"On Your Knees, Alpha Chase!" by Elfrida Obada: A Tale of Resilience and Revenge in a Werewolf World

By FictionMe

This incredible book "On Your Knees, Alpha Chase!" tells the story of Lavana, an omega werewolf who has to suffer in a pack that kills her own pack and takes her in. Despite the constant torture and abuse, Lavana remains a strong-willed character with intense passion for vengeance.

On Your Knees, Alpha Chase! illustration


Thus, the plot of a werewolf story that takes place in a world ruled by packs and hierarchies is revealed. We first meet Lavana as a young girl who is abused and isolated due to her being an omega. The suffering that she goes through is heart-wrenching, but it is the driving force for her strength and determination throughout the novel.

When Lavana is growing up, the audience learns nothing about her background and the true nature of the power that resides inside her. Voices are heard inside her and they tell her of a strength that she has inside her and which can alter her life. The author masterfully builds the components of suspense and mystery, thus making people interested in Lavana’s definite character.

In the midst of all these troubles, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a fated mate who could deliver Lavana from her suffering. This expectation raises the stakes of their meeting, and the reader cannot help but hope that Lavana will finally find love and acceptance.

But the turn of events take a rather nasty turn when Lavana’s intended lover spurns her, increasing her suffering and desire for revenge. This rejection is a major plot point in the story and leads Lavana on a journey to becoming a strong and independent woman.

Thus, Lavana starts a new stage in her life with renewed resolve to discover the true essence of her character and regain her position in the community of werewolves. Throughout the journey, she meets some helpful friends and faces some difficult tasks and obstacles, which help her develop her strength.

Book cover of “On Your Knees, Alpha Chase!“ by ELFRIDA OBADA

On Your Knees, Alpha Chase!

  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
Lavana's pack gets destroyed by Alpha Blake, the enemy takes her as a trophy, and, as if that wasn't enough, she finds out that the enemy's son, Chase, is her mate. After being treated as garbage and rejected by her mate for simply being an Omega, she decides to flee. Years of challenges turn her into a powerful woman desired by every Alpha. But she has one goal and one goal only — the enemy must bow!


Resilience in the face of adversity is one of the most important topics that can be identified in “On Your Knees, Alpha Chase!”. Lavana’s strength and desire to triumph over her struggles make her an inspiring character. The novel also depicts that there is hope and power within oneself to overcome the hardships no matter how difficult they are.

Another significant motif is the search for justice and revenge. Lavana’s desire for revenge against those who crossed her and her pack is central to the story. It reveals the internal conflicts arising from the desire for vengeance and the possible outcomes of this desire.

The novel also explores the theme of individualism and the search for one’s own identity. One of the main themes of the story is the transformation of the main character, Lavana, who is trying to discover herself and become the person she was meant to be. It shows a person’s growth as she discovers her heritage and powers, and her role in the world.

Also, the role of the family and loyalty is an important aspect of the novel. Lavana’s love for her family and pack members, alive and dead, is the driving force behind her actions in the story. Family ties are depicted as influential forces, which define Lavana’s actions and her desire for vengeance.


Lavana is the main character, and her character development from a submissive abused woman to the strong tribrid is interesting. The audience will be interested in her determination, desire for vengeance, and the internal transformation while accepting her powers.

The characters such as Phoenix, who is Lavana’s destined mate, Beatrix, her adopted sister, and the members of the Blood Star pack also help to make the story more interesting and complicated. These relationships, especially the ones with Lavana, as well as their individual conflicts, lend the characters a certain depth and complexity, which makes them interesting to watch throughout the story.

Writing Style

ELFRIDA OBADA writes in a very informal manner and uses a lot of dialogue which makes it very simple to follow and quite entertaining. The language is rather plain but there are moments when the author uses colloquialisms and informal language to make the characters sound more realistic. The continuity is well done, and the passage from one scene to another and from one chapter to another is fluid. The author’s choice of dialogue is one of the most efficient techniques of character development that can be observed throughout the text. The user perspective is Lavana’s thus the reader is exposed to her feelings and emotions as she goes through her struggles.

The author’s work of writing makes the reader feel closer to the characters and gets them involved in the world of werewolves. The characters are easy to identify with and the dialogues are informal which makes the story seem more realistic and interesting, although the events occur at a rather high pace and the number of plot twists is rather large. The author’s detailed depictions of the werewolf world and its people also help the readers to get lost in the story, as they are able to easily paint a picture of what the author is describing.

Personal Impressions

I found the novel very engaging and could not put it down right from the cover of the book namely, “On Your Knees, Alpha Chase!”

On the whole, the author is quite successful in painting a realistic picture of the werewolf world. The idea of a tribrid werewolf, mermaid, and dragon is quite interesting and is a welcome change to the usual paranormal romance stories.

The character of Lavana is quite unique; her strength and courage in the face of hardship is phenomenal. The passion and the pain that she undergoes especially the abuse she suffers is depicted in a manner that will make the audience feel for her and even follow her through her struggles.

Lavana and Phoenix’s developing love interest is a nice touch to the story. However, the life of the two of them shows that love and acceptance can conquer all obstacles.

But, still, the novel has its flaws, or the potential for improve. Some of the sequences in the story are tediously slow while others tend to be hasty. Moreover, there is an opportunity to deepen some of the secondary characters to make the story more interesting.

Finally, I can say that “On Your Knees, Alpha Chase!” is a great first book of the new paranormal romance series. That is why the plot is unconventional, characters are interesting, and the feelings are deep and sincere, so the novel will be interesting to fans of the given genre. There is still much that could be refined, but the author’s promise is there and I look forward to the next chapter in Lavana’s story.

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