Chapter 2

As they approached the throne room, the guards standing on either side of the large golden double doors pushed them open for the siblings and they they bowed. The siblings found their parents sitting on their thrones. They were the spitting image of their mother while the only thing they got from their dad was their eyes. 

A few other people Ron recognized were there. Like the Royal Advisor, Physician, members of the royal court and so many others.

King Cain was dressed in a golden and maroon attire. He was holding the royal golden scepter which was passed down from generation to generation. He will also pass it down to Ron when it was time. His dark hair was streaked with silvery grey hair which was covered a bit by the golden crown on his head.

One look at King Cain would tell anyone he wasn't to be messed with. He had a stoic expression and the hard look in his eyes commanded respect. Ron was most especially afraid of him. 

Queen Lilian was the epitome of elegance. She was dressed in a floor length shimmering royal blue dress, sitting with her back straight. Her auburn hair was pulled into a tight bun and the golden crown on her head made her glow. She had kind dark eyes that always made people feel at ease and a smile so beautiful one couldn't look away. Ron loves her the most. 

"Mother, Father" he said as he bowed while Rose curtsied.

King Cain's brow twitched for Ron mentioned his mother before him. He knew Ron always did it to anger him but today was a very good day for him. His daughter had finally picked a suitor. What father wouldn't be happy?

"Rise" he commanded and both siblings stood straight. "I'm sure you both know why you have been summoned"

Princess Rose nodded while Ron stood there with a blank look. How would he know why he had been summoned? His dad had kept him confined to his room for weeks. The only places he was allowed to go was the library and training ground. If he was caught anywhere else, he'd be punished so how would he know what was happening? Rose didn't tell him anything either.

Queen Lilian noticed her son's look and she couldn't help but smile. "Ron dear, your sister is getting married in a week"

Ron didn't know how to react. In fact, he didn't even know how he felt. Joy was certainly not one of the feelings though. He looked at Rose as if he was wronged. "You're getting married?" he asked.

Rose, who couldn't hide her joy anymore let out a blinding smile. "Yes brother. To the King of Netheridge in the North. Our marriage was arranged a week ago"

Ron was stunned. "A week ago?"

She nodded earnestly. "Yes. Father had you studying rigorously and I didn't want to distract you so I decided not to tell you until today"

"That's very thoughtful of you Rose" King Cain praised. "And Ron, aren't you happy for your sister? Won't you congratulate her?"

He balled his fists and gritted out a word. "Congrats". Honestly, he was angry. Angry that such an important thing was kept from him. Rose was like a shield that stood between him and his father. She always took on more responsibilities than him and always told him to live his life with no worries. She had always protected him and now she was leaving him without a warning. 

And for who?

A King in the North? He had never heard of such a title in all his life. 

"Anyway, the wedding will be held in the North as the King requested" King Cain continued. "Sadly, the Queen and I cannot attend. Therefore, Ron, you'll have to accompany your sister"

Ron felt like needles were pricking his heart. He wanted to lash out, to question Rose but even he knew that the place was unsuitable for his parents would deem his unreasonable. He bitterly swallowed his anger and just nodded at his Father's command. 

Everything was happening too fast for him. When did all these happen? Did Rose really accept the marriage? Wasn't she forced by their father? And who is this King of the North? He had never heard of him. In fact, he had never heard of a place called Netheridge. Why would his father agree to such an alliance? Why would Rose agree? Why would his mother agree? Everything seemed fishy. How was it all arranged? 

He gazed at his mum and she sent him a soft smile. She could see the emotions whirling in her son's eyes. She understood how conflicted he must feel so she had a plan to talk to him later. 

King Cain however, was just too happy. He had heard of the King in the North. No news was bad. In fact, everyone loved the King. According to his research, the Kingdom wasn't small either and they had power over the entire North. Having his daughter rule side by side with the King will bring him immense joy and power. An alliance with the North through marriage was like hitting a jackpot. 

"The carriages will be ready tomorrow. You both are to leave first thing in the morning. Netheridge is very far" he said then gave Ron a serious look. "And Ron, you must take perfect care of your sister. You must protect her and make sure things progress smoothly. Also, you must notify us of the events. A few servants will go along with you as well. You must behave yourself and act like the Prince of Ashenmore that you are. Do you understand me?"

Ron knew exactly what his father meant. Act like a man! A proper prince! He nodded anyway. "Yes Father"

Satisfied, King Cain nodded once. "You can leave now. I'd like to speak with your sister alone"

Ron nodded but before he left, Rose asked; "Father, can Ron go out today? Since it's such a joyous occasion, I believe he should be allowed to celebrate in his own way. Besides, he has been studying diligently and the teachers have been giving nothing but good reviews"

King Cain didn't mind at all. Normally he would but he was overjoyed. "Sure sure. Just don't stir up any trouble or I'll lock you up for real this time"

"Thank you father" he said, bowing once more then left.

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