Chapter 3


"Martin, please, I really need your help. Mom fired me yesterday, and I can't bear to waste my natural talent on being a secretary," I pleaded, hoping he would come through for me as he always had.

Martin and I have been best friends for the past fourteen years. Some people thought he would abandon me like so many others before, but he proved them wrong and remained by my side.

Through thick and thin, he was always there for me. Our bond grew so strong that I developed feelings for him, though I soon discovered he was gay. Nevertheless, I still love him deeply, just not in a romantic sense.

"I'll do my best, Ella. But honestly, with your talent, I'm confident you'll find a job. I can't understand why your mother would fire you only to give your position to your dim-witted sister. I thought she was a businesswoman," he expressed, sounding as surprised as I was.

"I don't care anymore, Martin. I'm fed up with Mom and Elle treating me like an idiot. I worked tirelessly for Elite Fashion, and what do I receive in return? Nothing, absolutely nothing," I sighed, feeling frustrated with myself for hoping that one day my mother would choose me over Elle.

"Listen, Ella, I hate to say 'I told you so,' but I told you so. You are talented and beautiful, but you kept subjecting yourself to your psychotic sister and your indifferent mother," he chuckled heartily, and I had to agree.

My life would have been far better if I hadn't dedicated it to winning my mother's affection.

"Tell me, what are my options?" I swiftly changed the topic, eager to shift my focus away from a mother who fails to appreciate me.

"Well, I have plenty of options, but I've narrowed it down to two choices. You could work at my company, Soul Fashion, or you could try Annie's Touch. Personally, I think Annie's Touch would be the better option since it's more prestigious than Elite Fashion," he explained.

"Should I send my resume?" I chirped with delight.

"Actually, there's no need. I already sent it on your behalf, and I have a friend at Annie's Touch who can help pull some strings to get you employed sooner," he revealed, prompting an outburst of excitement from me. I embraced him tightly, planting sloppy kisses on both his cheeks. He truly is the best.

My previously languishing heart sprung to life after hearing Martin's good news. But there was no way in hell I was going to tell Mom or Elle because it could ruin my great opportunity.

Just because of how horrid my mom was, I've even entertained the possibility of being adopted. Perhaps Mom discovered me on the street because her unexplained hatred for me defies all reasoning.

"If it isn't the black sheep of the family," Elle's annoying voice carelessly sang, and at this moment, all I wanted was to silence her forever. But can you really blame me for feeling that way?

That bitch stole my job and my dream, even attempting to leave me penniless—literally. Both she and Mom insisted that Dad left nothing for me.

However, that couldn't be true, as Dad loved me and never treated me as second best. If Dad didn't love me, then

I would really be as destitute as they believe I am.

"Look who's talking, holy Mary," I drawled sarcastically, seething with irritation towards my sister.

"You know what, Ella? I've never encountered a bigger fool than you. You always allow yourself to be pushed around like a rag doll. Just look at you now, you've lost your job, your dignity, and your self-esteem. And, may I add, you look even more miserable than usual," she hisses, and I roll my eyes in response.

"Say whatever you want, Elle. You've already taken everything from me, so what more do you want?" I snap angrily, restraining the urge to slap her.

"Don't act pathetic, Ella. It doesn't suit you. I'm only here to rub in your face that, no matter how hard you try, you'll never be better than me. You'll always be beneath me. Haven't you realized that both our parents have always favored me?" she rhetorically questions, prompting an internal eye roll from me.

"I'm the star child, Ella—the one everybody loves. And you, my dear, are nothing more than a wannabe me. Need I remind you that you're the child who should have never been born? A good-for-nothing mistake," she sharply retorts, repeating the same old drivel.

"Are you done, Elle? Because if you are, I'm leaving. I have far better things to do," I hiss at her, before angrily walking away. My rage burns hotter than usual, not because her words were harsh, but because she was right.

The father I thought loved me has left me in the clutches of a mother and sister who despise me.

Elle has always had everything handed to her without having to work for it. All she needs to do is ask our mother, and she'll receive it, even if it comes at my expense. I thought I'd never give up on trying to win our mother's favor, but this time, I surrender. I refuse to allow my emotions to consume me any longer.


A Week Later

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT THE JOB! OMG!" I squealed, the sheer excitement in my voice potentially damaging poor Martin's eardrums. But who could blame me? He's just too amazing for his own good.

"It's great news, Ella, but remember that you'll be starting from scratch," he reminded me as if I needed to be treated like a child.

