Chapter 4. A Warning

Tristian has finished putting his nightwear on his beloved wife's body. The tall man did not even forget to change his own clothes, so he could be more comfortable, especially when he rested. When everything was finished, the owner of the pair of emerald-colored eyes was silent for a moment. He looked around, including his clothes, then turned his gaze back to Lavena.

The man's face looked tired, but it did not dampen his desire to convey his wishes to the Goddess Asiles, whom they worship daily, to provide a way out for their small family.

"Finally, it is all over. Now it is time to go to bed, but before that, I must pray to the Goddess Asiles in the shrine downstairs. Should I leave my wife, who is still fast asleep alone? How is her condition later if I leave her?" Tristian muttered, confused.

Amid the doubts that hit his heart, suddenly, the father-to-be with a tall stout body walked towards the window, which was tightly closed. Arriving there, both hands tried to open it by pulling the planted key so that when it was released, the window was open, and one could see the surroundings.

Not long after, the key that was planted was released by Tristian so that the window was wide open. He breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at the cloudy sky with many stars and a perfectly round moon.

Is this the time to speak to a goddess, but the question is, to which goddess? If I look at the dark sky, especially towards the moon, I will definitely refer to the Goddess Magia, who is the ruler of the dark night, the moon, and all witchcraft, including the underworld. Maybe it is better to ask her because something directly related to the prophecy to her, thought the man was still hesitating, thinking about the result of Madame Lizhard's prophecy.

Tristian Varden Writh's gaze was now fixed on the sky. He felt something heavy on his taste buds, so no words were spoken there. On the moon, a mysterious, strange woman saw straight at the man who was the chosen messenger in his wife's womb.

"Tristian is there. Before Asiles sees and then comes there to influence the man's mind, I would better go down straight away," she said flatly.

Not long after, the body of the Goddess descended from the full moon, then stood floating right in front of Tristian's eyes, who still seemed oblivious to her arrival. The night's cold, silent, and eerie atmosphere, plus the moonlight, would alert any mortal.

"Tristian Varden Writh," the Goddess called to the man.

When he heard his name being called, the tall man turned around and was almost shocked, because he could not believe what he saw: a mysterious young woman, unexpectedly standing right in front of his eyes, having three faces, and a body, and wearing a long elegant dress.

"Oh, my ... you are—" His voice was cut off, still in shock.

"I am Goddess Magia, who rules the world of night, witchcraft, the underworld, and all that has to do with spirits. You have thought about me in your heart, so now I have come. Why do you have a doubt about me in your heart?" Goddess Magia asked in an even tone.

Goddess of Magic! Unexpectedly, she came by herself in front of me and asked what to do. Should Madame Lizhard's predictions be told so that my wife and I feel at ease? thought Tristian nervously.

As a Goddess, she could easily find out the hearts of fellow gods and goddesses who were immortal, let alone the hearts of mortals. However, she did not want to make Tristian uncomfortable, so she gave him time so he could express himself what he was objecting to in his heart.

Meanwhile, Lavena's husband still felt unprepared because his tongue is numb. An inexplicable aura emanating from the Goddess Magia, who stands floating right in front of her, made creatures, both magical and mortal creatures, fear, tremble, and respect her.

"I ... I ... want to ask something about you, The Goddess. Forgive me for subconsciously calling you in my heart so that it has disturbed you," replied Tristian, stammering.

The gaze of the Goddess, who was very famous in Zlatav's country, could not be guessed by what it meant to humans, so she was able to make a man who would soon become a father tremble. "Goddess ... I am sorry. I and my wife, to be exact, we went to a fortune teller named Madame Lizhard. There, she told a strange prediction about our child who was still in the womb." The man continued.

Goddess Magia was silent because she was listening to everything that was said, including observing Tristian's behavior, which was indeed nervous in her eyes. The sharp eyes, the three faces they have, and the fact that she is standing in the air make ordinary people afraid.

Meanwhile, Tristian, who was afraid, tried to muster all his strength so that he could explain what caused the doubts that had been buried in his mind. The night's atmosphere became even more tense for the residence owner because it was related to the extraordinary events currently being experienced.

"What was in the prophecy?" Goddess Magia finally spoke.

"The content of the prophecy is that our child, who is still in my wife's womb, is a messenger of the Goddess Magia and must be killed because she can harm many people in the future. If we do not have the heart, then we can throw her somewhere, so that I and wife are safe." Tristian told her, but the tone of voice used sounded fearful, as well as trepidation.

Silence fell there. So that what Tristian felt now was a gust of night wind that hit his skin. Goddess Magia was still standing, floating in front of the male mortal. She did not feel strange with that answer, but she felt annoyed with Goddess Asiles, who unexpectedly wanted to eliminate her messenger.

"Did you believe with any words that came from Lizhard?" Goddess Magia asked.

Tristian could not answer because if he told the truth, and the news conveyed was true, then he would definitely be furious. What can I do now? If I do not answer her question, I am not polite. But, if I tell the truth, I am afraid of being cursed, the man thought in trepidation.

"Tristian Varden Writh, you are strictly forbidden to injure the child in your wife's womb, Lavena Isolda Keira. If any one of you or your family, even anyone, dares to stretch out a hand to destroy, then woe to all of you! The proper punishment is death. Never think that all the actions of humans go unnoticed. Remember: elzrath gratzionth uchteriatzh De Magia, Azrothianth gradionth tracteantz gestrianchot De Magia, derth Grazdianth De Magia grasthiontz brantzthie!" [1] said the Goddess with a burning gaze.

Tristian's knees felt weak, so he subconsciously knelt in front of the Goddess, who was staring at him without blinking. From the middle of the body, precisely in the hands of the Goddess, a fireball appeared, then she raised it high and directed it at the man who had looked resigned.

Maybe this is my punishment for believing Madame Lizhard's words. But, as a future father, I really do not have the heart to eliminate my own baby. I am sorry, Lavena, and my beloved child who is still in the womb. I love you all, he whispered weakly, closing his eyes.


1. Elzrath gratzionth uchteriatzh De Magia, Azrothianth gradionth tracteantz gestrianchot De Magia, derth Grazdianth De Magia grasthiontz brantzthie! = Everything in the underworld is subject to the Goddess Magia. All sorcery comes from the Goddess Magia, and all who oppose the Goddess Magia must die!

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