Chapter 5

Georgina's POV

The guides at the airport direct me towards the plane. "Are you Miss Georgina?" One of the officials asked me as I approached the plane's stance.

"Yes, I am."

"You're welcome to the Asark Airport, I believe you're ready to make your flight to Asark." I nod. "We wish you a wonderful experience." He smiles at me and I return a warm smile. A man from among them guides me through the stairs of the plane, I hold the railings as I climb up. My belongings are being taken by three of them to the cargo hold.

I get filled with great expectations as I climb the stairs finally into the plane. "Wow!" I couldn't help but exclaim, the inside is so wide and long, almost everything is made of gold, the walls, seats and floor. Refrigerators and dispensers stand at the extreme corner, I glance around seeing the inscriptions of rooms in it, the bedroom, bathroom among others. This is one of the best private jets from the rough estimate of things though I've never entered a plane before now.

"You're free to use any of them," the man guiding me says, pointing to the facilities. "The Alpha personally instructed me to permit you to be in great convenience here. So you're free!"

"Thanks," I say with a slight bow. It's the Alpha I'm indirectly thanking for this kind gesture though he's not around.

He directs me into my seat. I choose to sit beside the window so I can get a proper view of the earth as we travel. I find this more adventurous than the extravagance Christian has permitted me to enjoy today right inside this plane.

Few minutes later, I hear the door of the plane close, it's time to go. "Fasten your seat belt, the flight takes off in thirteen minutes." I hear the captain announce but I can't see him, the sound system on the wall relates his instructions to me. As I can see, everything here is high-tech. I do as he says, I fasten my seat belt. I wonder if all the officials I met with would follow me on this trip or I'll just be alone with the pilot whom I can't even see, whether it's a robot in there or human captain.

I gaze out into the window all through the flight, at some point I begin to feel hungry. I feel pissed that the air hostess didn't care to bring me some snacks, then I remember that this' a private jet and all I need is at my disposal. For the first time I walked around after getting into the plane. I find myself admiring the different rooms, facilities and scenes inside the plane.

I opened it and took out a chocolate pizza and a strawberry fruit drink. These are my favorites. I walk to the extravagant bedroom with a family-sized bed. I had been permitted to use this. I sit on it, placing the drink on the small bedside table while munching my pizza, I sip my drink along with it. Finally, I was done, I only had to take the last sip of my drink then throw it into the disposer at the far corner.

I feel so exhausted, I need to rest a bit at least before the plane lands. I slide into the soft bed, "Ahhh!" I moan in pleasure as I rest my head on the soft pillow. Is this how life with money is sweet? All my life, I have been accustomed to pain and humiliation. I never realized when I fell asleep, not until the voice of the pilot enhanced by the sound system on the walls woke me up.

"Seven minutes to land, fasten your seat belt."

I hurriedly rush off from the bed, slide into my shoes and walk off to my seat where I heed to the captain's instruction. I resumed my seat near the window as I did earlier. My sleep was short but blissful, I hope to have such a good sleep again.

"The plane is descending in a few seconds." The captain announces again. My heart skips as he says this, in a few seconds I'd be on Asark and soil, and in a few more minutes or hours, I'd meet with the world's most eligible werewolf personality. I had heard that a plane descending can sometimes be more frightening than when it's taking up, this' the exact experience I got.

As the stairs of the plane are dropped down for me to descend, I get filled with high hopes of having Christian welcome me. I descend it, smiling widely. I also find officials here, but different faces from the ones I met back in Ngotu. Perhaps they work for the airport and not the Alpha.

"Welcome to Ashland pack, Asark. This is Dulles International Airport. You'd meet with the Alpha in few hours." My joy slowly slides down as one of the officials tells me this, that means that Christian isn't here at the airport. I feel a change in the atmosphere of things, that special feeling and pride I had in Ngotu, my country is gone. This' no longer Ngotu but Asark where Christian is in authority. I feel the air of his dominance sweep across me, I feel so stupid to expect a revered Alpha like him coming to welcome me at the airport as if I'm the President or a member of the celebrity class.

I get guided into a tinted black Bugatti that is parked at the car zone and we drive away with my luggage at the boot.

The car parks in front of the palace of Alpha Christian. Never have I seen a palace so massive or beautiful like his, not even in pictures and on TV. His castle, the personal one he lives in among the various buildings here is magnificent, it stands out alone among the rest. It's built with glass and steel.

"His Highness is at his home office now, I'm taking you to go see him." The man guiding me from the airport says, I quiver. "Don't be afraid but maintain your composure, give him the respect he deserves."

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