Chapter 4

Evana was sitting comfortably on the lounge chair and looked at Brett who was looking very excited.

They had returned very late from the event.

“Alright now tell me, what have you learned about him.” She asked him casually. Although she was very curious to know if her hunch was right.

“Evana, firstly, I am sorry for the mistake I made today. It won’t happen again. I was careless.” He said it sincerely.

“It’s alright, I don’t blame you but be careful in the future and try not to call me by my first name again or it may raise suspicion. And I don’t want to put Damian into trouble because of me.” She said it very firmly.

“Well, you know the man’s name you met today is Levon Macris and you were right he is from Cyprus.” Elara looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Brett looked at her and said, “You already know about it?”

Evana smiled but did not say anything. Levon had briefed a little about himself so She did know a bit.

“Okay then let me get to the point He is the son of Elias Macris, who is the brother of Richard Macris. A well-known elite businessman in Cyprus. He is considered to be one of the wealthiest men in Cyprus and is also a very ruthless businessman. Elias Macris eloped with his brother’s wife, Maribel Macris, right after she gave birth to Richard Macris’s son. People say they were deeply in love but Elias Marquis had married her forcefully. She wanted to divorce him right after their marriage but she got pregnant. But after she gave birth to her son Kelman Macris, she eloped with the man she loved.”

Evana's eyes turned red when she hissed when she heard his name.

“Are you all right Evana? Do you need some water?” Brett asked with concern and looked at her nervously as he knew Kelman Macris was a wound of her past.

She took the water and finished it all and smiled enchantingly. “Brett, you worry too much, I am grateful but I am fine. Just continue.”

Brett looked at her and continued to tell her everything he had investigated about Levon Macris.

After a while when he was done, there was silence around them and both their heartbeats could be heard in the dead silence of the night.

“Brett good job, just leave it the way it is Levon Macris needs me, so he will contact Damian. Just sit and relax and wait till tomorrow. Good night Brett I am really tired and need to get some rest. Let’s go and do some shopping tomorrow after all we have to return to Paris the day after, so let’s make the most of it.” After that, she got up and went towards her room.

Brett sat there for some time and wondered did she just said hopping! Evana Elara Parkar never goes out to shop. It’s the designers who come to her doorstep. Something is not right or he might be overthinking. But he was happy to see her in a good mood. After all, she deserved it. He had seen her working day and night to achieve what she has become today. And he was very proud of her.

He poured himself a glass of wine and raised it high. “To my beloved sister Evana, you are a gem and you deserve it all. May all your dreams come true?” Then he finished the wine in one go and got up from the place where he was sitting and looked at his phone. His phone was blinking as he had received a message.

“Someone’s on the lookout. Tell me what to do?”

“He smiled and typed a very simple line. “Let them do it.” Then he pressed the send button.


Evana woke up quite late in the morning and after taking a shower she wore a short skirt and sleeveless top and applied mild makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction with her appearance but was not satisfied with the colour of her lipstick, so she applied many shades before finally opting for cherry red. Then she winked at herself.

She had decided to go shopping and do some sightseeing with Brett, so after she got dressed she decided to look for Brett and walked outside her room towards the adjoining living room.

She looked at her phone and saw that she had received a text from Damian asking her to meet him after she woke up.

She looked at the door of Brett’s room then decided to meet Damian first and then go shopping. So she went out of her suite and just opposite her door it was Damian’s room. She had a spare key so she went in but there was no one inside she stood there for some time and wondered if he was taking a bath. So she decided to wait for him for a while.

She sat on the sofa and closed her eyes, but after a few seconds, she heard some strange noises coming from his bedroom. And it sounded like a man’s heavy panting.

Evana was alert and wondered if Damian was in some dangerous situation.

She walked her way over slowly and leaned against the wall and she heard a woman moaning excitingly.

“Yes Damian, faster… faster!”

The embarrassing sound of the woman moaning pierced through her ears and she stopped abruptly. She felt disgusted and embarrassed at the same time for coming to his suite.

Damian can be disgusting sometimes; she thought, he should have at least given her a time. Well, it was not his fault entirely; she was the one who barged in as if she had all the right to do so. And knowing Damian and his brief flings she should be prepared for anything.

Evana decided to visit him later but just as she was about to leave she saw a file lying on the table. She went and picked it up curiously.

When she flipped it open she was shocked but after a few seconds, she smiled and read.

“A hundred million projects is it? She exclaimed softly. “Well, I will be looking forward to it. But now it's time to go shopping.”

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