Book cover of “Jinx“ by Author-chanXD


  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Author-chanXD
  • Uploaded by user861508
Ever dreamed of having a superpower? In a world where almost everyone possesses extraordinary abilities, the strongest and most violent often rise to power, ruling over those less fortunate. Theft, murder, and lawlessness became rampant as these super-powered individuals evaded justice. To combat this chaos, a new profession emerged—heroes, dedicat... 


Izume’s parents died in a villain attack when she was three, she doesn't remember them much, but everyone tells her they died an honorable death. She knows she should feel comforted about that, but still hates that they didn’t put their safety first, who cares about being honorable when you can no longer come home to raise your child.

This made her turn away from becoming a hero. She was grateful to have been taken in by her uncle, although he happened to be a pro hero, and to make matters worse he’s the number one hero known as “Heavyweight”. Although Izume knows him as Taiyō Yagi, or as she calls him “Uncle Yagi”. He raised her on the hero route, so as to not disappoint him she was trying to become a pro hero.

He trained Izume in hand to hand combat and martial arts ever since she turned four. Her regular training with him was usually intense because he was hoping to one day pass his power on to her, however once she turned 10 she moved to Canada and her training with uncle Yagi was put on hold, he had told her in order to get proper schooling she would be living with his close friend and continuing her training with multiple pro heroes so she could learn different techniques and ways of thinking.

One day walking home from training with a pro hero named “Crimson Rust”, she was lost in song with her headphones in not realizing she was singing out loud. She got pulled out of her trance by a tap on the shoulder. Upon turning around she saw a small slender woman with short black hair and rose red framed glasses standing there beaming at her with sparkle's in her eyes. She told Izume she was from a company called GT studios, and that she would like to scout her for a girl group to be the lead vocalist. After getting uncle Yagi’s permission and having a lawyer read over the contract Izume happily agreed to be a vocalist for GT studios.

Three years had passed and the group was getting more recognition, by the time Izume was about to go to high school, five of her songs had made it to the top ten songs of the year list in japan. One day she got called into her manager's office when she said Izume would be going on hiatus to focus on school, after telling her she could still go to school without going on hiatus (and that her B+ average proved that). She smiled at Izume and said it was not possible because her uncle had called and said she got into the best hero school in japan (T.A). In the end she lost the argument and went back to japan so she could get back on the hero path her uncle wanted for her.

-Info about Izume-

Izume has two powers! Her first is one called “info copy” if she learns about how a power works she can then use that power. She’s limited to one power at a time though.

The second is a more dormant power called “werewolf” when she feels intense emotions she sprout wolf ears and a tail, she also has heightened senses. Another plus to this power is her connection to canines.

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