Chapter 2. The Twin Alphas

"But-" I interjected. "Mayhem-" 

"Nob buts.  You'll be my partner soon. We have to protect our soon-to-be pack." he said and leaned in to kiss my nose.  

"Alright, make sure to come back." I said, "Promise?"  

He smirked and ruffled my hair, "Of course, I'm strong enough."  

I wonder how he could stay calm at times like this. Only Mayhem could do this.  

"Dad!" I yelled for my dad, even though I already knew the answer.  

He had already shifted in his black fur and stood beside me. He flashed me a sad smile but stood still, "Protect everyone in my stead." 

I blinked, knowing what he meant. "No, dad, I'm not going to let them attack us." 

"Just evacuate the weak. Let me handle this!" 

I did as he told me and ushered the women and children to our safe place, "This way!" 

I looked at our place once more. We already had memories here in our short time. Even though we had been going home after home and transferring here and there, this was the safest place. How come enemies got to us? 

"Are we going to die?" asked Lily, our adorable playmate. 

I sighed and kissed her forehead to comfort her...more like comforting myself. "No, my dad is there to protect us, now hide until we win, okay?" 

Once I made sure they were safe, I went back to help my father, who was still fighting, but he just glared at me.  

"Why did you return? No one can protect the children!" 

"I'll help here."  I took down one enemy. Judging from the smell, I knew it. The alpha twins are here to spread mischief again.  

"Surrender now, rogue leader."   one of the twins. I gritted my teeth. Damn this twin. They know nothing except to kill.  

"One of you here stole our one-year supply of food." the other twin said, and we all stopped and listened to him.  

"I mean, no hard feelings, but we're only taking back what's ours."  

"We wanted your payment, rogue leader. We can leave here can hand over your daughter. She's beautiful enough." I gritted my teeth and stood in front.  

"Is this your mate?" they both asked, clutching Mayhem's deformed head, and I gasped at the sight.  

I fought the urge to cry. They just killed my mate. Mayhem, goodness. We were just having fun earlier, laughing, teasing, and poking fun. What happened?  

"Yes. Why did you kill him?" All I could see now was red. I'm fighting for sanity over my wolf going berserk. I'm shaking in anger, and my wolf was throwing battles inside.  

"He was the one who stole our food. Just payback."  

I was about to attack them right there and then, if only my father had not pushed me back, "Leave here." 

"No, they killed Mayhem!" I argued back.  

He yelled, "Just leave!"  

I turned to the twins, "No, you surrender!" 

The twins laughed at me, "She's fierce. I like that." 

"Arya, get back here!" Yelled my dad and I did as he told me.  My father then stood in front,  "I will not let you get my daughter or any of my members." 

"I know you, you're the former beta of Alpha Rufus from Shadow pack." The twin said. "What's the reason why you left?"  

My father just went quiet and bravely asked, "What do you want exactly?"  

They shrugged, "Well, we finished our payment. Now, we'll avenge what you've done."  

My father instantly understood, seemed stunned, and breathed out. "Let's settle this in another way-" 

"No, that can't be done. We waited for years. We want it now."  

I looked at   "Dad, what did you do to them?" 

Dad sighed, "I-It's a long story, dear. Whatever will happen, please take care of the pack." 

"Dad, no-" 

My father was on high alert, ready to take the twins. They both attacked my father. My dad managed to cling to the twin and bite the other.  

"You're old, but I must admit, you've got the energy." the twin commented. 

They continued fighting until my father lay flat on the ground. 

I gasped, going to his body and letting the tears fall.  

I yelled, and the twins just looked at me. 

I have to avenge their deaths! "You killed my father and my mate." I gritted my teeth, trying to contain my anger. I must not explode. Now that my father's pack has no leader, he left me to take care of this. 

I formed a plan in my head and wiped the tears from my eyes.  

"Take me then," I said out loud, my words without thinking, and my pack gasped.  

"Arya, you can't-" 

I ignored them. "But in return, you have to make sure my pack is alive."  

"And what can you offer?" one of them asked.  


I was desperate. so desperate. I'm trying to keep my family and loved ones alive. 

I am the solution. Plus, I will avenge my father and Mayhem's deaths. I'll make sure their deaths were not in vain.  

"Anything? Are you sure about that?" 

I nodded, not even sparing a glance at my partner, who looked obviously angry.  They both smiled and grabbed my hand, "Of course, that will be lovely. You'll be our slave then."  

As soon as they touched me, I commenced my plan. I instantly tried to bite their  off and attacked, but then I flinched when their hands came into contact with mine. Disbelief was in their eyes as they gave a signal to each other.  

"You're our mate?" the twin asked in disbelief.   

The other one looked at me in disgust, "No way, a rogue's daughter?" 

They grabbed me and tried again to confirm their suspicions, but they stopped, eyes dilating, palms sweating, and heartbeat quickening.  

I gulped. It's no doubt. They are my mates…

My attack plan on them was halted.  

How come this will happen? I thought Mayhem was my mate? What came of these two devious twins?  

"Let's settle this matter with our pack. There must be confusion, Zef."  

"Yes, this is impossible, Kai."  

They then grabbed me and said, "You'll be coming with us."

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