Chapter 4. Her Hidden Wolf

Celestina Villarama's POV

This pack house is located in the same forest where I was unconsciously brought to a while ago. It’s at the foot of mountains where the clouds almost cover the entire sky. There is a castle built atop the mountain overlooking the city below. The main entrance and hallway is lit with warm light, illuminating all corners of the house. There is even a staircase on the side of the hall that is built into the wall, leading up to an upper level, though it may also lead to an underground facility.

The child has given me a lot of stories regarding the wolves who reside in this castle. He told me that the Crimson Moon Pack used to be extremely proud wolves. They pride themselves on being the best hunters as well, even though they’re striving to avoid any hunters out there who are out to treat them as prey. They’ve begun to get weaker because of the fact that their alpha didn’t have any wife, or what they call as luna. He hasn’t found his mate for years and they have already lost hope in him, to the point that they have challenged the alpha to duels, which no one ever managed to achieve and be victorious against the current alpha.

On my way here, I noticed that there wasn’t any path that'd lead me out from where I came in. As if I’d basically be trapped inside this castle for as long as they want.

“Master Kristoffer Wong, Miss Celestina Villarama has arrived,” he announced in front of the oak door. He didn’t need to knock on it to be noticed.

As if on cue, he opened the door without waiting for the beta’s response, giving me a way to enter through his room which seemed to be more like an office.

It felt as if time stopped on purpose the moment that I made direct eye contact with the man who was called Master Kristoffer Wong, the Beta of Crimson Moon Pack. His black hair was still fixed in the same style as the last time that I saw him, though his eyes no longer showed the shade of blue.

“Y-you’re…” I raised my index finger as I pointed at him.

“I was worried that you might be taken by the Silver Moon Pack after leaving you alone. Please accept my sincere apologies for I have not been able to introduce myself formally to you, but I’m pretty much sure that this child has told you about me already,” Kristoffer mumbled as he bowed his head at me.

From the insides of my body, I knew that my blood rose to my face as I got embarrassed with what he’s doing. “R-raise your head,” I muttered in pure confusion on what I was supposed to address him.

“You can call me whatever you like. I’m also sorry for stealing a kiss from you. If only I knew that you’re… then I wouldn’t have dared to lay a finger on you.” The way that he delivered his message was way too convincing for me to have doubts with his words.

I gritted my teeth as the thought that he’s still hiding something from me entered my mind. I am aware that he has his own reasons, but it would be better if he can tell me about it if it concerns me.

‘You should avoid this man at all costs, Celestina.’

Words that I didn’t think about flashed through my brain. I roamed my eyes around Kristoffer’s room to check if there was someone else inside other than the three of us, but there was nobody else.

‘I’ll soon bring out the best in you, but it’d hinder my plans for you if you get too close with this filthy wolf. I don’t want to put your life at risk, Celestina.’

There it is again. “Who are you?” I asked out loud.

“Didn’t you already know my identity?” Kristoffer butted in, which made me gaze upon him for the second time.

I shook my head repetitively. “S-sorry. I’m not feeling well, can we talk again some other time? I’d like to rest.”

My hands were trembling in fear of uncertainty of what’s happening to me. I wasn’t familiar with this feeling and neither was I aware of who this voice belongs to. It wasn’t from Sarina and it wasn’t from the child that I met in the castle either.

Kristoffer nodded twice and motioned the child to show me the way out. “Bring Celeste to her room.”

I no longer protested since I didn’t have a house to return to anyway. As the beta ordered him, he brought me upstairs. Using the master’s key, he opened the door and crossed its threshold as he switched the lights on.

“You can rest here in the meantime, Miss Celestina Villarama.”

No matter where I lay my eyes upon, all of the things that surround me are dazzling like the stars in the night sky. The moment that I was left alone in the room, my heartbeat became abnormal. It kept on skipping countless beats to the point that I was unable to stand on the ground.

I held tightly on my chest as if it would help ease away the pain.

‘You have to accept me once the clock strikes twelve midnight, Celestina. You’re officially going to be known as Siege Wong’s mate. His scent will lead you to him, his aura will make you go crazy, and his body will heat you up until the bits of your luscious desires.’

I was getting dizzy, my eyesight was slowly fading away until I could no longer see anything other than pitchblack. I felt myself falling to the ground, but it didn’t hurt me at all. My hearing seemed to grow when I heard several footsteps that were approaching where I was located, it kept on thudding louder.

‘You were supposed to be Siege Wong’s mate, but I guess… the moon goddess wants to play with you for a while.’

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