"Martin, when will you understand that I'm a grown woman now? I know how things work. I don't need you to babysit me," I playfully scolded him.

"Anyway, let's set that aside. Do you have any idea what my role will be?" I inquired eagerly.

"Well, it seems like you'll be joining the team of designers. I told them about your latest collection, and after reviewing it, they agreed to let you join," he replied, igniting a wave of excitement within me.

"Don't the designers need approval from the director? And I thought the director was a woman," I questioned, trying to reconcile my knowledge of Annie's Touch.

"Turns out, in this case, the director is actually the son of the chairwoman. He recently took over the position," he explained, clarifying my confusion.

"So, when do I officially start? I can't wait!" I exclaimed, feeling a mix of eagerness and nervousness.

"You start tomorrow, and remember, you owe me a drink for being the greatest friend of all time. Making it look easy was no easy task, so work hard. Don't let me down, Gaby. Best of luck to you," he replied, preparing to end the call.

"Firstly, Martin, don't call me Gaby. You know I hate that name. And secondly, I've said it a thousand times, but I really love you, boo. You're the best, and if you weren't gay, I'd definitely give you a run for your money," I joked, eliciting a hearty laugh from him before he hung up.


Walking into the building, an overwhelming sense of anticipation washed over me. This was not just a new beginning; it was a whole new life, and I hoped to make the most of it.

Approaching the receptionist, she kindly directed me to the fifth floor, where I would meet my new team. I silently prayed that they would be friendly, as I'm terrible at making new friends. After all, that's why Martin is my one and only true friend.

As I step out of the elevator, my mind starts to wander, envisioning what it would be like working in this new environment. Lost in my thoughts, I accidentally collide with someone, causing me to momentarily freeze.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I should have been more attentive. Please accept my apologies," I stammer, repeatedly expressing my regret.

When I finally gather the courage to look up, I find myself gazing into the eyes of one of the most attractive men I have ever encountered.

"It's alright, miss. I should have been more mindful as well. No harm done," he graciously responds, offering a warm smile.

I find myself momentarily captivated by his smile before snapping back to reality, realizing that I need to reach my assigned desk promptly on my first day.

"Excuse me for bothering you, but could I ask for a favor?" I politely inquire.

"Of course, miss. How can I assist you?" he kindly offers.

"Well, I'm new here and I need to find the designer's personal office, but I'm not familiar with the layout. Could you please direct me?" I request, hoping that he is knowledgeable about the building.

"Certainly. It's just the first door on the right. It's not too far from here," he promptly replies, preparing to continue on his way. However, he pauses, as if there is something else on his mind.

"By the way, what's your name?" he inquires, and without hesitation, I provide my response, neglecting to inquire about his name in return.

"I'm Gabriella Johansson, and I must hurry now. Thank you for your assistance. Please excuse me!" I hastily utter, before darting off to avoid being late.

Stepping into my new workspace, a wave of nervousness washes over me. Countless questions swarm my mind, taunting my confidence. What if my colleagues don't like me? What if they turn out to be bullies? What if I'm not good enough and get fired on my very first day?

These thoughts consume me, but I muster the strength to reassure myself that everything will work out fine.

"Excuse me for interrupting. I'm Gabriella, the new designer, and I was directed to come here," I announce calmly, though deep down, I feel anything but calm.

The stares and perplexed expressions from the team do little to put me at ease.

"Oh, hello Gabriella. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jack, the head designer here, and I've actually heard about you. Welcome to AT," greets a tall, handsome gentleman, who appears to be in his mid-thirties, with a distinct British accent. He extends his hand for a handshake, and I accept it as politely as possible.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Jack," I respond with a small smile adorning my face.

"Just call me Jack, dear. I'm not that old," he chuckles with a warm smile before addressing the curious onlookers.

"Everyone, this is Gabriella Johansson, and she'll be joining our team starting today. Let's all be welcoming and refrain from any silly jokes this time," Jack commands in an authoritative tone, which slightly intimidates me.

"Miss Johansson, your desk is right over there," he points towards a table situated near the window.

Walking with a mix of excitement and anticipation, I swiftly arrange my belongings on the desk and take a seat, only to suddenly fall hard on my rear.

It catches me completely off guard. Confused, I inspect the chair and discover that someone had deliberately loosened the screws, causing the mishap. Laughter erupts from my colleagues, and when I glance at Jack, he offers a regretful smile, indicating that I'm on my own in this situation.

This is going to be a lot more challenging than I had ever imagined.

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