Chapter 3

Max was beside me when I wonder what school xefora's members were attending, so I ask her and she replied, "They all go to different schools, but Felix and Red go to Howard university. I heard they're pretty talented, not just in music but in academics too." I was surprised to hear that, it just goes to show how multi-talented they were. "Wow, that's impressive," I said. Max nodded in agreement. I smiled to myself when I remember that red ask for my number yesterday, so I told max about it. "did he message you already?" she asked, "No, not yet." I said. Max seemed a little disappointed, "Well, maybe he's just busy with band practice. Give him some time, I'm sure he'll reach out soon." I nodded, still feeling a little giddy about the whole situation. It's not every day that a member of a rising band asks for your number.

"by the way, max. how was the band practice yesterday?" i ask her again. She turned to me and smiled widely, "Felix was looking for you, but based on what you just said today it seems like red was interested in you, he even ask for your number" she said while giggling.

I couldn't help but feel a little flustered. I had no idea that Red was interested in me, and now Felix was looking for me too. I didn't know what to think. Max was still giggling at my reaction. "Don't worry, Iris. Just wait and see. Who knows, one of them might end up being your prince charming."

Later that evening, I finally received a message from Red. He asked if I wanted to grab a coffee with him the next day. I was nervous but also excited at the same time. I agreed to meet him and we set a time and place.

I couldn't sleep that night, my mind was racing with thoughts about the upcoming meeting. I wanted to make a good impression but at the same time I didn't want to seem too eager.

The next day, I dressed nicely and made my way to the coffee shop. I saw Red waiting for me outside, and my heart started racing. I took a deep breath and walked towards him with a smile.

"Hi, Iris." Red greeted me with a warm smile. "Hi, Red." I replied, feeling a little nervous.

We went inside the coffee shop and ordered our drinks. We talked about our interests and hobbies, and I found out that we had a lot in common. Red was charming and funny, and I couldn't help but laugh at his jokes.

"I ask felix to come with me today. He was actually shocked to know that I ask you to grab a coffee with me," he said laughing.

"Why didn't he come?" I ask then drink my coffee.

"He's the vocalist on our band, he needs to practice some new songs," he said.

"He really have a good voice. There's no doubt about it, i'm sure he'll do great." I smiled at him

As we finished our drinks, Red asked if I wanted to hang out again sometime. I agreed, feeling happy and excited. I couldn't believe that a member of Xefora was interested in me.

I walked home with a big smile on my face, feeling grateful for the unexpected turn of events. I was excited to see where this would lead and I couldn't wait to spend more time with Red.

lance and max had a date tonight so I decided to stay at home with Isla. She's been feeling sick lately, and I wonder why. I don't know if she went to see a doctor already.

I made some tea for Isla and asked her if she's feeling better. "Not really," she said, "I think I might have caught a cold." I felt worried for her and decided to make her some soup for dinner. We spent the night watching movies and talking about our plans for the future. I was glad that I was there to take care of her.

an hour later while i'm still at isla's room. I received a call from max. "hello?" i answered. "Iris, oh my gosh! you wouldn't believe what happened today," she said giggling. "what is it?" I asked. "Lance kissed me." I burst out laughing at her, "You're acting like it's your first time kissing him," i said. " I know, but i feel so happy about it"

"I'm happy for you two, you're still so inlove with each other about 2 years of being together. I hope I can find someone who'll love me like what Lance have for you," I said.

"You're being a sad girl now," she laughed. "Anyway, how was your date with red?" she asked.

"It wasn't a date, max."

"It think it was."

'I don't think so, Felix was supposed to be there but he needs to practice for a new song. It's definitely not a date." I smiled to myself.

"Oh! I remember. Lance told me that Felix was a bit curious at you. He kept asking Lance about you. OMG! Maybe he likes you." max said giggling at the other line.

"Stop it, max. I don't want to assume," I took a deep breathe as i said those words.

Imagine Felix liking you. It seems so unreal, why would he like someone like me. I'm not that pretty, and there's nothing special about me.

I went back to checking on Isla, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly. I decided to give her some space and went to my room to catch up on some reading but when I head to my room, I check my phone to look at my social medias and forgot about the book i wanted to read.

I checked my social medias and i was astounded to realize that red followed me

The next day, I received a message from Red. He asked if I wanted to hang out with him and some of his friends. I was ecstatic and quickly replied saying yes. I couldn't believe that a member of Xefora wanted to spend time with me. I immediately told Max and Isla about it, and they were both happy for me.

I got dressed for the day, picked out the perfect outfit, and made sure I looked good for the meeting. I was a little nervous but excited for this opportunity to spend more time with Red and potentially get to know the other members of Xefora.

I arrived at the designated meeting place, a café near the park. I saw Red waiting for me outside, and he greeted me with a smile. He introduced me to the other members of Xefora and some of their friends. I had a great time chatting and laughing with them, and I felt like I fit right in.

"Felix will be here anytime soon," Red whispered to me.

"Really? It'll be great to meet him again," I smiled at him, trying to hide my excitement to meet felix.

when felix arrived he sat beside me. Red can't keep his smiles to himself, so i asked him why is he smiling like an idiot beside me. He laughed at me, and whispered "Felix likes you, don't tell him i told you," I don't know what to react with what he said because it actually made me shy.

As the day went on, Red even showed me some of the music that he had written. I was impressed by his talent, and I told him so.

Felix and I talked for just a minute. It was actually me and red who vibe all along.

Overall, it was an amazing day, and I felt grateful for the opportunity.

I went home feeling a bit tired. I lay down on my bed and open the notifications. Red tagged me in a photo on instagram and this time it was Felix who followed me. I checked his social media and I noticed that all his photo were black and white. I wonder why.

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