Chapter 3. Lunch with Friends (1)

"JaeMin, Jiwanie wants to talk, look!" Jun laughed, placing the baby in the center of our bed and flopping down next to him.

I looked from the ensuite and smiled. The baby had his legs up, as always, and was making a lot of noise as he murmured and smiled in a mixture of sounds, looking at his dad Jun, who was drooling next to him.

"I'm going to bite you," he threatened the baby playfully, smiling every time he heard a laugh from the little one.

Jiwan started making cooing sounds, looking at him, and smiled every time JunKoo pretended to be startled by the noise.

"Where's Daddy's little one?" JunKoo said, hiding behind the pillow.

Jiwan smiled, making loud laughter noises as he looked attentively at the spot.

JunKoo would appear and hide again, making a lot of noise along with the little one.

I just listened, smiling like a fool with all that joyful mess on my bed.

"Like this, see!" JunKoo made a cooing sound with his mouth, and as soon as he stopped, Jiwan imitated him. "How smart!"

I heard the baby's smile, and I couldn't resist, so I went out to see them.

They were both lying on their backs on the bed. Jiwan was watching his playful dad, while the other made various funny faces.

"Lee, have you packed this child's bag?" I asked, laughing, as I went back into the bathroom.

"Already done," he replied, returning to play with the baby. "It's already in the car, along with the stroller."

"Did you pack diapers? Is the bottle ready? Diaper cream?"

"Everything, Mr. Song! The only thing missing is you."

I smiled and continued getting ready. We were going to the Kim's house for lunch.

JunKoo and Jiwan were already dressed, waiting for me.

I took one last look and adjusted the navy blue dress shirt I was wearing. It was hot, so just beige shorts and a lightweight shirt was my outfit.

"JunKoo, did you put on sunscreen?" I asked, stepping out of the ensuite, putting on my mules. "It's hot, and you need to protect your skin, love."

"Yes, I did, love."

I nodded and grabbed my sunglasses from the dresser, putting them on and looking at the two on the bed.

"Shall we?" I smiled and saw him nod.

JunKoo picked up the baby, and only then did I notice the outfit he had chosen and dressed the little one in.

"What's this, JunKoo?" I smiled, seeing the elastic band in the baby's hair, holding part of his spiky hair, along with an ear that blended with the strands. "What kind of animal is this?"

He looked at the baby in his arms and raised an eyebrow, analyzing.

"I don't know," he smiled and looked at me. "SiJoon gave it, remember? I just dressed him because I thought it was cute."

I went to my two boys and took the smaller one in my arms, taking a good look at the outfit.

"I think it's a giraffe, but it's not yellow... Maybe it's a little horse? I don't know..."

"Me neither, but I don't even try to understand SiJoon. It's complicated even with the gifts. I just thought it was cute and dressed him... The tiara doesn't matter, right?"

"Of course not, why would it?"

"Ah, I don't know... People assume that only girls can wear them..."

"That's nonsense, Jun. Look how cute our chubby boy looks," I smiled and looked at the baby in my arms. He was mumbling something while reaching out to touch my hair. "He's a prince."

"He really is," JunKoo said with a smile, and then he walked past us to open the bedroom door. "Shall we go?"

I nodded and walked outside with the baby.

The car was already ready, parked in front of the house, with the car seat already in place.

"Did you check if it's securely fastened?"

"Love, it hasn't moved from there at all," he smiled, unlocking the door. "Not since we took him to the pediatrician."

I nodded and carefully placed the baby in the car seat after making sure the seatbelt and latch were properly secured. I gave his chubby cheek a little kiss and went to the front seat.

"Did you remember to grab the baby gifts?" I asked JunKoo, fastening my seatbelt.

"They're in the trunk, along with Jiwan's bag. SiJoon sent a message, saying he's on his way too."

"Great, let's go then, so we won't be late."

He nodded and gave me a quick kiss before buckling his seatbelt and starting the car.

