Chapter 3. New Life

I woke up in an entirely different place. There was a soft mattress I was lying on, a soft rug around the room, and the window was open. 

I expected to wake up in a dungeon with stinky rats and dark cells, yet here I am I, in a beautiful room like a princess. How long was I asleep? My flashbacks of the event came to my mind, replaying and bruising my heart's wounds again.

Mayhem. And dad... 

I miss them already. 

I hate these twins for killing them in front of my eyes, but what I hate the most is me, just standing there weakly and not having any power to fight back, knowing I can’t win, yet 

Ever since I knew they were my mates, I couldn't even believe it and refused to acknowledge it. 

There is no way that is true, right? 

I promised to be their slave, to do anything for them. How stupid was I? How could I know I was able to perform what they’ll want? What if they want my soul, right? 

Yet I ended up being their mate.  

The door opened and I was greeted by the twins.

“You’re awake.” One of them stated and leaned on the wall, while the other sat beside me.

“We failed to introduce ourselves. Call me Alpha Zeferion. Or Zef if you feel like it.” said the alpha beside me, who had a tattoo on his neck. 

“I’m Kaizelus. Kai for short.” said the twin standing on the wall with piercings in his ears. 

I cleared my throat, feeling it dry, “How’re the other rogues? Did you keep your word and keep them safe?” 

Zef nodded and handed me a glass of water, “Yes, as promised. They even held a burial to your father and your past mate.” 

I hissed at the mention of them. “You…they wouldn’t get killed if you two didn’t go to our place!” 

They sighed. “That’s just how things work. You lose things. What’s your name again?” 

I gritted my teeth, wanting to claw out their eyes but I held still, “I’m…Arya. Arya Keziah.”

“What a pretty name. He then sighed, “We know you are confused with the mate thing, don’t worry, we are too.”  

I chugged down the water and faced them, “Why? Answer me why did you attack our pack. I know it’s not just about the whole stealing food thing.” 

I said out loud. 

“Your father killed our mother.” Answered Kai. 

I scoffed, “And you two killed my father and mate. Isn’t that enough and even got me here?”

“Get ready first, bathe and eat. We’re going to the necromancer to ask about this.”

“Do you really believe we are mates?” I asked them. “That is disgusting.”

They both glared at me. “No, this is disgusting for us as an Alpha for a lowly Rogue like you. Do you think we got you here for nothing? We want to confirm it.” Said Kai and I just kept my mouth shut. 

They both left me to do my business. I was tempted to escape through the window, yet there were patrol guards everywhere. 

I muttered a curse. I don’t even want to obey their commands, and instead of showering, I stay rooted to the bed. 

After around 15 minutes, Kai went to check and clicked his tongue, “Oh dear, a disobedient she-wolf like you won’t survive if you’re going to continue that attitude.”

I scoffed and stood up, “Or what?”

Kai instantly grabbed my neck and pinned me to the wall, nibbling on my ear as he said, “Or I’ll make you regret that attitude.”

His hard gaze was pinning my soul, yet I dared to meet his gaze, “Really? I’m scared now.” I said sarcastically.

“Kai, what’s taking her so long?” asked Zef from the outside, and Zef put his finger on my lips to silence me.

“Between me and my twin, you should keep an eye out for yourself. We’re only acting friendly now, rogue. But try making us angry and you’ll see why we have the reputation.” 

He then let go of me and motioned to the door beside which leads to the bathroom, “Now, want us to give you a shower or?”

I gritted my teeth and instantly went inside the bathroom. I turned on the water and stood there silently, blankly staring at the wall.

There were already towels, shampoo, and soap with other bathroom necessities, so I quickly took a shower, and when I got out, I saw that there was a fresh set of clean clothes laying on the bed. There was even underwear there. 

They must have given this to me...

I put on the large black shirt and a black pair of skinny jeans with boots. At the dresser, there were a hair comb and girl essentials, so I combed my hair and got out, where Zef was waiting for me.

He looked at me up and down but sprayed perfume on me, saying, “Your rogue smell is strong it might trigger our pack members to attack you.” 

I nodded and let him go. 

He sniffed me one more time to check and nodded, “Good enough.”

After that, we went outside the packhouse and to the car waiting by the gate, where Kai was waiting for us. I could see his pack members surrounding us as they looked at me with curious gazes.

“Is that the rogue girl?” asked the she-wolves. 

“Shss. The Alphas might hear you.” Another one replied. 

“They caught her here. Look, she looks so ugly.”

Zef’s head turned to them and gave them a long hard gaze, his hand grabbing my arm protectively, “Don’t mind them.”

I just gave the she-wolves a look and rolled my eyes at them. They gasped but didn’t have time to get back to me as Zef opened the backseat car door for me and I hopped on it. 

Kai was in the driver’s seat, and Zef went in the passenger door.

The car's engine turned on and we took off. The car ride was 20 minutes long as we passed through the deep forest. Since they took me here while I was asleep, I couldn’t even know which direction my pack was going by how hidden Alpha Kai and Alpha Zef’s territory were. But one thing I’m sure of is that it’s in the east part. 

I planned on escaping and opening the door, but Kai’s eyes were on me as he drove in silence. 

I glanced at both of them. Now notice how different they are despite their looks. Alpha Zef was more on the gentler side, while Alpha Kai was aggressive and dominant. I have to be careful with him as much as I can. 

We arrived at the destination, where we spotted a tall treehouse in the middle of nowhere.

Alpha Kai mumbled something, and an old man with a long beard appeared from the house.

“Twin alphas. To what do I owe this visit of yours?” he asked, approaching us.

“Your prophecy has happened,” Zef announced and the old man gasped.

He shook his head, suddenly panicking as he ushered us into his house. 

“Being twins who became alphas is trouble enough, and with you two having the same mate, a rogue one is another trouble. The Lycan king will come after you.” The way the necromancer’s voice was shaking took my interest.

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