Chapter 2

As I settled into my desk and started reviewing the notes that Max had lent me, I couldn't help but think about the amazing night I had at the Xefora concert. It was a welcome break from the usual routine of school and studying, and I was grateful to have had the opportunity to experience it.

But now, it was back to reality. It was a Saturday, but I had still woken up early to catch up on the lessons I had missed the previous week. I was determined to keep up with my studies and make the most of my high school years.

I worked hard all morning, reading through Max's notes and reviewing the material I had missed. I felt a sense of accomplishment as I understood the concepts and was able to answer the review questions.

With my work done for the day, I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. I was proud of myself for staying disciplined and focused, even on a weekend.

As I made my way to Isla's room, I couldn't help but smile. She was always up for a chat, and I was looking forward to catching up with her over breakfast.

When I arrived, Isla was just finishing up her own breakfast of fruit and yogurt. We sat down together at the table and chatted about our plans for the day.

"What do you have planned for today?" I asked.

"I was thinking of going to the park to do some sketching," Isla replied. "I've been working on improving my drawings and I want to try out some new techniques."

I smiled, "That sounds great. I was thinking of going for a run later, maybe we could do it together."

Isla nodded, "Sure, that would be fun. I could use a workout."

We continued to chat and catch up, discussing our interests and plans for the future. Having Isla around had been a real blessing, and I was grateful for her presence in our home.

As we finished our breakfast, I felt a sense of contentment. Life was good, and I was looking forward to what the rest of the day would bring.

As we walked to the park, I filled Isla in on the details of our encounter with Xefora from the night before. She listened intently, a look of surprise on her face as I described the energy of the concert.

"Wow, that sounds amazing," she said. "I've never been much of a fan of concerts, but I'm glad you enjoyed it."

I smiled, "It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Max and I had such a great time. I can't wait to see them again."

Isla nodded, "I can tell. You two are always up for an adventure."

We continued to talk as we made our way to the park. It was a beautiful day, and I was looking forward to getting some fresh air and spending time with my cousin.

As we arrived at the park, Isla found a quiet spot to set up her sketchbook and charcoal pencils. I went for a run, feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my face.

It was a perfect afternoon, and I was grateful for the time I got to spend with Isla. Our lifestyles may have been different, but it was moments like these that brought us closer together.

I was jogging at the park listening to some music on phone when i received a message from max. I opened my phone and read her messages. I laughed at myself when I read her message telling me she's coming with lance to go to the practice of xefora.

I stopped my jog and replied to Max, "You guys are so lucky! I wish I could join you at their practice. I'll be cheering you on from afar."

Max replied, "Don't worry Iris! You'll get to see them again soon enough. Just wait until their next concert. It's going to be epic."

I smiled as I put my phone back in my pocket and continued my jog. I couldn't wait to see Xefora perform again.

As I jogged, I thought about how lucky I was to have friends like Max and a cousin like Isla. They always made sure I was having a good time and kept me entertained. I felt grateful for the people in my life and for the experiences I had had so far.

It was a beautiful day, and I was excited for what was to come. I couldn't wait to see what other adventures awaited me in the future.

"You know, Iris, drawing is a skill that can be developed with practice," Isla said, noticing my admiration for her art. "Why don't you give it a try?"

I smiled at her offer and replied, "I've always wanted to try, but I've never been good at it. I'm afraid I'll just end up ruining the paper."

Isla chuckled and said, "There's no such thing as ruining paper. It's just a matter of learning the techniques and finding your own style. Here, let me show you."

She handed me a sketchpad and pencil and showed me the basics of sketching. I was amazed at how easy it was with her guidance, and I soon found myself lost in the moment, sketching away.

As the sun set, I looked at the page and was pleasantly surprised by what I had created. It was rough and far from perfect, but it was a start. I felt a sense of pride in my accomplishment and knew that I wanted to continue developing my skills.

Isla smiled at me and said, "See, you have a natural talent for this. Keep practicing, and who knows, you might end up being the next famous artist."

I laughed and thanked her for her encouragement. I felt inspired and excited for the new hobby I had discovered. I couldn't wait to continue practicing and see where it would take me.

we went home after, and while walking inside our village. I saw a familiar face.

it was red the drummer of the band. "i thought you have a band practice," i said to him, " we have, but I couldn't come today i ran some errands." he replied

with a warm smile. "It's good to see you again," I said. "Likewise," Red said as he walked with us towards our house. We chatted about the concert and other things, he was such a nice person. As we reached our house, I invited him inside but he politely declined saying he has to go back to the studio. We said our goodbyes and exchanged numbers. I couldn't believe I just had a conversation with a member of Xefora. This was definitely a day to remember.

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