Chapter 5

"The last command is really two in one," I said. "'Tie Down' or 'Tie Up'. If given the 'Tie Down' command, you'll go immediately into a variation a variation of 'Sex Position', lying flat, face down with your legs crossed for binding. Both your wrists and ankles can easily be secured in this position. 'Tie Up', you'll be on your back with your arms and legs spread eagled, ready to be tied that way. Show me both of them. 'Tie Down'" She was already in the Sex Position. All she had to do was lower her hips to the floor and cross her legs. "Tie Up". She flipped over and spread her arms and legs. "Very good, dear. You shouldn't have any trouble remembering those, should you?"


"Are any of those too demanding or difficult for you to accomplish?" I asked.

"I don't believe so. How long do I have to get into position?"

"A couple seconds should be sufficient, wouldn't you agree."

"Two seconds seems reasonable."

"Why don't you get up and continue with the list."

Julia got off the floor and sat down at the table, picking up the list again.

"'Your owner has the right to tie or confine you as he chooses. He may use ropes, chains, straps, stocks, cages, or other common bondage gear to accomplish his goal of confinement. These will be used to restrain her preparatory to sex, or punishment, or simply for his pleasure. This confinement will not include withholding of food, bathroom privileges, or anything the slave needs to provide for normal creature comforts. She will have as a minimum, a pad or pillow to sleep on. The temperature will never be so cold the slave would be uncomfortable naked.' I hadn't thought about the temperature angle. I'm glad you thought of it."

"You're welcome," I replied.

"The owner may also use sexual devices on the slave, such as dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps, and other normally accepted sexual tools and accessories. The owner may not use other non-normal items in a sexual way such as broom handles, bottles, candles, etc.' That's something else I hadn't considered. So you won't use food items, such as cucumbers or whatever on me?"

"No. I'm sure we'll have plenty of other items we can use without going into the strange and possibly unsanitary. We'll have to add butt plugs to the list as you wish them to prepare your bottom."

Julia hand wrote butt plugs on the list. "Nipple clamps. You know how sensitive my nipples are."

"Exactly the reason I wish to use them," I said.

"In order to ensure they don't hurt too much, I'd like to be able to try them ahead of time. If they're too painful, I'd like to delete them from the list."

"I consider that a reasonable request I will be glad to honor."

"That's all you have on your list. I'd like to ask a few questions if I may."

"Of course, everything is on the table."

"Do you intend to display me naked to other people?"

"Not out in public. It would only be someplace where your nudity would not cause riots, accidents, or for you or me to be arrested. You are a sex slave after all and your beauty and my good fortune should be shared. You have the ability to dress in something sexy each morning. I intend to keep you naked most of the time when I'm home. Your clothing would only be for when others are over or for going out in public. What clothing you have to wear when others are around is partly up to you. You should expect to be seen naked by others at times. As far as I'm concerned, you're not a sex slave if you're always clothed."

Julia shivered a little again, considering my words. "Would you use me in front of others?"

"It's possible, but not as a regular occurrence. To some extent, it might depend on you. Have you been obedient to my wishes, done everything I've asked. Do you need to be punished. From what I've seen from your reading material, part of what makes up the experience of a sex slave is she is subject to use at any time her owner wishes, whether in private or not. I believe you should undergo the entire experience."

Julia shivered again. She now knew she might be having sex in front of others.

"Do you have any conditions you wished placed on your slavery?" I asked.

"I would like a safe word. If I use the safe word, whatever you're doing must immediately stop."

"That's not unreasonable," I said, "provided you don't use it willy-nilly anytime you're a little uncomfortable. It should be used for those times when you consider the pain unbearable, or where you feel if we were to proceed, it could mean the end of our marriage. Essentially, you want the whole thing to stop, because you can't stand it anymore and wish the experience to end, totally."

"Could I have two words then? One where I want only the current activity to stop, and one for the experience to end."

"Of course. It's a sound idea. What words would you like to use?"

"Alpha, to stop a particular activity. Omega to end it all."

"I would suggest that you give up reading sex slavery romances if you use Omega. You've determined it's not as sexy and romantic as you thought it was. What else?" I asked.

"I don't want to be forced to have sex with other people."

"Perfectly understandable. I will never force you into having sex with anyone else." I took a deep breath. I couldn't believe I was saying this. "However, you might be offered to someone else as a choice which you can make. The choice would be to have some form of sexual contact with another person, or something else, which won't be sexual. For example, you could be offered the choice to suck another person’s cock, to escape some other activity or punishment of a non-sexual nature. The choice would be yours. No one else would make it for you or push you either way. You wouldn't be forced into it, but it might be the more acceptable alternative to you."

