Chapter 2

Crystina’s POV

Who else could do such a thing? Take the daughter of his father’s murderer and bring her to live with him. They all thought he had forgiven and forgotten the entire situation that led to the death of his father, but in reality, he hadn’t. He had only brought me into his pack, his home, for retribution. He wants me to pay for the death of his father and his people. As for me, since I had no home, no parents, no pack, and I was just eight years old, I didn’t have a choice but to follow him.

Three years ago, before he left town, he asked me to be his Luna and blatantly I said no, and he told me to my face that I was going to regret saying no to his offer. Three years later, he’s back, about to throw chaos into my silent life and make me regret saying no to him like he had said.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Paige asked as we were about to separate on our way back from school. I hadn’t said a word to her since I heard that he was back, and she hadn’t stopped asking me if I was okay.

I nodded again, scared that if I opened my mouth to talk, I would cry.

“You can stay at my place tonight if you want,” It was a very good option but it wasn’t advisable.

I smiled bitterly. “Your mom doesn’t like me that much.”

“It doesn’t matter, babe, I’ll talk to her, she would let you stay. Come on,” She held my forearm, ready to drag me with her. I stopped her and assured her that I’ll be fine.

“Don’t worry about me, Paige. I’ll see you in school tomorrow,” I assured her again. Reluctantly, she dropped my hand and nodded. “Call me if you need my help.”

“I will. Go now, missus,” I demanded and she did. I waited and watched her back as she walked away till she was out of my line of vision. That was when I also turned and began walking towards the Alpha’s home, Luka’s home.

Three years ago, I got my wolf. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me and it still is the best thing. I tried as much as possible to keep her out of my mind when I’m in school because sometimes, she gets a little crazy.

‘You shouldn’t be this worried, Tina. He’s just back, that’s all,’ my wolf appeared in my head.

‘I want to believe that too, Kris but not when he asked me to be his mate right before he left and I said no.’

My wolf calls me Tina and I call her Kris, when you put it together, you have Crystina as a whole and that is my name.

She huffed. “He might have even forgotten about that. It’s been three years, Tina.”

“I know but will he forget something like that so easily?” I asked as I reluctantly stood in front of the door.

“There’s only one way to know.”

I took in a deep breath before opening the door to the house. Hesitating, I counted to five before walking in. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest as I walked in. My nerves were all over the place, I blinked repeatedly as I rubbed my hand against my neck.

“Crystina!” I jumped as soon as I heard my name. It wasn’t Luka, it was the housekeeper, Miss Mary. Miss Mary, a woman in her late forties, was the nicest person to me in the Alpha’s house. When I say nice, I mean the only person to offer me extra cloth when the weather is cold. That was the only good thing she had ever done for me.

“Yes, Miss Mary,” I replied politely.

“Alpha Luka wants to see you as soon as you’re back. He’s been waiting in your room,” I swallowed hard and blinked again, frantically this time. I wasn’t expecting him to be waiting for me in my room. Why would he be waiting for me?

“Okay, Miss Mary,” I nodded.

“Remember to behave yourself, girl,” She warned before walking away.

One step after another, I slowly walked towards my room, in fear of what the future held, my heart beating rapidly and I had to put my hand on my chest to calm myself down a little. As I took a deep breath, a captivating scent hit my nose. The more I walked towards my room, the stronger the scent was. It was of Lavender and ginger mixed together. I kept getting lured by the scent that I almost forgot about my worries. The scent grew stronger as I stopped in front of my door. Why was it coming from my room?

Mate! My wolf squealed. I forced her to the back of my mind and focused on figuring out the owner of the captivating and alluring scent. Putting two and two together, I realized the only person that was behind that door was Alpha Luka. Was it possible...?

Before I could figure out my thoughts, the door was flung open. His shoes were the first thing I saw, and slowly, I lifted my eyes to see his cold stare, glaring me down. Even though the scent was enough to make me throw myself at him, I was still scared of him and his intentions more than the attraction.

Mate! My wolf squealed again, and I found myself forcing her out of my head for the second time in the last ten minutes. I quickly looked away from him and bowed my head just to see his feet retreating back into my room.

I couldn’t deny how different he looked. He looked really more handsome than before.

“Alpha Luka, good afternoon,” I greeted politely. It’s been three years, I don’t know if he would still prefer me to call him just Luka and not Alpha Luka.

“Were you waiting for me to drag you before coming in?” I jumped at his sudden words. I couldn’t even look up to stare at him.

“No, Alpha,” I stuttered, I stared at my feet and ignored the cold sweat on my face. I clasped my hand together, trying to control my fear.

Silence enveloped the room. The only thing that could be heard was my heavy breathing and the heavy steps that he was taking toward me.

“Why do you look so scared of me, Crystina?” His voice was so gentle and unbelievable. I couldn’t believe my ears, and that made me fear him and his intentions more.

When I felt his hand on my hair, I moved back. That made me look up at him; he looked disappointed, and when he tried again, I moved away. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his body. A loud shriek left my throat as he hugged me against his hard chest, his hands were wrapped around my back instantly. I was so shocked that I couldn’t say a word. My heart began beating rapidly against my chest as he buried his nose in my hair.

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