Chapter 4


About a week after I first suggested it, I received a text at work from Julia saying she'd like to discuss what rules I had in mind for her slavery, if she decided to go through with it. I'd already prepared a written list of rules I was considering, drawn up after consulting with the source material in her books.

There was one thing I was having a problem with. I knew at least some of her fantasies revolved around multiple men using her. Letting her have sex with other men would be hard. This swirling blackness filled my head every time I tried to imagine her with anyone else, and it wasn't pretty. It was not one of my fantasies to see my beautiful wife having sex with other guys.

Let's face it, if she ever had sex with someone outside our marriage under normal circumstances, I'd divorce her in a heartbeat, no matter how much I loved her, and I loved her to the moon and back. I'd always questioned the stories of men who didn't care if their wives slept with other men, and even enjoyed watching them do it. So, I wasn't fond of imagining her with someone else. On the other hand, I'd offered to let her live her fantasies, even if at the same time, I would be living some of my own. I'd gone back and forth on it a dozen times, usually changing my mind a half dozen times in just a few hours.

She also knew how I felt about it. We'd discussed it a few times prior to being married; how I expected fidelity from the person I married, and I'd never told her any different. I'd added it to the list and removed it over and over. Other than that, my list was done, subject only to negotiation.

I did one more thing before I went home. I went to a store that sold bondage stuff, bought a lovely leather collar and matching cuffs for her wrists and ankles. It was more a wish than an expectation, but it was how I planned she could make her decision known.

We had supper as usual, cleaned up the kitchen and then sat down at the kitchen table.

"I am considering doing this," Julia said, "but I want to know what your rules would be before I make up my mind."

I handed her my list. She started reading through it aloud.

"'The slave will begin her day by orally pleasuring her owner. Whether she wears any clothes that day will depend upon whether she swallows his cum. The clothes will be chosen the night before by her owner.' Does that mean if I choose to go nude, I don't have to swallow?"

"It does. I won't force you to swallow, but if you don't, you'll go naked. Your clothes will be sexy regardless. I would like my slaves to be available, shall we say. No underwear or bra, no pants, just dresses or skirts; whatever makes you immediately ready. I want to be able to bend you over and fuck you on the spot without moving clothes out of the way." Her eyes widened a little.

"So if I chose to do my grocery shopping on-line and let them deliver, I wouldn't have to dress that day?"

"Yes," I said. "But you'd have to answer the door naked when the delivery man arrived. Same thing for repairmen, UPS drivers, police officers, your parents or mine if they happened to drop by. You will be naked for the day."

Julia nodded thoughtfully. She recognized I was trying to get her to swallow more frequently when we had oral sex.

"If I realize I made a mistake by not swallowing, is there a way to negate my nudity later?" Julia asked.

"Item number two," I pointed to the list.

"'If the slave wishes to wear clothes at a later time in the day, she can change her status by submitting to a twenty swat spanking on her bare bottom, and fellating her owner to orgasm, swallowing this time. The clothes won't be those she could have worn earlier. They will be briefer and sexier, perhaps sheer or topless. The slave will have lost her opportunity to be more decently dressed.' That's fairly harsh, isn't it?"

"I don't think so. You had your chance first thing in the morning. This is a second chance. Second chances are rarely as good as the first. Keep going."

"'The slaves orgasms belong to her owner. She is not allowed to orgasm without the knowledge and permission of her owner. She is not allowed to touch herself or bring herself to orgasm unless her owner allows it.' No masturbating, huh."

"Not unless I order you to masturbate. If you orgasm without permission, you will be subject to punishment, thirty swats."

"How difficult will it be to obtain permission?" Julia asked. "I mean if I really need to cum, will you refuse your permission just to punish me?"

"Interesting question," I replied. "Usually, I will ask you to wait no more than two minutes past the time you ask, but under some circumstances, where I'm close to climaxing myself, I might ask you to wait until I orgasm, but it shouldn't usually be more than three minutes. It's probably too difficult to tell if it would be longer than that. I usually have a pretty good idea of how close I am. I don't know if I could be more precise than that."

She nodded and looked back at the list. "This one is interesting. 'You will learn some basic slave positions and assume them upon the instant command of any free person.' I assume you mean non-slave. 'You will be punished any time you do not immediately assume the position ordered, no matter who is present or your state of dress or who gives the order.' So if Lisa is here and she orders me into a position, I must assume it."

"That's correct. If you're naked because you chose not to swallow and there are other people present, you will still assume your position, no matter how lewd it is or how embarrassed you are by it, and failure to comply will be a punishable offense, thirty swats."

"I think I can live with that, but I'd need to know what the positions are first. Can you show me what they are?"

"Of course," I said. "Stand up and I'll show you the four I intend to use."

Julia stood up. "The first is the display position, and the command will be 'Display' and which is what I will use to show off your body to its very best, whether just for my pleasure or for the enjoyment of another. Put your feet a little more than shoulder width apart." She spread them. I nudged them a little further apart. "You will stand up with your back straight, your chest thrown out, your chin up and turned slightly to the side, and your hands clasped behind your neck." She followed my instructions. "As you can see, all of your attributes are open for inspection. Your arms pull your breasts up and make them stand out. You will hold that position even if your body is being caressed or inspected." I rubbed my hands over her bottom and her boobs and she shivered. I wondered how wet she was right now, though I wasn't planning to check, yet.

"The next one is the standard slave kneeling position in which the command will be 'kneel'. You will assume this position if I or some other person gives the command. You'll kneel down on the floor with your knees spread wide so your sex is available for my touch or merely to watch. Your back will be straight and hands behind your head exactly as in the display position, except your head will face forward, and your mouth will open to accept the cock of your owner, if he chooses to use it." She followed my directions, assuming the position I placed her in. I had to spread her knees a little wider and make her mouth open slightly wider.

"The next position is a variation of the kneeling position, which I'll call 'Sex Position'. You lean forward from the kneeling position, placing your crossed hands over the top of your head, with your head on the ground, keeping your knees wide and your ass up. Your owner can then use either of the two holes thus presented. Essentially, I want to have sex with every part of you."

"Stop for a moment, Scott. Lisa brought up something while I discussed this with her. She said if you wish to take me anally, it would be better if I were prepared slowly for it. I won't deny you the pleasure of my bottom, but I'd like to be eased into it."


"She suggested a series of increasingly larger butt plugs over the course of three or four days to accustom my ass to being stretched and to having something penetrate me. She said at the end of that time, I should be ready for whatever you wish."

"That sounds like an excellent idea," I said. "I would be willing to alter my rules to allow for this. Now get in that position so you can see what it's like." She got in the sex position, and other than getting her to cross her arms in front of her, she did it well. Of course, we frequently enjoyed sex doggie style, so other than her arms, not much changed from that.

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