Chapter 2

"The cops are here already" the child lets out a small laugh and stared back at the dead body and the knife covered in blood, she could vaguely remember her mother using that particular knife to chop onions for her ignoring the disapproving cry of her child, her mother would smile and scold her and explain how onions were beneficial to the growth of a child.

"Even if I decide to run away now, the cops would eventually catch up with me"

Laura couldn't believe the shamelessness and apathy of this brat, she had clearly killed a grown man, someone she called her uncle but she still had the guts to joke about it.


Laura ignored the child and fixed her eyes on the driveway as she watched the cops drive into the mansion. The first car to arrive was a simple black Ford, two men alighted from the car, they were both dressed in black jeans and leather jackets like a pair of twins, but they looked nothing alike.

One of them, the one who drove the car, was a young man probably in his late twenties, he had blonde curly hair and freckles on his face, he looked well built and he was pleasing to the eyes. His partner looked older, he should be of the same age as the lifeless body in the living room, he was fairly good looking but his physique was one that made Laura forget the reason why they were here in the first place.

There were other officers accompanying them but Laura paid them no mind, all her attention was on the two obvious detectives.

"I'm detective Jim Beck and this is my partner detective Luis Forest" the older guy introduced as they simultaneously showed Laura their badges.

"Were you the one that placed the call?" Detective Luis inquired calmly as he noticed the fear in Laura's eyes, even though he knew there was no way that emotion was directed at them, but he still had to be cautious not to overwhelm the woman.

"The body… the killer.." Laura finally found her voice, though shaky, it was enough to pass off the information. The detectives walked past her and entered the mansion.

What welcomed them was the smell of blood, and the sight of the dead body. They both scanned the house, the interior design of the house was one that would push any visitor to give a million dollars to the designer for a job well done, some part of the walls were painted red and others white, the antiques placed at conspicuous areas of the house shined as the sunlight coming from the opened door caressed them, they were either gold or silver or wooden, but they all had one thing in common, they were utterly beautiful.

"Where's the killer?" Detective Jim turned to ask Laura who also seemed surprised at the sight.

The child was gone.

"She was here a minute ago" Laura muttered softly, obviously confused at the sudden disappearance of the child, she turned to face the detectives, if she were to tell them that a child of seven years old had killed such a grown man nobody would believe her, they would think she had gone nuts and even take to investigating and arresting her.

She screamed "she was just here, that brat, that murderer, she was here a minute ago" she screamed so hysterically that Luis had to grab hold of her as if by holding her he would be able to hold back her sanity from slipping away.

A tiny, raspy voice came from the kitchen, accompanied by a young child wearing a yellow floral dress stained with blood, holding a knife covered in blood and drinking from a glass of water.

"I'm still here, Laura, pull yourself together, I didn't run away"

At the sight of the child detective Luis, in a split second already pointed his gun at her, the child laughed.

"Are you going to shoot me, detective?" She let the knife slip from her grasp.

"Sh...she… she's the one" Laura said pointing a finger at the child, there was no way she would be taking the fall for what that brat had done "I came back from a restaurant and found her standing beside the body holding that knife" she pointed at the knife "she killed him, she killed him" Laura could finally let her tears flow ceaselessly, she fell to her knees and wailed bitterly.

"Did you really kill him?" Detective Jim asked, he couldn't believe that he was asking a child whether she had killed a grown man, who was obviously stronger than her. He watched the child drop the glass, the glass shattered on meeting the hard cold tiles. The child looked back at the dead body and Jim could vaguely recognize a look of regret, guilt and pain in her eyes before it was replaced by indifference in just a split second like it was all his imagination.

The child nodded

"I killed him, he was saying rubbish, he deserved to die" she said matter of factly, Laura's screams became louder as she sobbed profusely

"He was your parents' best friend, he was your guardian, he showed you nothing but love, he…"

"How do you know what he showed me?!" The child screamed "He acted like a saint in front of everybody, but do you know what I had to go through when we were alone?!" She pointed at Laura and in a split second she was already standing in front of the poor woman as she choked her "You're quick to judge, you bitch, but are you any better?"

Laura gasped for air while being strangled by the child, she couldn't even find the strength to pull the child away, that minute Laura finally realized how weak she was.

The child was finally pried away from her by Luis after much struggle but that didn't stop the child from running her mouth and spouting rubbish.

"Shamelessly throwing yourself at him to curry favour, it was both him and that lousy uncle of mine, you tried to seduce the both of them, but at least you succeeded with that shameless man that calls himself my father's brother, you slept with him, didn't you? You bitch!" all these while the child had been yelling every word and Laura was screaming along with her, claiming innocence to the accusations made against her.

Detective Jim and Luis decided to wait no further and dragged the yelling child and the crying woman into the car not forgetting to handcuff the both of them.

From a corner that nobody could see, a man in his early thirties, haggard looking and a mole at the corner of his mouth was shivering in fear and simultaneously nodding his head in approval as the scene played before his eyes, he looked down to his hands stained with the blood of the dead man and frowned, but then, smiled, like a psycho.

"Everything is falling into place" The man thought.

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