Chapter 3

Emma’s POV

“If we are going to get to it, you would have to take a deep breath and relax. You have to trust me on this, Emma.” Gideon’s voice boomed huskily in the heated room, and I shivered involuntarily.

He grabbed me by my waist, moved me across the room and pushed me gently onto the couch. His hands came to rest on my nape, caressing me and putting on switches in me.

“Take a deep breath in, love; take another out.” He commanded, his eyes running a lazy but sexy gaze around my face.

I heeded to his command, taking a full breath in and out and involuntarily causing a raise of my straining breast to clash against his chest.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby girl. Breathe in and out, feel the rhythm, relax. I’m going to take good care of you.” With each and every word, he moved closer to me, his breath fanning my ears with each word coming out of his mouth.

And then Gideon did something unexpected and thrilling. He blew air coming directly from his mouth into my ear and onto my neck. Goosebumps like never before made a run into my body, creating small sizes of small rounded armies sending heat directly to my core.

“Ah- what was that for?” My voice advanced out as a breathy moan. I was already breathing hard and fast, and he hadn’t even touched me already.

“That, my dear, was to make you relax fully.” He whispered unto my mouth, cutting me short of words as he landed his lips on mine.

Sparks of fireworks ignited in horizons, sending a magnetic and electrocuted friction in between my thighs and pooling directly into my panties. The hairs at the back of my neck rose, displaying in size of length as soon as Gideon placed his hand on my neck, choking me a little bit and also kissing the life out of me at the same time.

Short of breath, I pulled away from him to catch a little bit of air. His hands still remained on my neck, occasionally according to a little squeeze on it. As soon as he realized I’d inhaled enough air, he rushed down on me again, this time predating and bruising my lips like an animal.

A suck, a bite, another rampage of holy hell kissing. His other hand, which wasn’t too busy squeezing my neck, moved slowly towards the back of my neck and pulled the hair band I had used to pull my hair together while in the bathroom. I crushed my tongue with his hypnotizing one and simultaneously biting his lips at the same time. That seemed to drive him crazy as he groaned into my mouth, massaging my scalp and playing with my hair.

His right hand left my neck, grabbing my breasts and according to them a deep squeeze. My feet left the ground, toes curling into high heeled shape. His mouth swallowed my moans as he moved on, caressing my navel and belly button till it stopped right above my pussy.

With his four fingers, he grabbed me above my clothes, his thumb massaging the skin above my stomach, and I pulled away from him, searching a pleasure-hooded gaze at his eyes as he began to move his fingers, still cupping me and touching places it found reach cloth covered.

“Gid-eo.... oh, ah.” I was trashing this time, looking for many ways to reach my peak, and I think Gideon got the point because he rose fully above me and signaled me to take off my gown.

As soon as the cotton material pooled onto the ground, he grabbed me behind my head and rushed in down for another kiss.

“Spread your legs, baby girl, and no matter what, don’t close your thighs, okay?” He instructed me. Barely getting myself together, I nodded my head in return.

Slowly, he bent down to the ground, his face right in front of my vagina.

“Oh god, it’s so pink.” He groaned as he continued to stare at me in that intimate part. My pulse began to pour out just by a look from him, and he glanced up and awarded me a heart-warming smile.

“I can’t wait to know how it tastes.” He said. Just as I was about to scream out of frustration for him to get to it, I choked in on air as his tongue parted the lips of my pussy. My head fell back to the couch, and I began to make little trash around.

Gideon fully got to work, his tongues touching the deep inner places they could reach in my walls. I felt his tongue there, inside me, at the tip of my insides, and the pleasure began to boom in loud rhythmical music in me. His lips came out to hold my pussy lips in between them as he began to massage my clit, my walls and everywhere with his tongue.

I was beginning to trash; my thighs had almost closed in on him and buried him. But he still continued working, ignoring my trash for him to stop.

“You have to ask for what you want now, baby girl,” Gideon murmured against my pussy, rushing the vibrations through me.

“Suck Gideon, please suck my pussy. Please suck it.” At this point, I was almost sobbing. My voice was hoarse already.

Gideon gladly sucked on my pussy, and my eyes rolled in behind my head. I gave on breathing as I rolled my pussy as he sucked on. Tentatively, he sipped a little bite on it, and I finally collapsed in my high, my orgasm shooting out from me like a rushing tornado destroying places. Still, Gideon continued to take slow licks from my pussy.

Even as I had come down, it was almost as if he couldn’t part with it. He continued to lick in on me again, and I was starting to jolt a little, twitching and turning slightly, when his phone rang and disrupted us.

He rushed to his feet quickly, taking his suit jacket in his hands.

“Drop the address of your house on my desk, I’ll find you tonight, and we are finally going to continue what we stopped.” He disposed of me as I lay there, useless on the couch.

“Okay,” I muttered, still trying to regain energy. He walked past me and towards the door.

I was about to question him when he bent down to my still-opened wide pussy. He gave it a lick, a suck, and finally a bite while I let out an “Uhmm” due to the unexpected intrusion.

He rose to my face and pressed a quick kiss on my lips before walking out and leaving me to relish in the memory of what had just happened.

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