"You would want me to have sex with someone else, Scott? We've talked about this before. You told me you'd divorce me if I ever strayed from our marriage."

"And I still would, under normal circumstances. This is something which gave me the most trouble when I was considering your possible slavery during the past week. In sex slavery, the slave doesn't have a choice in whom they serve. I want you to have as close to the experience as I can give you for this period of time. In a sense, you aren't choosing sex with another person, I'm making that choice for you, so you're not responsible, I am. But I still want there to be some choice. If doing something with another person is totally abhorrent to you, you can choose not to do it. But it could be the better alternative for you at that moment. If it is, I won't hold you responsible for the choice. You're following the instructions of your owner, me. Obviously, once your slavery is over, all the normal rules apply. I expect your usual fidelity. I'm not looking forward to you possibly engaging in sexual activity with someone else, but I'm not going to fault you in the slightest should it be your choice to make it when faced with a choice."

"Do you really believe it's possible for you to ignore what happens and not blame me? If you're giving me a choice and don't want to see me having sex with someone, then if I chose it, it was my choice, because I could always have picked the alternative. You can still blame me for not choosing the alternative."

"The alternatives won't be easy. I'm not giving you easy choices. Let's say, for example, you made a bad choice in the morning, thinking you were willing to go naked all day. But your parents decide to come over. The normal way to escape being naked in front of your parents is to submit to a twenty swat spanking and fellate me to an orgasm and swallow. Now, you could do this in front of your parents, thereby giving you your clothes, although still sexier than your first choice that morning. But, I could offer you the choice of giving Jerry a blow job the next time he came over. Now your choices are, stay naked in front of your parents, submit to a spanking and blow job with me in front of your parents, or Jerry at some later time. Which would you choose?"

"Thanks a lot. Those are three wonderful choices. Stay naked in front of my father, have sex with you in front of my parents after receiving a spanking and still wearing something provocative or sheer, or blow Jerry at some later time. All of them suck."

"Exactly. None of them are exactly palatable. Which would you choose? You're a sex slave and those are your choices."

"Couldn't I get my spanking and do your blow job in the bedroom away from my parents?"

"Theoretically, it's my choice when and where you're punished and have sex. And, you'll still end up wearing something provocative in front of your father, say something transparent on top, or even topless. Your real choice ended when you chose what you did in the morning. Now you're faced with this. What do you choose?"

"If it was just my mother, I'd probably go naked. With my father there, shit, probably blowing Jerry at a later date."

"Faced with those choices, I'd have a hard time faulting you for choosing Jerry. If it were my parents, I might choose blowing Jerry. It's a hard choice to make. And given them, I couldn't blame you for your choice. All of them are bad, but if you want to experience the life of a sex slave, it could be one you have to make."

"If we decide to do this, I think I'm going to call my folks and tell them what we're doing and under no circumstances are they to drop in on us."

"I might do the same with mine. It's only one possible example. There could clearly be other things which could happen and you're faced with similar, equally unappealing choices. The final choice is yours, but I'm not going to be critical of any choice you make."

"Jesus, Scott. I can't believe you're actually talking about me having sex with anyone else."

"Like I said. This was the toughest thing I had to decide, but I'm willing to give you the closest possible experience to actual sex slavery. After we're done, you may decide it isn't wise filling your head with these ideas. Reality is rarely as pretty as fantasy."

"I need to think about this some more. This is going to be tougher than I thought."

"Of course. I would be disappointed if you didn't take as much time as you need to make a reasonable choice for yourself."

I got up and went to the package I set on the couch when I came in. I brought it back to the table and pulled out the collar, then the cuffs.

"If you choose to continue with this, you have only to put this collar on and I'll know you've chosen to be a sex slave for three weeks."

"Would the slavery start as soon as I put the collar on?" Julia asked.

"No. I'd prefer to take off at least part of the first week of your slavery until we've gotten into the rhythm of it. It will take about a week to arrange some time off. Your slavery would start on Friday before my time off. That would give us several days together before I have to return to work. You'd still be a slave while I'm at work, but your days would be relatively easier once I go back. I'd expect you to wear the collar as a reminder of your choice until the slavery starts."

"What do you expect to get out of this if we decide to proceed?" Julia asked.

I smiled at her. "I expect to fuck you ragged."

Julia shivered again.

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