Chapter 2. Next in Line

Shock, betrayal, and anger. I went through the three phases as I struggled to gain an understanding of what the hell was going on.

Guilt was boldly written on Petula’s face as she mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

My mind flashed back to when I had got the call. After a stressful day at work, I had settled in bed, ready to call it a night and surrender to the power of exhaustion, when my phone rang. I ignored the first ring, hoping the caller would take the hint that I had retired for the night. The ringing stopped and began again. When the ringing persisted, I groaned and reached for my cell phone, ready to curse whosoever was on the line.

The familiar foreign caller ID changed that thought.

“Geez, Petula. I get that we are time zones apart, but it’s an hour to midnight here. I have told you to always consider that when calling.”

“Oh, my dear Blake, something very awful has happened.”

Every single trace of sleep had disappeared instantly from my eyes on hearing Petula’s crying voice.

“Petula, what is it? What happened?”

I knew it had to be bad. Memories of when my mother died came back as I felt my heart panic.

“Oh dear, there was an accident. Dan was on vacation, and they said he had gone boating. There was a storm, and no one expected it… They found his body this afternoon. They are flying him in; he will arrive… his body will arrive tomorrow. Oh, my poor boy.”

Everything had been a blur after her announcement. When her call ended, I couldn’t stop the tears that spilled without restrictions. That same night, I made another call to Petula, who assured me they would halt his funeral until I got there.

I made arrangements and was on a flight the next morning. My journey took three days.

And now here I was hearing Dan had been buried the same day I boarded the damn plane.

She rose and walked toward me while I backed away.

“I tried to stop him; I told him we needed to wait for you. Your father insisted. I’m so sorry. You were already on the plane. I’m sorry.”

My father scoffed. “What’s there to be sorry about, Petula? She has made it clear over the years that she wants nothing to do with this family. She hadn’t even seen her brother for years; she had no right to see him in death.”

I had no come back for my father as I spun around and left.

I could hear Petula scolding my father. It all sounded distant.

My brother and I were not particularly close but we had kept in touch over the years. He had the habit of calling once every month to check on me, and during the past ten years, he had visited me twice.

Dan Sinclair was everything Blake Sinclair was not. The perfect child and the golden heir to the Sinclair empire.

Once, he was my big brother, the one I used to open presents with during Christmas and other holidays. Back when my mother was still healthy and when we had what we called a family.

I heard the approaching steps of someone. I didn’t bother turning around as the wind brought the scented perfume of Petula to me.

“You and your brother used to run around this garden. Your mother and I would watch you both with love and affection. All of those memories seem a lifetime away now.”

I said nothing.

“I know you loved your mother. We all did. What your father did was wrong, and no matter the resentment you hold, it won’t change what happened. Dan understood this. Your father misses you; no matter how much he tries to hide it, he does. We can all move on if we leave the past where it belongs.”

My smile was sardonic.

“Without our past, we cannot learn to grow. Don’t try to apologize on his behalf.”

I and my father’s beef was deeper than it seemed, and forgiveness was out of the question.

“Blake, please stay. Please.”

“I will leave first thing tomorrow morning.”

And I meant it.

There wasn’t anything to pack because I had kept my stuff tightly sealed in my little luggage. I spent the night trying to find an airline that still had an available spot for tomorrow morning. Most were filled up, but I finally found one with a higher price than usual.

I paid anyway, ignoring the little voice in my head that kept reminding me that I would face the consequences of my spending during this so-called trip in a few days.

All I wanted was to run far away from this place, to run and never look back.

This time for good.

When my eyes finally closed, all I had were nightmares of the darkest moments of my life.

I almost yelled in fright as I came face-to-face with the servant, who was also spooked by the awkward event. It was obvious she was about to knock on my door while an unaware me opened up at the same time.

“I’m so sorry, Miss.”

I dismissed her apology in understanding, “It’s fine; you didn’t know I was about to open the door.”

Her eyes trailed to my luggage for a moment before she returned to my gaze. I didn’t miss the surprise she hid so well.

“Mr. Robert asked to see you in the study.”

It was my turn to be surprised, and I didn’t hide it.

“May I take your luggage to one of the drivers?”

I shook my head.

“No, I ordered a cab. It should be here by now.”

“I will take it to the cab then.”

“Thank you.”

