Chapter 3


It was absurd, wasn't it? What an idea; to voluntarily submit myself to the sexual whims of Scott for three weeks. I started to read again, but I couldn't concentrate on the words in front of me. Three weeks wasn't that long. It would be a chance to experience some of what I'd read about and fantasized about for years. And Scott did love me and wouldn't do anything to harm me. Speaking of pussy melting, I could feel myself become wet as I sat here thinking about it, becoming Scott's sexual plaything for three weeks. I'm sure he'd have me doing things I tended to avoid ordinarily, like swallowing when I gave him a blow job, or anal sex, a thing I'd only done once on our fifth anniversary when I was more than a little drunk. Still it was only three weeks. How bad could it get?

God, I had to go into the bedroom and masturbate after twenty minutes, unable to think about anything else. I quickly frigged myself to two orgasms and rather tasty ones at that. There'd have to be some rules, of course. I don't know what he had in mind when he suggested it, but I certainly had my own ideas of what he could get away with. Just thinking about the rules I had to cum again. Come on, Julia. Put it out of your head. You don't have to decide right now. Let logic dictate your actions. Think about it for a while, come up with some rules, negotiate. After you establish some rules, think about it some more. There's no rush. I wondered what he had in mind. Could this take our already good sex life and send it to another level? Fuck! I had to cum again. Calm down. Breathe.

I finally got enough control over myself to make supper. I didn't say anything to Scott. It was still too early; but we had great sex later that night. It wasn't an earthquake, but maybe the precursor tremors or aftershocks.

The following day, my very good friend and neighbor, Lisa McManus, came over to see me. She and her husband, Jack, had divorced about a year ago. Lisa said that they had just grown apart, having sex less and less as time went on. Jack eventually had an affair leading to their divorce. I had no idea why they stopped having sex. Lisa was cute as a bug, around 5-7 tall, pale skin, dark hair, great figure. Why Jack stopped having sex with her was a mystery to both Scott and I. It's not as if Jack wasn't a bit of a stud muffin either. He wasn't quite as tall as Scott, but he was a pretty tight package. There was no accounting for taste I guess. The woman Jack was with now was half the woman Lisa was, though she was five years younger. Lisa had been hit on a number of times since her divorce and she'd had a couple of brief flings, but nothing stuck, so she was unencumbered. Neither of us had to work, so we spent a lot of time together. Lisa was thirty-five, I was thirty-one and Scott was eighteen months older than I was.

I told Lisa what Scott suggested to me; that I could experience what it was like to be a sex slave for three weeks to see if the dreams nourished by my books was close to the reality.

"Sounds sexy," Lisa said. "Are you going to do it?"

"I don't know. Just thinking about it last night made me masturbate to orgasm four times, and the sex last night was toe curling. You know how much I enjoy those fantasies. But I admit, I'm scared. It's a big leap from my imagination to reality."

"I sometimes wonder if Jack and I didn't let our marriage stagnate by not doing more adventurous things once in a while. How's the sex normally?" Lisa asked

"The sex is good. Scott's a considerate lover and tries to ensure I have a good time. We don't bungle in the jungle as much as we did when we were newlyweds, but we still have sex once or twice a week."

"I wish I was getting it once or twice a week. I suspect if Scott has you agreeing to this, it will be more like once or twice a day."

My pussy got damp thinking about it.

"So how long do you have to decide?" Lisa asked.

"He told me to think about it for a week or so and we could negotiate the rules. I'd expect there'll be lots of nudity, and maybe some things I'm not normally willing to do."

"What don't you like to do?"

"I don't like to swallow during oral sex and I don't do anal. I tried it once on our fifth anniversary when I was really drunk and it was mostly painful."

"Drunk is not the way you want to do anal," Lisa said. "You need to build up to it a little, and some control is required so the man doesn't pound you like a tent stake. Drunk is not good when control is needed. Plus, most men don't cum as quickly when they're drunk so they last longer. Not good if you're taking it up the Hershey highway. Don't you find not swallowing to be a lot messier? I mean, unless you have a rag handy, he's going to spray it all over the bed, or you."

"I usually have to change the sheets after doing oral," I admitted. "Do you do anal?" I asked, intrigued to know this about my friend.

"I've been known to surrender the poop chute. I don't do it often, but I tend to enjoy it when I do. I usually have an enema if I plan on doing it. It's a lot cleaner that way. Otherwise, it's nice to have a wet washcloth handy to clean the cock afterward."

"Why the hell did Jack divorce you?" I asked. "You sound much more adventurous than I do in the bedroom."

"Hey, I don't have the answer to that one. If I did, I wouldn't be divorced, would I? What kind of rules are you considering?"

"No sex with anyone else, obviously. Sounds too risky for my marriage. I suspect Scott wouldn't want me having sex with anyone else anyway, but better safe than sorry."

"Kind of defeats the point of sex slavery, doesn't it? You're reading stuff about being sold to multiple men. Isn't it part of your fantasy to be used by more than one?"

"You and Scott both? I can't believe you. It's a fantasy. Doesn't mean I want it for real."

"I'm kind of a 'where there's smoke, there's fire' kind of girl. If you think about it, doesn't it give you a tingle to think multiple men could use you?"

Oh, she was so right. I had the tingle now. Still, I couldn't imagine Scott would allow me to have sex with other men. To the best of my knowledge, he took his marital vows very seriously, and I'd never had reason to think he ever did more than look at another woman. "I doubt it will be in his rules for my slavery," I said.

"You don't know what his rules are yet, do you?" Lisa asked.

"No. If I think I want to do it, we'll sit down and negotiate. He hasn't said anything about his expectations. It sounded like he wanted to do it for me; to let me play out my fantasies, though I know he's thinking of maybe playing out some of his own. I know he's read some of the stuff I've been reading to see what's going on in my imagination. That scares me a little, him knowing what I've been reading. I'm thinking he might have some very powerful triggers aimed straight at my pussy."

"That can't be all bad," Lisa said. "I wish someone had some aimed straight at mine."

"Do you have any ideas for rules I might want to impose if I choose to go through with this?"

"Well, if you're not used to anal sex, you might want to negotiate for your ass to be prepared."

"Prepared how?" I asked.

"For him to use progressively larger butt plugs for three or four days to stretch your anus out and get you used to having something in your rectum. It's what I did before engaging in anal sex."

We talked a little longer about what some of my rules should be. Like every day for the next three days. Every day after we finished talking, I was in my bedroom with my vibrator, taking the edge off. More and more, I was thinking I'd like to try this, but I was still scared. Scared not so much I wouldn't be able to get through three weeks, but maybe I'd want more than three weeks. What would happen to my marriage then?

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