Chapter 2

No one knew what was going on inside Chase's head at the time. The scene of his humiliation this morning was a traumatic experience that he would never forget. His work was also hampered because he was too preoccupied with swearing.

Aidan, his assistant, remained silent and didn't say much. He knew there was nothing he could do to change his boss's mood.

"Have you dealt with it?" Just ask Chase.

"Deal with what, sir?"

"The woman who dared to spit on me."

Aidan gave a nod. "I have, sir. We gave her a substantial sum of money. If she dares to say it to others, we will make her family suffer even more."

"Did you do any research on her family?"

"Yes. Ellen is the name of the woman; she works at the hotel where you stayed."

"What? No, I don't believe so. Aidan, I didn't notice her at the hotel! I'm fully confident she framed me for a profit!"

Aidan never responded to anything else. Instead, he allowed his boss to concentrate on his computer screen. There were several projects on the horizon, and he didn't want his boss to be preoccupied with the woman in the hotel.

"Sir, you will have lunch with your grandfather. Today is your agenda."

Chase hasn't recovered from his hangover from the night before, and he has to deal with his coercive grandfather this afternoon.

"I'd like to savor my lunch, Aidan."

"I'm afraid not, sir. Master Thomas have already established it."

Chase is respected and feared, but there is someone more powerful that makes him look smaller. Chase's power at De Vera Corporation is nothing compared to Thomas De Vera, who owns a real estate business spread across all over in the Philippines. No one knows Thomas De Vera as one of the billionaires in the Philippines.

"Get out, Aidan," Chase yelled.

Aidan instantly moves. He had no reason to stay in his boss's office. Besides, he didn't want to be thrown away by staying in front of his boss, who was not in a good mood.


Talking to Thomas De Vera was one of the things that Chase tried to avoid. Although his grandfather passed on his wealth and power to him, the old man also orchestrated Chase's life. Since his father's death, Chase has become a puppet to Thomas in order to carry on their respected family name.

"You see that woman?" asked Thomas, who gently sliced the meat.

Chase knew the woman his grandfather was discussing.

"I've already said it to you before, haven't I? Sheena Ocampo will only hinder your steps. Now you can see it. She got into the beauty business because of your stupidity. Then she married a man whom she thought was more attractive. "

Chase should have been broken to pieces because of his grandfather's remarks. But what he feels right now is numbness. He couldn't feel anything with the stuttering comments Thomas made.

"Yes, Sheena has got a name in the beauty business. Thanks to Dom's stupidity! Money can buy everything in the world, including happiness for Sheena Ocampo—now called Sheena Romero, following her husband's last name." His grandfather insisted.

"What are you trying to say, grandpa?"

"What I want to say is... Why don't you get married?"

It’s been one year since Chase broke up with Sheena, and their wedding was three days ago. Yet, Chase knew that the pain he feel was still there. But Thomas did not understand his grandson's pain, just like when Chase was forced to come out of the grief of his father's burial. The older man is not merciful at all.

"Why should I get married?"

Thomas lowered his fork and fixed his gaze on his grandson. sharply.

"What did you say, Chase? Why do you have to get married? Of course, if you want to be my successor, you need to have a child. And remember you awe me a lot." He exclaimed without any emotion on his face.

Chase didn't want to marry because women had already duped him. He believes that if he marries again, it will happen again.

"Women will only get in the way of my work," Chase responded sarcasticly.

"Then seek out a woman who will not bother you." His grandfather did not want to lose the argument with him.

"I'm not going to look for it." He responded.

"What would you do if you didn't have a successor?"

"I can get a successor without the need to get married, right?"

His grandfather was taken aback by his statement. Chase Dominique's actions will define the family's reputation because everyone knows who Chase Dominique's De Vera is.

"I don't mind if you use any method to have a child. But I dislike children born illegitimately. The Hunter family received a good reputation because their son was born to a legally married woman. If you have children without marrying the mother, the child will not be considered a member of the family in the future."

For Chase, not being a part of the De Vera family is a blessing. He was certain that without De Vera's name in his life, things would be easier. But the name makes things more accessible and livable in terms of wealth.

"Chase, don't dwell on the woman who abandoned you. She was worthless. Did you hear me? That Sheena Ocampo does not deserve to be the type of woman who can break your heart."

Chase had to admit that his grandfather's statements were correct. Sheena is not the type of woman who should break his heart.

"Oh, and you should be aware. Your mother would be upset if she had to be poor. Perhaps you can think of his best option. Getting married and having a successor or life begins everything from the beginning." Thomas quickly raised both shoulders as he said the sentence. Chase could only observe his grandfather, who returned to his food without becoming irritated.

"Did you hear there was something happening this morning?"

Chase just sighed as his grandfather talked about it.

Dom retorted, "Of course not."

"Stop drinking alcohol. Do you want to harm your health for the sake of one woman?"

"Why keep bringing it up? You've already stated that Sheena is nothing."

For some reason, Thomas laughed. But there was nothing funny for Chase.

"What's the big deal?" Chase ask confusely.

"You. Thank you very much. Chase, you made me feel better this afternoon. I had no idea my grandson could be so soothing."

Chase didn't care about his weird grandfather. He was also uninterested in the marriage he was suggesting. Chase will live up to his desires. He is not interested in marriage. Chase will ensure Sheena's business will be destroyed, and she will be sorry for what she did to him. After that, he'll get his life back on track.

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