer to be called?”

I’m failing miserably at steadying my trembling voice and my nervousness has worsened my grasping tic. He places his hand on mine causing me to jump and make eye contact with him. Before I can look away, he stops me.

“Keep it, Cole. Eye contact is acceptable here. The only time we expect submission is when you’re being disciplined. Considering you’re from Red Fang I know that we tend to have a lot of trouble with prospects from that pack, but something tells me you’re different. Don’t be afraid of us, just be yourself. We are strict but fair and if you stay the full six months you have a chance at the second run. Are you new to this? How old are you?”

“I’m not new. New locations, schedules and people tend to make me nervous until I get used to everything. I’ll be twenty-three Saturday.”

“You're young but older than me.” He says with a smile. “Alpha Damian, okay. Alpha Black just sounds too much like talking to my father.”

I nod my head and offer him a shy smile as I look away.

“Hey,” he says, reaching his hand out to me. I timidly take his hand as he pulls me from my seat. “It’s been a long ride. Let’s get you settled in and something to eat.”

I take a deep breath as he motions towards the front of the bus. I walk in that direction, taking my time on the stairs. I take a few steps away from the bus once I’m on the ground making sure Alpha Damian has enough room to get off. I look around to see that all the luggage put in storage under the bus has been pulled out and placed on the ground. I immediately spot Taylor and Tyler, fraternal twins, already coming to blows over their luggage. I was surprised when Alpha Damian excused himself to break the twins up. I’ve never been important enough for anyone in the higher chain of my pack to be polite.

I watch silently as the young alpha grabs both of their necks, one in each hand and pulls them apart while in a booming alpha voice command; “Submit!”

Both struggle but eventually fall to their knees, growling loudly at one another.

“I just told you no fighting and no sooner than you get off the bus you're coming to blows, over what?”

“He’s taking my bag!”

“No, I’m not! Your bag is over there!”

I can’t help but facepalm myself as I listen to them argue. No fighting, no dr*gs, no raping and no shit faced drunks. Sounds like a pack that just wants you to be responsible, reasonable and take care of one another. Here are the two youngest warriors who qualify for the program and they act like mere children.

I walk over to the pack that matches the one they’re squabbling over and kneel beside it. I go over it with a fine-tooth comb, locating a tag with the name Taylor on it. I sigh and shake my head as I pick up the pack and walk over to the twins. I stand silently until they stop arguing and notice that I’m there.

“What the hell do you want!” Taylor yells as he tightens his grip on the pack he’s holding.

“I would think at eighteen years old you would be mature enough to check the tag on the bag. Plus, you’re twins. I thought everything you owned matched.”

My voice is quiet and submissive in nature. I’ve learned the hard way how to talk without ruffling the feathers of anyone as dad has used any report of disrespect as a logical reason to have me brought to his office so he could beat me as a child, the training center after I broke his desk four years ago.

I reach down to the tag on the bag I’m holding and flip it in my hand exposing the name before looking at Taylor with my head cocked slightly. He lets out a final growl before tossing the bag he’s holding hard into Tyler’s chest. Alpha Damian lets them go, stepping back as they stand.

Taylor approaches me quickly, snatching his bag from my hand before going towards the pile of luggage I had picked it from. I sigh lightly as I look among the luggage for my second backpack and my duffel bag. Unfortunately, I don’t spot them quickly enough and someone else has grabbed at least one of them.

I start looking around for sources of water. I’ve been going around to different packs in the warrior program with two of the same prospects for the last eighteen months, so I know their games now. It’s only after the bus pulls away that I spot my duffel bag and all its contents spread out in the mud. I sigh and run my hand through my chocolate brown hair, disappointed in myself. I’d win money betting on the idea that the twins were used as a distraction.

I walk slowly towards the water, testing the area to see how deep it is as I don’t think I can handle the pain from the numerous cuts and burns all over my body getting wet, especially the large blister that is wrapped around my left thigh.

I can’t see the rest of the group, but I can tell that two more of them are arguing over luggage. Fairly simple rules to follow but Red Fang is such a brutal pack that’s how everyone lives, by fighting for everything you have. Alpha Damian submits them out shortly before hearing another, booming voice. Powerful and unmistakably the lead alpha. I stop on the edge of the water as it is deeper than what I expected for the distance that my stuff was thrown.

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