I didn’t knock before entering my father’s office, and I didn’t bother to greet him.

“What is it? I have a cab waiting outside, so be quick.”

My father raised his head from the scattered paperwork across his table. “Have a seat.”

“I will rather stand. Make this snappy.”

My father ignored my last remark. “Suit yourself then.”

He leaned back in his seat. “You cannot leave.”

There was a moment of silence before I laughed.

“You can’t be serious.”

The look on Robert Sinclair’s face indicated he was far joking.

I scoffed. “You buried Dan when you knew I was on my way, and yesterday, you made it very clear that I was not welcome here. Now you are telling me I can’t leave. Have you finally lost it?”

His face remained calm as he began speaking. “I never thought a day would come when I would have to bury your brother.”

I swallowed hard. He never thought a day would come when he would have to bury his perfect child.

My father continued. “Frankly, if any child was to die. It wouldn’t have been a surprise if it was you, and neither would it have affected anyone.”

Daggers pierced through my chest.

“But my poor Dan had to die. My son, my heir, the perfect child anyone could ask for. The universe always takes the best ones.”

Ten years. Ten years and Robert Sinclare was still the same dirtbag in a fine suit.

“Did you call me to watch your monologue? If you have nothing important to say, I’ll take my leave.”

“Your brother was the sole heir of the Sinclair empire. And now that he is… things have changed. I am already old and can’t do as much as I used to do when I was younger. Very soon the shareholders and our competitors will try to tear our company down. Your brother’s demise has put us in an open spot, and if we don’t move quickly, the Sinclair empire will fall.”

I scoffed. “I’m sorry, we? How does this concern me in any way? Didn’t you cut me off your will years ago? I do not see how the affairs of your company concern me.”

Again, another flash of memory hit me.

“If you walk out of that door, you will cease to be my daughter, and I will cut you off from my inheritance.”

“I do not care about being your daughter or your stupid inheritance. You ceased to be my father a long time ago.”

I jolted myself back to reality.

He had kept to his words.

I didn’t understand how his company’s affairs concerned me or what the old man was getting at.

My father sighed nonchalantly. “I want you to take over the company. You are next in line to inherit the whole empire.”

I stared at the man, gobsmacked.

“You are crazy.”

And I bolted out the door.

Throughout my ride to the airport, questions kept floating through my head. Was my father crazy? He had to be. What kind of person did he think I was? The nerve of the man. Inherit my foot.

Ten years ago, after my mother was laid to rest, I knew there was no home for me with that man. I was a senior and had just a year left to finish high school. Thankfully, I was in a boarding school overseas; it was the perfect excuse to run far away. The only problem was I had a whole week before I could resume. My body itched to run far away and so I decided I couldn’t wait a week longer.

He was pissed and wanted me to stay. Said the family needed to bond and heal together.

Hypocrite. That’s what he was.

And I said it right to his face. We argued, and I left without turning back. Dan was older and already in college. As expected, he sided with our father and attempted to make me beg the man for forgiveness.

Stubbornness ran in my veins, so I remained unyielding. Months turned into a year, and I kissed goodbye to high school.

Robert Sinclair didn’t turn up for my graduation. Fortunately, I received my mother’s inheritance just in time. I applied for a college in an entirely different continent when I knew I had enough funding from the inheritance.

That same inheritance was what I used to survive the ten years of my life till now.

I wasn’t rich, but I wasn’t starving. So Robert could stick his empire down his ass.

The way I rushed through the airport doors, one would think I was on the verge of missing my flight. But no, I still had about an hour to check in which means I had a lot of waiting to do.

That I didn’t mind.

After heaving a sigh of relief that I would soon return to my normal life, I realized I hadn’t even said goodbye to Petula.

No matter how mad I was at her, I couldn’t resist calling as I knew I wouldn’t have the time to speak to her for hours to come.

Picking my cell phone, I dialed her line. As it rang on the other end, I feasted my eyes watching the activities of other people.

I noticed a young couple staring at me and then returning their eyes up to the television.


Petula picked up just as I discovered the cause of the glances.

My whole body froze as I saw a picture of me and Dan on the television screen with a glaring headline.

“Dan Sinclair, CEO of Tarvex Inc., Confirmed Dead. Blake Sinclair set to Take Over the Company.”

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