Chapter 2. Creatures of the Dark

“What the hell!”

Scott fell to the ground on his butt. His eyes seem to have deceived him. Or perhaps, he’s dreaming. What he saw isn’t real. It can’t be real. He slowly drags himself to his feet. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching and without hesitation, he turned to know who it was.

“Where the hell have you been? I have been looking for you.”

Lydo makes her way to him. She is not happy that Scott left her trying to play a hero. She wanted him all by herself.

“I thought I was dreaming?”

“Dreaming about what?”

“I just saved a lady from that muddy swamp and puff, she’s gone!” he demonstrates with his hands.

“You must be hallucinating. Please come back to the cabin with me. It’s not safe out here.”

“I know what I saw.”

“No, you were hallucinating.”

“That’s fucking not true.”

Lydo gently grabbed him and crosses her arms around his neck. “Perhaps I know what you need now.”

“What will that be?”

“You need a bed.” She smiled. “It will help you relax your nerves.”

“That will still not change what I saw. It’s not safe here; we should head back to the cabin now.”

             Slamming open the door of the cabin, Scott quickly made his way to the bed without saying a word. He relaxes his back on the bed with his arms folded.

“Hello guys!” said a prudish voice.

“What the hell!” Scott exclaimed as he turned to see who it was. “Fuck me!” he exclaimed again on seeing the lady he saved from the alligators.

Lydo flicked around, she was lying beside Scott. “Who the hell is this bitch?” she asked.

 “I am the bitch that will save you if you let me.” The lady started approaching the bed.

             Scott had no clue of what to do. For a second he thought and then decided to act up like a deputy he is. He quickly reached for his side Beretta and has it pointed at the lady. “Don’t move or I blow your fucking brains out!” he yelled threateningly.

The mysterious lady moved one and half times faster than the theoretical maximum for a human speed. She moved faster than the eye can see and lifted Scott above the bed.

“What the hell!” Lydo exclaimed.

Throughout her entire life, she has not seen anyone move at that speed. She was filled with curiosity and very terrified as well.

The mysterious lady stared at Scott and then grinned. “I’m sorry I have to ruin your night!”

“Who in the hell are you?”

Scott’s words were barely heard as a result of being held by the throat but the mysterious lady was able to hear him clearly due to some special hearing ability she possessed.

“I’m the one that doesn’t want her to find you!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Scott attempts to raise his Beretta to fire a shot at her but she knocked the Beretta off his hand and then released her grip on him and pushed him to the ground.

Lydo at this time was very terrified and wanted this nightmare to end but the worst of the nightmare just began when the mysterious lady displayed her fangs and red eyes with her eyes fixed on Lydo. “What are you?” she asked and swallowed a lump on her throat.

“He can’t be found and I will make sure of that!”

            The mysterious lady moved faster than the eye could see. She grabbed Lydo and sank her fangs into her chest aiming for the aorta, which carries blood out of the heart and is the largest blood vessel of all, up to 1inch in diameter.

“No!” Scott let out a loud cry and went for his Beretta.

            Before he could grab the Beretta, the mysterious lady slammed him through the wooden walls of the log cabin. She then approaches him and held him to the ground. With filth-tipped claws that just popped out from her fingers, she pierced through Scott’s heart.

Scott’s eyes gleamed with horror as the morning became night and closed in on him forever and his limbs went limp.

Scott Mann opened his eyes to a bright light that shone on his face. There’s no way he hell he would be alive. There’s something different about this place. The smell isn’t friendly. It’s the awful smell of death. He was lying on a metal table without him knowing. The bright light stopped him from having a clear view of his surroundings, he rolled over to the other side of the table and landed on the floor. “Ouch!” he let out a cry.

“How are you feeling?” inquired a prudish voice.

Scott slowly picks himself up. He turned to know who it was that spoke to him only to see a lady standing next to a dead body. “Where the hell am I?” Scott Mann cast his gaze on the lady who was dressed in a long flowing gown. Half of her boobs were exposed. Her skin is glossy looking, red hair, with a perfectly shaped figure. She has pencil-thin eyebrows that eased down gently to her eyelashes with a pointed nose. Her red hair tumbled over her shoulder. She has honey-sweet lips and a wasp-waist.

If there’s something Scott will never forget, it’s the face of the lady that killed him. There’s a resemblance between the lady that killed him and the one standing before him. “Son of a bitch!” Scott let out a cry as he made his way to the lady. However, before he could get hold of her, the lady disappeared. “What the hell!” he exclaimed. He was crippled with fear as he didn’t know what was happening. He’s supposed to be dead but he isn’t. He remembered breathing his last. How’s it possible that he’s alive. As he gave in to his deep thought, he caught a glimpse of another dead body lying on a metal table. From the look, that’s a female corpse. With haste, he moved towards the table hoping to see Lydo but was disappointed. It was another corpse of an unknown lady whose face her patched up. She looks like one that was involved in a fatal accident.

“Where the hell is this place?” he asked. He started looking around only to discover, he is not in the hospital but in a morgue. “What the hell am I doing in a morgue, dressed like this?” He was putting on a loose blue gown.

“What do you expect?” the voice of the lady came again. He flicked around but couldn’t see her. She has hidden from his sight. “Morgue is a place dead bodies are taken before they eventually end up below 6ft.” The lady made her appearance behind him.

Scott flicked around. He has already prepared a punch but his punch was waged by the mysterious lady who quickly lifted him above the ground. “I’m not the one that attacked you if that is what you are thinking.” She released Scott from her grip and let him slump to the ground.

Scott let out a few coughs and then dragged himself up. Casting a searing gaze on the lady he opened his mouth to speak. “You attacked me and killed my girlfriend and yet here you are before me.”

“Wrong statement, first off, I didn’t attack you or your girlfriend. Secondly, whoever killed your girlfriend also killed you. You were dead but I saved you.”

“Liar!” Scott threw a punch at her but he missed as the mysterious lady disappeared from his view once more.

Scott started turning around over and over again in search of the mysterious lady. “Where are you? Come out and face me you murderer!” he yelled.

The mysterious lady moved like a speeding train towards Scott. Her movement was faster than any human could move. She moved as fast as the human eye could see. She lifted Scott and landed him on a metal table. “You have to calm down and hear me out. We don’t have enough time.”

“Get your hands off me!” Scott managed to escape her grip. “Who the hell are you and why did you attack me and my girlfriend?”

“Whoever that attacked you isn’t me but my doppelganger. Her name is Hannah. She’s a half-vampire and half-ghoul and she can shapeshift to anyone or anything.”

Scott didn’t believe in supernatural creatures. He was raised as an atheist but the night he was attacked seems to change everything about his beliefs. Even though the mysterious lady isn’t making any sense, he still wanted to know more. As a deputy, he has been trained to get to the root of every case and solve the mystery. “So if the lady that killed me and my girlfriend is not you, who are you, or should I say what are you?”

“My name is Jasmine Dracula, a descendant of Dracula. I’m one of the original vampires.”

“Vampires are real?”

“It seems like you are have not been paying attention Deputy Mann. Vampires are real and s is the one that killed you and your girlfriend.”

“That’s funny to say I was killed. As you can see, I am very much alive.”

“You have me to thank for. I saved your life.”

“That’s not possible. No one can cheat death.”

“And here you are very much alive because you have cheated death. I brought you back from the dead.”

Scott has a skeptical mind. There’s some shit he won’t easily believe without proof. He moved closer to Jasmine and cast his gaze at her. “Tell me, how did you bring me back from the dead?”

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