Chapter 3. Victoria University

An hour later, we arrived at the iron gates to Victoria University, where my parents ensured they saw me to the administrative building to begin the registration process. I felt awkward, thinking I wasn’t quite ready for this. I had been home-schooled for two years of secondary school, from senior secondary school 2 to 3, due to an incident I had tried hard to get out of my mind that haunted me ever since. 

“Sweetie, are you okay?” Mom asked. 

“I am… fine.” 

Dad grasped my hand tightly in silent support while we waited. Afterwards, a lady directed me to where I submitted all relevant documents. I fought hard not to hyperventilate as thoughts of life away from the comfort of home filled my mind. What if such an incident repeated itself? What if I was powerless to stop it again? What if-? 

“Miss Precious Badejo?” I looked up, startled. Pulling myself together, I got up and smoothed down my skirt. I took a deep breath and followed the lady into her office to complete my clearance. 

“Your mom and I are heading back home. Take care of yourself, remember if you need anything, call,” Dad said as he tipped my chin up and looked me in the eye. Mom smiled and hugged me tightly. I tried hard to hide that I was crumbling a little inside. 


“Excuse me. I believe this is my room?” 

There was a momentary silence before the noisy chatter continued. The girls, who had paused to glance at me, ignored me. There were three of them. I assumed they were all my new roommates. Unfortunately, it wasn’t possible to have a single room all to myself despite how much I loved my privacy. So not the most welcoming bunch. I sighed as I took a few more steps into the room and shut the door behind me. I felt my heart sink at the sight of the two bunk beds in the room. The floors were cream-tiled, and the walls were painted a light shade of blue. A white ceiling fan spun at the centre of the ceiling, creating a gentle breeze within the room. The only surface free of any personal belongings was a top bunk. Oh great, I was left with no choice. 

“Hello, I’m Anna.” One of the girls said before she turned to throw a pillow at another girl who had earbuds in the whole time, nodding her head to the music. 

“What?” She asked, looking confused. Anna tucked one of her long braids behind her ear and jerked her head toward me. “Oh, hi.” The second girl said. “You must be the new girl we have been expecting. I am Adaeze.” 

She was a slim, tall girl with smooth dark skin. 

“I am Nafisa,” The third girl smiled, flashing a set of clean, white teeth. “What is your name?” Her accent had a distinct northern lilt to it.

“My name is Precious nice to meet you all.” I guessed they weren’t that bad after all. 

“What department are you in?” Anna asked with a bit too much enthusiasm. 

“Microbiology.” Her face fell at my reply. “Oh.” 

“Never mind, she has been hoping for more coursemates in her department,” Nafisa explained. “Adaeze and I are both Political Science students while she’s in Computer Science.” 

“Why did you resume so late? Lectures started weeks ago. Lucky for you, freshers welcome, and orientation isn’t for a few days.” Anna said, watching me curiously with her wide-set, almond-shaped eyes as she twirled another loose braid around her finger. 

“I had some stuff to prepare at home,” I replied vaguely, looking away. 

“Give the girl her breathing space, Anna,” Adaeze said, throwing the pillow back at her. She had taken out her earbuds and turned her attention toward me. “You’re my new bunkmate, so you better get settled in. We’ve got lectures tomorrow.” 

“Why do weekends fly past way too fast?” Nafisa sighed, starting off another round of chatter. 

I was glad to be ignored this time as I arranged my stuff in the empty wardrobe. I was not lucky enough to get a table or chair. I knew I had to be ready to improvise. Once in a while, I would feel curious eyes watching me, but the girls would give me a nod or smile and continue their gist. I had just stuffed all I could into the wardrobe when a few girls walked in with barely a knock. I looked up in irritation, nearly forgetting that the room wasn’t mine alone. 

“Anna, I have come to get the wardrobe…. oh.” A tall, dark girl announced. She stopped short when she saw me. “New roommate?” She asked the girls. 

“Yup,” Anna said. 

“You promised you would give her the wardrobe today,” Another girl said with her arms folded. “Now someone else has come to claim it just like that.” 

I remained where I was silently, automatically figuring out that neither of the girls was a freshman like I was. 

“Sorry, BB. She just arrived and has been assigned to our room,” Anna said, shrugging apologetically. 

I cleared out the wardrobe. Everything that I had neatly arranged just a few minutes ago, I dumped back into my box and sat cross-legged in the corner of the room, trying hard to keep my annoyance in check. Eventually, the girls had a change of heart and left the room without the wardrobe. It was then I knew furniture was a scarce commodity in our hostel. I spent another half hour rearranging my belongings and abandoned the artistic effort I had put into the task the first time. Later in the evening, the girls went for dinner and invited me along. However, I wasn’t quite ready to leave the room, so I declined and made do with my provisions. I savoured the little time I had to myself. My phone rang, and I checked the caller ID. 

“That was quick. I am impressed.” 

“Of course, I need to check up on you. How’s it going so far?” Sylvia replied, a smile evident in the tone of her voice. 

“No mental breakdowns so far. I am fine,” I replied. 

“Okay dear, take care of yourself and remember if you need anything-” 

“Just call.” I completed her sentence before we hung up. I tucked my phone into my pocket, feeling reassured by each passing moment. In need of a shower, I went to find the bathroom. There were four bathrooms, two shower stalls and toilets each, but I imagined there would still be rush-hour mornings. Afterwards, I returned to the room and prepared for bed with nothing else to do. I still couldn’t sleep, not even when it was past midnight. I expected to stay up late, especially in a new environment. I wanted to be early to class and had less than 5 hours to sleep so I could do so.

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