The journey was completely calm. In the back seat, Jiwan was mumbling as he always did, playing with the mobile above his car seat, keeping himself entertained.

Jun had put on some soft music to play during the trip, and every now and then, I hummed along.

"Do you really want to drive to Busan? Don't you think it's tiring?" I asked, looking at him. "We can go by train or hire a private driver."

"Of course not, love. I'll drive us there. It's good that we can take all our things and the baby's stuff with us."

"And what's your house like?" I looked at him curiously. "Is it near the sea?"

"Our house, JaeMin," he quickly corrected me with a reprimanding look. "The sea is practically our neighbor, love. It's like our backyard."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. "Then let's save the trip for summer, what do you think? It would be better!"

"In the summer? But it's still a long time away..."

"Yes, summer is only two months away... The baby will be more alert by then, and it will be better to enjoy the sea together."

"I don't know if my mom can wait until then," he said thoughtfully. "She and Sky call every day, you know..."

"Yes," I smiled, paying attention to Jiwan. "Sky really likes Jiwan, doesn't she? Even though she hasn't met him in person, your niece already shows a great affection for him."

"Sky has always been like that. Jonny and Enddy are more shy."

"I think their names are beautiful, you know? They break away from the Korean naming convention."

"Because their mother was Brazilian, love. She was living in the United States when she met my brother... You would love to meet Sara."

"It's a shame, everything that happened..."

"It is... My brother went through severe mourning after her accident. He was left alone to raise three children, one of them being a pre-teen who needed her mother so much..."

"I can't even imagine his pain," I sighed, recalling everything my mom went through with the absence of my father. It was painful to witness all her suffering, even though I couldn't feel half of the pain she felt... "But I understand that it's really difficult..."

"It's unfortunate, my dear... But as our mom says, destiny is always unpredictable. It gives us, but it can also take away. We need to live today intensely because tomorrow is not guaranteed... My brother suffered a lot, but Sofia came into his life like an angel, and now they're a very happy family."

"How long has it been since Sara passed away?"

"Almost five years... The twins were only a few months old when it all happened. Sky was eleven... Junghyun met Sofia two years later... We insisted so much that he needed to live. It was good that when he finally allowed himself to live, everything was very intense. So intense that they got married in just four months."

"Like the two of us," I said with a smile, reaching for his hand. "Not that we're married... But we're practically there, right?" I smiled. "It was very intense, and I don't regret a single second."

JunKoo looked at me briefly and caressed my hand.

"We are meant to be, my dear. I love you so much, and you brought happiness into my life. But I will still have you at the altar... I will see you walking down the aisle... Officially have you as my husband."

"Don't make me cry, Jun..." I smiled awkwardly. "I love you too, angel. Our family is the most precious thing that has happened... When that day comes, it will be the happiest day of our lives. Well, the second happiest day," I smiled, pointing back.

"And if it's up to me, it will continue to lose in the rankings... To the third, fourth... Depending on how many children we'll have."

I smiled again, feeling a bit shy. JunKoo had a way of disarming me when he talked about the future and children... He knew I wasn't thinking about having more babies yet, but he also knew that one day we would.

He was about to say a few more words that would melt my heart about our future children, but Jiwan was quicker and started yelling in the car as if he were interacting with us.

I looked back and smiled, seeing his dark eyes staring at me, accompanied by a toothless grin.

"I love you too, little one," I held his chubby little hand. "I love you more than Daddy Jun."

"But..." JunKoo pretended to be disappointed, making me smile. "Of course not, I love him more!"

"He's quite dramatic," I whispered to Jiwan. "I prefer you."

I blew a kiss to my little one, making him giggle. His cute and unique laughter filled the whole car, infecting all of us.

Soon we arrived at the Kim's house, where SiJoon's car was already parked, along with Tae's van-like car and another car that I assumed belonged to Dr. Kim since he was also joining us for lunch. JunKoo parked the car, still laughing with me and Jiwan, and TaeYang came to greet us.

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