Chapter 3

“I am sorry to disturb you but I wanted to congratulate Miss Parker.” The man said and stood beside them.

Damian finished wiping her mouth and smiled at him. “Not at all, we are done.”

“Thank you, sir,” Elara said softly and smiled at the man who looked very familiar but she couldn’t recollect meeting him before.

“Sir? Hey, I am not that old.” He looked offended and said. “Let me introduce myself, my name is Levon Macris, and I am from Cyprus.”

Elara was feeling a little embarrassed and wanted to apologize but when she heard him introduce himself, it caught her interest.

“Cyprus! Huh…” She exclaimed softly.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Macris but please don’t feel offended by Elara’s words, she was just showing you her respect.” Damian shook hands with him and tried to ease the temperature.

“Yes, Mr. Macris, Damian is right,” Elara said and smiled at him.

“So, you are from Cyprus huh…it’s a beautiful city, full of magnificent monuments and beautiful beaches. Are you an architect as well?” Damian asked curiously.

Levon shook his head in panic and said. “No, no, I am not I am just a small businessman and I happen to be in New York for some business meeting but I came here for some purpose, so I attended the event. And yes Cyprus is a beautiful country and it has the earliest archaeological evidence of human activity on the island. Dating back to the bronze and iron ages, its architecture has been influenced by the Greeks, Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, and Romans. I am from Cyprus and my family has many hotels and we also own many vineyards around the country. You can say that we owe half of Cyprus as our company is scattered all around and we give the maximum revenue to the government. ”

“Wow, that’s impressive.” Damian praised him.

“Thank you; you are invited to visit our country as my guest. I will be happy to serve you and take you around. And I just heard Miss Parker mention in her speech that she wanted to go on a long vacation.” Levon said eagerly.

Elara who was quietly listening to their conversation smiled and said. “Mr. Macris what a coincidence, I was born in Cyprus, so you need not invite me, I was planning to go there anyway, it has been a long time since I visited my home country.”

Levon laughed with surprise and said. “Really? No wonder you look so familiar. Have we ever met?”

For a second Elara was tensed trying to figure out if there was a possibility but she was sure she had never met Levon Macris.

“I don’t think so; I have been away from the country for many years and I don't think I have met you before or I would have surely remembered our encounter after all you are very charming and have an unforgettable face."

After saying that Elara gave him her best smile which made Levon blush.

“Oh, that’s sad!” Levon exclaimed softly. "Don't you miss your country?"

“There’s nothing there to miss,” Elara said with displeasure but she quickly hid it and said. “But I want to go back once and visit it again, as I have fond memories of that place.

“Oh, that’s great; would you like to go back with me? I will be leaving in a day or two” He asked expectantly.

Elara heaved a sigh of relief when she noticed that Levon had noticed her tone.

“Well, Mr. Macris, I would have loved to but I need to return to London as my mother is waiting for me eagerly. I might plan the trip after I get back home. But thank you for your offer.” Damian said politely.

“Please call me Levon, Miss Parker but I would have loved if you would visit my country with me.” Then he turned towards Damian and spoke to him. “Mr. Jacobs, I have a business proposition for you, if you are interested?”

“Proposition huh… Alright, Mr. Macris but can we talk about it tomorrow I need to take Elara to meet someone if you will excuse us.”

“Of course not, shall we exchange our numbers and meet tomorrow?” asked eagerly.

“Sure,” Damian said with enthusiasm as he was a very shrewd businessman and had a keen interest in investing with foreign companies. And this was indeed a good opportunity.

After they exchanged their numbers Damian was about to leave when Brett rushed towards them.

“Evana. ” He said with excitement.

And Elara held her breath.

“Elara, Evana had called, she said everything has been sorted out,” Brett said quickly when she saw how uncomfortable Elara was and regretted his hastiness.

Levon on the other hand raised his eyes and looked at her questioningly.

Even Damian was looking at Brett with confusion.

“Evana? Who is that Brett?” Damian asked.

Brett looked at Elara with nervousness.

“Oh, Evana is my new client, Damian, I haven’t told you about her. We are designing her apartment.” She lied to him.

“Alright.” Damian smiled and pulled her away, with Brett following them behind. He wanted to kick himself for being so excited. But he wanted to give her the information as soon as he found out about it and he was shocked when he saw that the man, whom he was investigating standing right beside Evana. He never acknowledged her with her first name in public as he knew she did not want to reveal to the public that her complete name was Evana Elara Parker. She had given up her first name because of some personal issues and went by her second name Elara in the business world.

Levon was left alone when the three of them walked away from him. He was staring at her sexy back when she walked towards the senator and thought, she is very interesting. It would be really fun to have her around. Well Elara Parker you are coming to Cyprus and I am going to make sure you do.

He took out his phone and called his assistant. “James, find out all the details of NAC Architecture and especially about the CEO Damian Jacobs and their designer Elara Parker, I want it on my table before I go to bed.” He hung up and there was a wicked gleam in his eye when he looked at Elara again.

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