Chapter 2


I was looking through bank statements of one my apartment buildings today and I found out I'm losing money. There is no vacant apartment, each has an occupant and six months ago, I increased the rent and according to the statistics, I haven't been getting rent for one of the lodging for three months. I asked for the person in charge of the particular building thirty minutes ago and he's not here yet. I hate waiting, when I call whoever is summoned must appear before me, yes, I lack of patience doesn't help in business but I make up for it in other traits.

Before I got to where I am today, I started out as a manager at one of my father's companies four years ago and from there, I've worked my way up. I doubled the profits of his lingerie company and he asked me to manage another cooperation, diverse from women's lingerie. It also excelled, I took twenty percent of interests made and from there I started making my own investments.

I'm the boggy man of the business industry, I have my fingers dipped into every business sector you can think of and whenever there's a corporation going down hill somewhere in the world, I swoop in, purchase the company and take it to new heights. Most times I resale it but other times, I sell a few shares, leaving myself as majority share holder. I'm an undefeated business magnate and one of the wealthiest men in this country, I am a self made billionaire and I hold just about the same power as the president.

If you told me seven years ago I'd be where I am today, I'd tell you no. My plan was to own my own law firm, and I'd be satisfied with just that. I'd be married to the most wonderful woman I'd ever met, my little minx, my minx. She was everything I never knew I needed, her hazel green eyes still burn in the back of my mind. She wanted to be a neurologist, sometimes when I'm drunk I wonder how that worked out for her. Our life together was an overly anticipated fantasy, a fantasy that never happened.

During my second year of law school, I took on another degree. A business degree, I needed something to occupy my time and it was the only thing I deemed challenging and the combo was great, it's lethal in my line of work. Once in a while, I step into court and every time I do, I win. I have a winning streak that I'll keep going until the day I meet my fate. According to magazines, I was born for this and they’re wrong, I wasn’t born for it but I was made for it and I’ve ru-

“Sir, Andrew Rodger is here to see you.” my assistant Regina says through the intercom. I tap it, “Send him in.”

A minute later he enters. I nod to the seat in front of me and he hesitantly takes a seat. “You wished to see me Sir? ”

I nod, “You're in charge of the apartments complex opposite the resort? ”

“Yes sir, I'm the building manager as well as maintenance.”

“Hmm, so that means you're able to tell me why I haven't been receiving rent for one of those apartments for the past three months? ”

He tenses in his seat and gulps audibly, “Yes, umm one of the tenants hasn't been able to pay the last three months rent but I'm getting around to it.”

“Someone is residing free in my apartment and you've been allowing them? ”

Andrew shakes his head, now visibly sweating. “No Sir, the reason I've not kicked the occupant out is because she has always paid on time and she's -”

“-She? ” I implore.

Of course it had to be a she, and he is probably letting her stay rent free because he's fucking her. Andrew has been running the facility smoothly for three years and now, he is about to lose his job over pussy. I take a glance at my watch and turn to him, “You have forty-eight hours to get me the money for last three months rent or you're fired and she's on the streets. You hear me? ” Andrew nods vigorously. “If she can't pay, I want her out by Monday and I need you to recommend someone to fill your position.”

He nods, “Yes Sir, I'll have the money.”

“Good. In the mean time, send me the particulars of the person freeloading off my apartment.”

Andrew nods and rises, “Have a good day Mr. Kline.”

I dismiss him and go back to working through my records.

It's not that I need the money, I just have more money than I know what to do with and I thought Andrew was stealing from me. People need to learn nothing is free in this life and I'm surprised someone staying there isn't paying the rent. That apartment complex is mainly occupied by rich brats whose parents pay for the apartment and middle aged women and men that live off their parents riches. If not those, then there's financially stable people that make enough to pay for the house and not enough for a mansion and they desire a mansion so they pay for an apartment while saving for their mansions.

My phone starts buzzing on my table, when I peek over it, I see my brothers line flashing on the screen. I tap answer and put him on speaker, “Yes Kohen.”

“I need your help bro.”

I snort, Ah yes, not even a simple "how are you Caelum? " straight to the point.

“What did you do this time?”

He's silent for a moment but I know he's there, his heavy breathing is giving him away. The hesitation and breathing pattern tells me he screwed up and now I need to swoop in and save the day like some fucking hero older brother before our parents find out just what it is their precious little boy did. “Remember the sixty thousand Mom gave me for this months upkeep? ” he asks, his breathing heavy once again.

“Yes, what happened to it? ” I counter.

“I need more, its done.”

“Kohen, Mom gave you that money on Monday and its only Thursday today. How the fuck do you blow off sixty thousand in two days? And have the nerve to ask me for more, do I shit money? ” I snap.

“Well you do, no. I mean no but listen to me I can explain but don't get made at me” See I'm already mad, that he said no to, to begin with. Kohen takes a deep breath before he speaks again. “I got Lina pregnant but she didn't want the baby so-”

“You used the money for an abortion. You better not have forced that girl into getting an abortion Kohen, we didn’t send you to university so you can knock up random girls, you're nineteen years old for crying out loud. How many times do I have to tell you to keep that little dick of yours strapped? ”

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