Chapter 4

Unlike Ellen, who is completely dependent on the hotel manager. Chase De Vera is still struggling with a lot of work in his office. He didn't even dare get drunk outside the house last night. He didn't want the same mistake to happen again Chase didn't want any more names on the list of women who wanted to use him.

"Sir, there is someone who wants to see you."

Chase doesn't have any appointments today. He pursued some work that needed to be completed right away.


"Liam Ramirez."

Chase seemed to have heard the name before. Dom couldn't remember a person's name and face because he used to make small talk with so many people.

"Aida, can you recall that name? I don't recognize the name or face of Liam Ramirez right now. There's no way I'm being so oblivious to our potential client, right?"

Chase can always rely on Aidan as an assistant. He knew Aidan's ability to obtain information about someone always worked. He could only find out about a woman named Ellen, let alone Liam Ramirez, who was clearly well-known.

"Sir, Liam Ramirez is the primary heir of R-Bank. Currently, his father is still the owner, and Liam Ramirez manages his responsibilities under the supervision of his father, Robert Ramirez." Greg explained to his boss.

Chase nodded solemnly. He was confident that Liam Ramirez arrival would bring a large sum of money to De Vera' Corporation.

"You must know what to do then."

Aidan was well aware of his responsibilities. Chase was aware that his assistant was always self-assured in his work.

"Aidan, I'm sorry. Please give me fifteen minutes to prepare before you bring our guests into the meeting room."

"Sir, I understand. I'll accompany Liam Ramirez to the meeting room after you've arrived, sir."

Chase gave Aidan a thumbs up, indicating his confidence in his performance. So, in order not to disappoint the clients who come, he must get ready to go to the changing room in his room right away.


The handshake between Chase Dominique De Vera and Liam Ramirez was not new, but it was Chase's first opportunity to meet Liam face to-face.

"Liam Ramirez." He introduced himself.

"Chase Dominique De Vera," he said quietly.

The two of them already knew each other's names while trying to get to know each other.

"Please accept my apologies for keeping you waiting so long, Mr. Ramirez."

"Just call me Liam."

Chase nodded and replied, "Then just call me Chase, Liam."

A meeting between two important people is no different than any other. When it comes to business, it is very simple to say a nice greeting.

"I'd heard a lot about De Vera's Corporation being of high quality."

"Thank you for the compliment, Liam. I also believe that one of the R-leaders' banks will not select the wrong partner to attract customers."

Liam showed a smile when he heard Chase's words, which had led to the cooperation talks they were about to have.

"In recent decades, R-Bank has been founded by men who are quite old and are hesitant to change their old-fashioned marketing methods. Because technology in this country is already evolving at a rapid pace, there is no harm in experimenting with new methods to demonstrate that we are also very sensitive to existing technology."

Chase paid close attention to everything Liam said. He wasn't going to interrupt because Liam was a potential client for him right now. If they meet at a big event and talk casually, Chase won't want to lose the opportunity to praise his own company.

"I'd like to make a show that proves to new customers why R-Bank is more trustworthy than other banks. R-Bank can especially help businesses with their finances."

Chase knew there would be a reaction from him towards Liam. One of Liam's goals is to make Chase or even De Vera's Corporation one of R-Bank's customers.

"So, some kind of corporate video?" Chase inquired.

"Yes. That sort of thing. I don't understand how to make a short show that makes viewers want to use R-Bank right away."

Chase knew it was impossible, but in Manila, it wasn't just R-Bank that had become the preferred financial institution. To make Liam's wish come true, Chase must put together a team of smart people who can break down ideas.

"After we've worked it out, we'll probably give you the best idea. This impromptu meeting could not immediately generate the best idea. Mr. Liam, I have a team that will work hard to meet your video criteria."

"That's correct. Please forgive me for expecting a quick performance right away."

Chase responded with a soft laugh that wasn't entirely genuine. Because Liam is a client, his current position should be lower. Chase, despite being the boss of his own company, cannot show his arrogance in order to gain the trust of his clients. When Chase is dealing with people who are not profitable for him, he will raise his chin and demonstrate his power.

"Dissecting ideas in depth is essential in the way people who work more in the field, such as us, work. Every company that comes to us with the goal of getting the best results must be familiar with our company's performance. Of course, we will do everything in accordance with the client's wishes after ensuring that the concept meets the client's requirements."

In agreement, Liam nodded and tapped his fingers on the table. "Okay. Mr. Chase, I'll be waiting for more information from you."

Chase extends an invitation to Liam for lunch at the end of the meeting. He couldn't possibly give his client a bad impression.

"We have a rooftop restaurant that is worthy of three Michelin stars. Mr. Liam, you have no other option but to become our client."

Liam's laughter goes up in the air at Chase's arrogance about his perks. "You might be able to open a restaurant in addition to owning a De Vera's Corporation, Mr. Chase."

"Oh. Yes, of course. I considered it, but first I need to find the world's best chef before I can build such a magnificent restaurant."

The conversation of two people with different levels of authority is not uncommon in the business world. Chase and Liam enjoyed each dish in an elegant way. Until Liam said something that instantly made Chase's throat dry.

"I'm not sure if you mind if I bring it up. But I'm just as disappointed as you are by your ex-girlfriend's decision to marry someone else. You two are a perfect match in my opinion."

Chase reached for the glass of mineral water and took a sip while looking to the side.

"Please accept my apologies, Mister Chase. I didn't mean to aggravate your old wounds."

"Yes, I understand, Mr. Liam. Thank you for your appreciation, but Sheena and I are no longer considered "the perfect couple." We're no longer strangers. So, can we change the topic?"

Chase did not want to hear anything about Sheena. So, if anyone mentions that damn woman's name again, he'll issue a similar warning to the other clients.

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